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  • Presentation on art on the topic "graffiti - the language of youth." Presentation on art on the topic "graffiti - the language of youth" Project on the topic of graffiti

Presentation on art on the topic "graffiti - the language of youth." Presentation on art on the topic "graffiti - the language of youth" Project on the topic of graffiti

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The term "graffiti" is used to classify a type of art that is generally prohibited by law. Today, graffiti is primarily associated with an alternative form of urban culture. Graffiti can be classified as any type of street painting on walls, on which you can find everything from simple written words to exquisite drawings. Currently, spray art, that is, drawing graffiti using spray paint, has become widespread.

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First Graffiti The first "graffiti" - inscriptions and drawings, in the original sense of a satirical and caricature character, were found on ancient monuments and ancient vessels. The ancient Romans applied graffiti to walls and statues, examples of which also survive in Egypt. Graffiti in the classical world had a completely different meaning and content than in modern society. Ancient graffiti were love confessions, political rhetoric, and just thoughts that could be compared with today's popular messages about social and political ideals. As a manifestation of "grassroots" creativity, "graffiti" interested many artists who sought to free themselves from conventions and stereotypes. The works of Joan Miro and Paul Klee are similar in style to the "pictures" of street art. Graffiti was appreciated by Picasso and Hugo. Something similar to graffiti is also found in the caves of ancient people, as well as in ancient Egypt and Greece.

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Purpose Graffiti Graffiti can be simple drawings or inscriptions, but usually it is quite complex monochrome or multicolor compositions. The authors of graffiti are called writers - "writers". There is a version that the development of street images was supported by enterprising drug dealers, who, using drawings and encrypted inscriptions that did not tell either the police or passers-by, told teenagers the place where drugs were sold, prices, and so on. Over time, from a secret form of communication, "graffiti" has become a common means of communication for teenagers. Usually it is voluminous, mostly red-black-blue "juicy" graphics.

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Graffiti tools The ideal tool for self-expression is an ordinary spray can of paint, acting like a deodorant. It is transportable, fully meets the needs for speed and ease of drawing, visual efficiency, the paint from it fits perfectly on most of the existing surfaces. Different sizes of nozzles and spray nozzles contribute to the achievement of all kinds of special effects, creating powerful graphic elements and the illusion of image movement. Combining the technique of cubism and abstract graphic art, often difficult to read, the graffiti style gives the compositions a certain mystery.

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Style Wars A style revolution came when Pistol 1 - the Brooklyn master - first painted in 3D. The work consisted of the actual name itself in red and white with a blue border, giving it a three-dimensional feel. Writers from all over New York flocked to appreciate his work. After a while, everyone was doing 3D with their own touches. The style wars have begun. As soon as culture declared itself in full voice, the documentary film "Style Wars" (1984) was shot, books were written.

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Problems with the authorities Another sore point is the relationship with the city authorities. As long as there is graffiti, so much it is persecuted. Those who stand guard over law and order insist that the painting of municipal property poses a serious threat to society. Many American riders paid for their work with impressive fines, some went to jail. In many megacities, graffiti artists were once assigned the so-called “legitimate walls and courtyards”. But there are not enough officially permitted areas for everyone.

Open art lesson in 7th grade

Lesson topic: "Graffiti - modern language youth »

Target: do a job in "graffiti"

To acquaint students with the history of graffiti, its styles;

To form skills and abilities in the execution of the font;

Develop creative imagination;

Cultivate respect for other people's work;


a) Teach students to work neatly, rationally and independently; to systematize and deepen the knowledge of students and their ideas on this topic.

b) To develop in children an aesthetic perception of the world around them, initiative and independence, a culture of communication, creative imagination, the ability to observe, analyze, compare, compare, generalize, graphic skills and abilities; study the properties of colors and techniques for finding new colors; expand knowledge about the possibilities of art materials.

c) educate empathyynie successes and failures of comrades; sustained attention, observation, a sense of mutual assistance, teamwork skills, a responsible attitude to work and the results of work.

Lesson type: Presentation.

