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  • Unscrupulous Internet provider: what to do, where to complain? Is it possible to complain about the Internet provider to Rospotrebnadzor On the landing, the Internet provider installed equipment without the consent of the homeowners, on a written request to kill

Unscrupulous Internet provider: what to do, where to complain? Is it possible to complain about the Internet provider to Rospotrebnadzor On the landing, the Internet provider installed equipment without the consent of the homeowners, on a written request to kill

You can only punish the employee who called you, and even then if there is strong evidence: records of negotiations that contain direct threats; correspondence from a personal computer; SMS messages with threats; medical examination of the beatings. You need to write a statement to the prosecutor's office in conjunction with other complaints and if there is evidence that you will have to collect on your own. let's consider effective method fight against collection and banking lawlessness. Most effective way to pacify collectors, this is a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor against a collection agency or a bank. Let's look at what complaints are most often considered by employees of Rospotrebnadzor and how to draw them up correctly. The most common complaint to Rospotrebnadzor is the failure to provide or distort information about credit commissions in banks. imposition by banks additional services.

Oral reports of violations committed by sellers are necessary for consideration by Rospotrebnadzor in the same way as written complaints to Rospotrebnadzor. If a complaint is filed by a citizen in writing, then such a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor will have a greater result. Since Rospotrebnadzor is obliged to respond to the applicant in writing to written reports about violations committed by sellers of stores or the market.

Complaint against an Internet provider to Rospotrebnadzor

HTML tags are not allowed in the message. The post in which they are found will be automatically deleted. The appeal is considered within 30 days from the date of its registration. Based on the results of the review, you will be sent a written answer on the merits of the questions raised. If your appeal does not fall within the competence of the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the city of St. Petersburg, it will be sent for consideration to another state body, local government body or official in accordance with their competence, of which you will be notified additionally. Hereby, I (hereinafter referred to as the Person), give my consent to the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the city of St. Petersburg, legal address: G.

Where to complain about the provider?

The quality of the Internet, as well as the cost of services, must be in accordance with the signed contract. The provider has no right to lower the speed, change the cost of the services provided without your knowledge. If this happens, you need to contact Rospotrebnadzor. In case of termination of the contract and refusal of services, no additional fee will be charged, except for temporary blocking. If the provider tries to take money from you for disconnecting, then this is a cost imposition, which is prohibited in accordance with paragraph 25 of the Rules for the provision of telematic communication services.

To purchase a phone on credit for a promotion without overpayment. I filled out the questionnaire offered by the center's employee for applying to banks. After waiting for the application, the employee reported. that refusals came and I left the mts center. After some time, an employee from this center calls me and informs me that a credit card has been issued for me and I need to come and pick it up. I indignantly refused the card (I wanted to take the phone without overpayment, and they slip me some kind of card with extortionate interest).

Complaints against OJSC Rostelecom

It is not possible to get through to the department of work with legal entities! read more. I filled out a questionnaire for connecting the Internet to Rostelecom, later a specialist with Internet and television equipment came to me, I told him that I ordered only the Internet, after which he began to explain to me that he couldn’t pick it up, since he had an agreement on television and the Internet in his hands, he he said that he would install the Internet for me, and just leave the television equipment, and the next day he would come with another contract to pick up the equipment, I signed the contract only where the point is about the Internet, down.

Rub. imposed on the Internet provider Nizhny Tagil computer networks"(NKS). The fine was imposed on the NCC in May 2015. At that time, the National Payment Card System (NSPK) only chose a brand for its card. Banks began issuing Mir cards in December 2015. The provider filed a cassation appeal against the decision of the Rospotrebnadzor, but it was rejected. All other fines have been cancelled.