Lesson plan:

1.Org. moment

2.Message topic and purpose

4. Explanation of the learning task

5. Fizminutka

6.Independent work students - performing creative compositions

7. Collective analysis of works and reflection

8. Lesson summary, consolidation of the material covered

9. Homework

10.Cleaning the workplace


for the teacher: computer, children's work

for students: album, pencil, eraser, paints, brushes, palette, water jar

During the classes:

    Org. moment

    Message topic and purpose

Guys! Look at these photos, what do you see? (slides 1-5). Who are these people, what do they do? You like? If it's so beautiful, why don't we develop this street art? Would you like to see such buildings in your village? Do you know everything about this art form? What do you think the topic of the lesson is?

The topic of today's lesson is "Graffiti is the modern language of youth" (slide 6). We will get acquainted in the lesson with the concept of graffiti, learn about the history of the emergence and origin of graffiti as an art. Let's get acquainted with the main styles of this direction, learn to recognize styles from pictures. And at the end of the lesson you will do practical work in one of the graffiti styles.

3. Teacher's message with slide show

First, listen to the history of graffiti and its main styles.

Graffiti and graffito come from the Italian concept

graffiato ("scribbled"). (slide 7).

Graffiti (Italian)graffiti , plural ofgraffito , literally - scrawled). Initiatory, magical and household inscriptions on the walls of buildings, metal products, vessels, etc. they are found in large numbers during excavations of ancient cities and are familiar to us from rock carvings (slide 8).

Currently, this term refers to drawings made in a certain style. (slide 9)

Graffiti inscriptions or drawings on the walls of buildings and passages, train cars, as well as fences and other vertical surfaces. It is considered one of the types of self-expression of youth.

(slide 10). In New York in the late 1960s named Demetrius in protest against drugs and related fights, the death of his friends began to display his creative pseudonymTAKIand his street number 183 on walls and subway stations throughout Manhattan. Such inscriptions began to be called "TAGS". These tags at the beginning were no different from the astrakhan fur in the entrance. Demetrius wrote with a simple marker. Soon other teenagers noticedTAKIand began to display their own names.

Since 1971, competitions for teenagers in the image of TEGs began. Talented teenagers turned TEGs into real paintings, because characters and industrial landscapes from American comics and Japanese cartoons were selected for their pseudonym and street name. TAGS become colored because they began to use pulvers (spray cans). (slide 11)

In 1972, several graffiti brigades appeared, because teenagers wanted to be and create together. Super Coll painted the largest color painting of the time. He noticed that replacing the narrow caps with thicker caps would allow him to cover more of the surface with broad sweeping "strokes". And now Super Coll with yellow and pink balloons wrote his name on the composition. The result was bold pink letters with a yellow border. Although the work was rather mediocre, but at the same time, it was the most colorful and expressive drawing in the graffiti world at that time. (slide 12).

In 1983, the authorities declared war on graffiti. There were problems with the authorities. Michael Stewart was caught painting by the police and beaten to death. At this time there is a division of graffiti art. Talented teenagers who really adorned the city were looking for more complex forms of self-realization, self-expression, they painted in the allotted places, but at the same time respected the freedom of self-expression.

(slide 13)

They becamewriters - elite creating youth street culture. (slide 14). For them, quality mattered. Those who wanted success expressed themselves through Wright. Wright has become not only an extreme kind of leisure, a kind of self-realization. And those teenagers who remained at the level of primitive TEGs and simply spoiled the walls, metro, transport - they began to callbombers. (slide 15) Bombing offended human dignity and angered people. The goal of the bombers is to mark, to indicate their presence, to draw attention to themselves by hooligan action. (slide 16).

The bombers were looking for a victory over their fears, failure, inability to rise to art. So they declared war. Drawing graffiti on buildings and structures without the permission of the owners of these objects is treated in the criminal law of many countries as vandalism. In some European countries, in order to draw graffiti, you need to get a license. (slide 17)

Gradually formed the style of drawingBubble (“bubble”), in (slide 18) in which all the letters were rounded, became similar to each other and turned out to be inflated, like bubbles, ready to burst and burst. Most often, few colors were used, mostly 2 or 3. In addition to this style, there are many other styles. Here are the most basic ones:

(slide 19) Wild style ("wild style"), in which the letters are intertwined in some kind of unreadable maze. This style is distinguished, first of all, by the unreadability of the letters of the word. They are so confusing that sometimes even people who understand graffiti and draw it are not able to make out the inscription, not to mention ordinary people. And only those who draw in this style themselves will be able to read the text of the drawing without much difficulty. This happens, first of all, due to the fact that the writer adds additional elements to the letters, which divert attention from the letters.