Imposed on the Internet provider Nizhny Tagil Computer Networks (NKS) in May 2015. For its subscribers

“There is a non-cash form of payment for services using bank cards Visa and MasterCard from the personal account of the network subscriber"
, follows from the decision of the Seventeenth Arbitration Court of Appeal Perm. This limits the circle of persons who have access to a non-cash form of payment for the provider's services, the court notes and therefore agrees with the conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor that the company did not provide the ability to pay using national payment instruments. May 2015

It makes no sense to sue unscrupulous Internet providers -

To get some idea, you can use special sites on the Internet that measure speed, for example, the Intel site, Yandex, or the portal, which specializes in various Internet tests. There are two things to keep in mind: firstly, the connection speed is not constant, and the test should be repeated several times. Secondly, the measurement result is affected by the server on which the counter is located - if it is located in some third world country, then the speed can drop significantly. Also, to measure the speed, you can use file-sharing clients (eMule, BiToorent), which show how fast files are downloaded. From the law “On the protection of consumer rights” (Article 46) For violation of consumer rights established by laws and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation, seller (performer, manufacturer, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) bears administrative, criminal or civil liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. In the provider's technical support service Let's say the measurements confirm the sad fact that the network "slows down". In this case, check the settings network connection on the computer, antivirus settings, as well as a router, if any.

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For example, "up to 5 Mbps" or "up to 100 Kbps". And anything below will fall within that range. By law, if the contract does not contain a condition on the quality of the service, then it must comply with the “usually imposed requirements”. But what these “usual requirements” are is not spelled out anywhere. The complexity of monitoring the quality of communication is that, in addition to the access speed, for a full-fledged analysis of the quality of the communication channel, the subscriber needs to analyze at least the packet loss rate, the packet error rate, and so on, for which he often does not have enough qualifications. At the same time, experts say, the rules for the provision of Internet services contain the right of the client to determine in the contract the speed range that suits him.

How to write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor? Sample

It is important to say that when writing a complaint, you must be precise and not only describe the general circumstances, but also indicate the numbers, names, addresses of the companies in which your rights were violated. However, at the same time, you should not clog the document with unnecessary data - one of mandatory conditions business correspondence is brevity of presentation. The general style of writing is businesslike, events are described in chronological order; then it is necessary to refer to the normative acts, the provisions of which were violated; at the end, indicate the attachments to the complaint (if any) and put down your personal signature and the date the application was written. It should be said that the activities of most companies are subject to consumer protection legislation - therefore, you can apply for the protection of your rights to Rospotrebnadzor in almost every situation.

The Internet provider installed equipment on the landing without the consent of the homeowners, they do not respond to a written request to remove the equipment

Thus, the Management Company or the HOA must provide you with all the information you are interested in regarding the legality of installing this equipment in the entrance. If the equipment was installed illegally, you have the right to file a claim against the Management Company to dismantle the equipment. In addition, a complaint against the provider's actions can be filed with the Rospotrebnadzor authorities. According to par.

Provider, upon reaching zero balance on my account, disables Internet access (local works) and continues to accrue money in the negative. Question for what? Internet access is turned off, as I understand it, the provision of access services has been suspended. What can a provider charge for? You can stop using the service, but you have to go to the office. If by taxi it will be more expensive than paying for the Internet.

In the event of a conflict situation with the seller, the consumer can protect his rights by contacting Rospotrebnadzor. The organization operates at the federal level, with offices in all regions of the country.

Supervisory duties include reviewing consumer applications, conducting expert examinations and issuing an opinion on the merits of the claim. Rospotrebnadzor has the authority to conduct unscheduled inspections on the signals of citizens, to make determinations in relation to organizations that have violated the provisions of trade.

The main supervisory authority is established to protect the rights of buyers in all consumer relations, including consumer goods and services. The presence of claims to medical, banking, communal organizations are also considered if there is an application.

Violation of hostel rules by neighbors and management company, construction or insurance companies requires contact with the main supervisory authority for consumer protection.