(slide 20) Messiah style - a style invented in New York. The letters look layered, as if multiple images of the same letter are stacked on top of each other.

(slide 21) Character - it uses characters performed in the style of comics. Sometimes there is a frame of speech. It can contain either the signature of the writer (autograph), or the speech of the character. In the background there is often an inscription made in a different style. When depicting a character, needle attachments are used to highlight fine lines, hair, wrinkles, and so on. Not every writer owns this style, as it requires artistic skills. Therefore, graffiti in this style is more often performed by teams -cru ( crew).

(slide 22) Blockbusters - huge letters using a background that is made with a roller. Their performance is something like a trademark of some kind of cru.

(slide 23)Dime Style ( Daim style ), or 3 D -style, very popular now, especially painted on asphalt. (slide 24).

There are many famous "writers" or "street art artists". Today the star of graffiti is the artistBanksy (Robert Banks). This man is from Bristol. Within a few years, he made a career from an unknown draftsman to one of the most popular artists in the world. facesBanksy no one saw, he carefully hides his biography from the press. Presumably this is due to the fact that graffiti in public places is illegal. For my drawingsBanksy threatens a prison term. PaintingsRobert Banks, made on the walls of houses are an example for every serious writer. These are not empty letters, but serious works on social and public topics. WorksBanksy are sold at auctions for 30-600 thousand dollars.

(Slide 25) There iswriter's code of honor . For those who consider themselves a real graffiti artist:

    Always remember that you are first of all a person, a citizen, and then a writer.

    Learn to look at yourself and your work objectively.

    Never write on tombstones, on memorial walls, in places of human sorrow and the memory of the dead. (slide 26).

    Do not write on the names of other writers and on other people's work.

    Monuments of culture are interesting in themselves. Beautiful buildings, sculpture, small architectural forms do not need everyone to "decorate" them according to their whim.

    Residential buildings have owners, and they have their own tastes and interests, so you should think about whether your “masterpiece” is needed by the owner of the house or not. Do not impose your artistic tastes on people. (slide 27).

    Do not work on a wall spattered with dirt.

    Clean up after you finish work. (slide 28).

4. Fizminutka "Brain gymnastics":

head shake (the exercise stimulates thought processes): breathe deeply, relax your shoulders and drop your head forward. Allow the head to slowly rock from side to side as the breath releases the tension. Run 30 seconds.

"Lazy Eights" ( exercise activates brain structures,providing memorization, increases stability attention): draw in the air in a horizontal plane “eights” 3 times with each hand, and then with both hands.

"Thinking Hat" (improves attention, clarity of perception and speech): “put on a hat”, that is, gently wrap your ears from the top to the earlobe 3 times.

"Sharp Eyes" (the exercise serves to prevent visual impairment): with your eyes, draw 6 circles clockwise and 6 circles counterclockwise.

"Shooting Eyes" (the exercise serves to prevent visual impairment): move your eyes left and right, up and down 6 times.

5. Explanation of the training task: (slide 29) a task to choose from.

1. On the A-4 format, perform graffiti of the form Tagging your name in any style.

2. (more difficult) Graffiti on A-4 format. Sketch for decoration, painting workshop. Accordingly, select the words, depending on the purpose of the building (tools, workshop, paints, hammer, brushes, machine tool, cooking, seamstress, carpenter, metal).

So that you have time to draw for the lesson, to help you, I have prepared printouts of the alphabet of different styles. You can use them in your work.

Good luck with your work and use your imagination!

To help you - "Steps of drawing graffiti" (slide 31, 32).

6. Independent work of students.

7. Collective analysis of works and reflection:

And now let's hang our works on the proposed wall.

At the top of the wall we have works - if you liked the lesson and you understood everything and coped with the task,and at the bottom - those who did not quite understand what needs to be done, or the lesson was not clear to him and not interesting. (The board is divided into two parts horizontally by a line, you can hang a large wall poster with a dividing line separating the foundation from the main brickwork)

Guys! If you were near a wall on whichdifferent graffiti drawings are depicted, which one would attractyour attention? What did you like about him? What other work do you wantdid you like it?

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