AT modern conditions you can use the services of the official portal on the Internet. Submitting an application to online mode can be counted on for a timely and thorough investigation. Sphere of tasks and official duties, which are decided by Rospotrebnadzor, includes the following areas:

  • consultation of citizens on consumer rights, acceptance of applications and complaints;
  • monitoring the implementation different kind trade promotions, promotional events and prizes;
  • sanitary control over public, social and civil institutions;
  • quality checking food products all segments of trade;
  • control purchases and unscheduled inspections at catering establishments;
  • checking the health of foreign citizens arriving in our country for work and residence;
  • compliance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, control of the activities of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;
  • prevention and notification of the population in the field of a healthy lifestyle and prevention of epidemics.

Despite such an extensive list of tasks, the bulk of citizens' complaints relate to conflicts with trade structures and firms providing consumer services.

When a buyer has purchased low-quality goods or services, the first thing to do is to establish an authority that will deal with the problem. Of course you can apply statement of claim to court if there are good reasons. But holding pre-trial consideration helps to resolve the issue faster and no less efficiently. Moreover, the court is positive about the fact that the plaintiff, represented by the consumer, tried to resolve the dispute peacefully, has the conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor in his hands.

A statement about the violation of consumer rights must be strictly reasoned, exclude emotions and be supported by factual materials. The applicant should remember that an unfounded complaint will not be allowed for consideration, if there are errors and ambiguities, it will be returned for revision. The consumer has the opportunity to file a claim if the seller refused to comply with the terms of the trade regulations established by the Federal Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”. Main provisions of the law consist of the following legal installations:

  • 1. The buyer has the right to quality goods and services. The seller is obliged to notify the presence of defects before the conclusion of the transaction, while reducing the price of the goods.
  • 2. Compliance with safety is one of the main conditions for the acquisition. The presence of qualities and characteristics of the goods that threaten the health and life of the buyer leads to criminal liability of the seller.
  • 3. The seller must provide documentary and information service to familiarize the acquirer with the properties of goods and services. At the same time, it does not matter when and whether a citizen is going to purchase products at all.
  • 4. The seller is directly responsible to the buyer for poor quality product. Goods of good quality can also be returned within the specified time without giving reasons.

The applicant must indicate what he expects as a result of the check and what violation he draws the attention of the supervisory authority to.

A fair indication of the violations that have affected a particular person will help other buyers not to fall for low-quality goods. This is due to the fact that filing an application sometimes initiates an unscheduled due diligence of a trade organization. Identified violations lead to significant fines for those guilty of non-compliance with the rules of trade. The presence under control of several statements from independent citizens about violations of one legal entity will allow to close the outlet for several months and impose heavy fines.

Information received by Rospotrebnadzor from dissatisfied consumers undergoes strict control and verification. Sometimes independent examinations are required to confirm or reject the seller's guilt. The parties to the conflict should be aware that the payment for the work of experts is ultimately made by the losing side. Before proceeding with the dispute, certain steps must be taken:

  • try to resolve the issue peacefully. Explain to the opposing party of the conflict all the consequences of applying to the supervisory authorities. The work done must be documented, which will allow you to justify your position when writing a complaint;
  • The complaint is a legal document, so emotions should be excluded and the focus should be on the substance of the case. The description of the situation should be consistent, but short enough;
  • the statement must contain references to legal installations. It is necessary to indicate what rules and laws the opposing party violated;
  • decide on a review period. The standard request is to review the claim within 10 days;
  • the evidence base must be present in full, copies of receipts, checks, and other documents confirming the purchase must be attached. In the absence of proof of payment, witness testimony from the point of sale purchases.

It will not be possible to file a complaint anonymously or without evidence, since such statements are not accepted for consideration. Convincing enough for the supervisory organization is an entry in the book of complaints and suggestions, which must be present at each outlet.

How to write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor

Applications from citizens are accepted online on the official portal of Rospotrebnadzor. The text of the appeal must contain the necessary information on the fact of the claim. An example is the discrepancy between the price declared in the price tag or invoice, grade, and other characteristics of the purchased product. You will need to indicate a specific name, attach a snapshot of the payment document and, if possible, a price tag. The displayed discrepancy will be the main argument for starting the check.

When writing an application on the official portal, you should adhere to the established sequence when filling out:

  • select the tab "Rospotrebnadzor";
  • successively go to the “Appeal of Citizens”;
  • then follows the “Contact Form”;
  • fill in all the required fields, try not to put dashes and empty lines;
  • attach the photographs taken in the case;
  • write your email address;
  • enter the code and apply by pressing the button.

Content and form of filing a complaint

An electronic application is accepted for consideration if there are grounds. If the complaint is rejected for objective reasons, the applicant will receive a response indicating the reason for the refusal. Basically, the reasons are insufficient evidence, fuzzy and illiterate treatment. Therefore, before sending a complaint, you should weigh all the available arguments and build a logical connection between the violated rights and the appeal to Rospotrebnadzor.

The consumer has the right to point out existing violations by referring to the articles of the law, but professional control bodies will draw conclusions.

You should not write that as a result of what happened, the buyer demands to close trade organization, Rospotrebnadzor will make such conclusions on its own, during the verification of the complaint. If trouble has happened to you and your rights have been infringed, you should not postpone your appeal, they will always help you and sort out the situation.

Drafting complaints to Rospotrebnadzor

/ How to write a complaint about an online store to Rospotrebnadzor (sample attached)

How to write a complaint about an online store to Rospotrebnadzor (sample attached)

More and more buyers are shopping online, placing goods through an online store. In this case, there is always a risk of encountering an unscrupulous seller. What are the reasons for the dispute with the online store and where to complain about the negligence of the organization? We will tell you how to write a complaint about an online store to Rospotrebnadzor.

Reasons for applying

Rospotrebnadzor is state organization, which is the regulatory body in the field of observance of consumer rights in various industries. The agency accepts complaints against shops, banks, restaurants and other service areas.

Not everyone knows that the provision of services via the Internet is also controlled by Rospotrebnadzor. The client can ask for help if his rights have been violated, for example, when making a purchase. A complaint against an online store to Rospotrebnadzor can be filed:

  • When making a purchase, the buyer received a product that does not correspond to the declared characteristics, quality or configuration;
  • After paying for the order in the online store, the client did not receive his product or compensation for its value;
  • In the event that the seller refuses to exchange the goods or return its value within the legal time frame due to identified inconsistencies: marriage, equipment, quality.

Before writing a complaint about an online store to Rospotrebnadzor, you need to try to peacefully resolve the conflict with the seller. To do this, you must contact the store representative with a request to restore your consumer rights, for example, to replace the product or refund its cost.

According to the requirements of the law on the protection of consumer rights, the seller is obliged to exchange the goods within 14 days from the date of purchase.

The refusal of an online store to accept its goods back is one of the reasons for contacting Rospotrebnadzor. Below we will tell you how to file a complaint and what you need to know.

How to write an application?

A complaint about an unscrupulous online store can be filed in three ways. The first of them is the submission of an appeal through the official website of the department. The buyer can issue an appeal through a special form of the portal, attach Required documents and wait for a response from the organization.

If you can't find the form feedback on the site, you can send an application to email Rospotrebnadzor. Online shop complaint electronically considered in the same terms as a regular application.

The second and most common way to complain is to contact the Rospotrebnadzor reception directly. You can write a written statement and give it to an employee of the department. If there is no opportunity to personally visit the instance, it is allowed to transfer documents by mail.

By letter, you can send not only the application, but also all attachments to it, for example, information about the purchase or the results of the examination of the quality of the purchased goods. It is advisable to choose a shipment with a delivery notification.


After the attempt to peacefully resolve the dispute with the seller failed, you need to write an appeal to the regulatory authorities. You can write a complaint about the online store to Rospotrebnadzor and demand that the seller comply with legal norms and consumer rights.

Your rough plan of action looks like this:

  1. It is necessary to prepare evidence of the purchase of goods (check, extract from the payment system, bank statement, payment order).
  2. Determine the grounds for requesting a refund or exchange of goods (for example, evaluate the quality of the purchase, compare specifications with those stated).
  3. Write an application with detailed description the moment of purchase and payment for the goods. You also need to indicate all the shortcomings of the acquisition and your requirements.
  4. Send an appeal to one of available ways and wait for an answer. According to Federal Law 59, the department must send a written response to the applicant within 30 days.

In some situations, consideration of your appeal may be extended for another 30 days. In a response letter, Rospotrebnadzor must describe the results of the inspection and measures taken against the seller. As a rule, online stores, after a customer's complaint, quickly meet the needs of the customer and begin to respect his rights.


The law does not provide a strict template for drafting complaints or statements in government bodies. However, some appeals of citizens may be rejected due to an incorrectly drawn up document. What do you need to know?

The decision to accept or reject your appeal must be made within seven days from the date of registration of the complaint.

In order for your application not to be rejected, you must comply with several conditions related to writing a document. A sample complaint to Rospotrebnadzor against an online store consists of two parts. The first element of the application is its “header”, written in the upper right corner:

  1. Information about the recipient of the request. Write the details of the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor, full name, its head and the address of the organization.
  2. Information about the applicant. You need to find out your full name, address of residence, contact phone number.

After specifying the information about the recipient and the sender of the complaint, you need to prepare the text of the application itself. What needs to be specified:

  1. Purchase information. Indicate the date and time of purchase, attach a receipt or receipt for the transfer of funds to the seller.
  2. Information about the seller. You must specify the details of the online store: TIN, PSRN, information about the owner (if any). Don't forget to include the website address.
  3. Grounds for complaint. Here you need to indicate the reasons why you want to return the money or exchange the goods.
  4. Requirements. Here it is worth writing about the decision that you expect. They can be returned Money or exchange of goods for a better one.
  5. Legal standards. When pointing out the violations of the seller in the online store, you must indicate the laws that were ignored by him.

When compiling an appeal, you need to describe in detail the entire process of buying, communicating with the seller. How to complain about an online store to Rospotrebnadzor if the details of the organization are not on the site? Often goods are sold by sellers who are obviously scammers. And after receiving payment from the buyer, they simply disappear. In such a situation, it will be more difficult to punish the offender.

If you have become a victim of scammers, then try contacting the payment system through which the payment for the goods was made. The company can block the wallets of unscrupulous sellers.

In the absence of details, try to indicate all the data that can identify the seller: the address of his website, nickname, card or wallet number.

What to expect next?

The main way Rospotrebnadzor influences unscrupulous sellers is fines. The organization may decide to impose a fine after checking the activities of the store on the complaint of its customer. The amount of penalties is different and depends on the degree of violation of the law - from 10 to 100 thousand rubles.

If the online store does not hide its details, then it will not be difficult to punish the seller. However, it is worth knowing that it is not possible to return or exchange goods just like that. There must be a good reason for this. For example, the buyer has the right to return the goods within 14 days after its purchase. Also, the purchased product can be returned if a marriage is detected, the goods do not match the description and the declared quality. To determine the qualitative characteristics of the acquisition, it is necessary to evaluate the goods.

Rospotrebnadzor will issue an order for the seller to fulfill his obligations if the violation described by the applicant is proven.

Things are more complicated when paying for goods from fraudulent sellers. It will not be difficult to prove the fact of violation of rights, but it will not be easy to find a negligent owner of an online store. Perhaps, along with a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor, you need to write a statement to the police or the prosecutor's office.

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There is no need to be afraid to defend your rights if someone violates them. In our article, we talked about how to write an application to Rospotrebnadzor for an online store. A complaint can be filed if the seller sent a low-quality product, refuses to accept it back. An appeal can also be filed if you have not received anything at all.

Complaints about online stores are dealt with quickly. As a rule, sellers, after a client contacts Rospotrebnadzor, begin to comply with the law. Remember: you can punish the store only if there is evidence of a violation of your rights.

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