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Presentation on the theme of the Cossacks. Military culture of the Cossacks. Conquest of Siberia by Yermak.Vasily Surikov



Cossack - from the Turkic kazak "free, independent person, adventurer, vagabond".

The main clothing of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks is blue trousers with red belts, shirts, hats and zhupans. The hair on the head was shaved, only the forelock was left on the head, the beards were also shaved, only the mustache was left and grown long.


  • Strengthening of the feudal oppression of the Ukrainian peasants and philistines by the feudal lords.
  • The seizure of land by Polish, Lithuanian and Ukrainian feudal lords and the lack of arable land from the peasants.
  • Turkish-Tatar aggression, which in the Middle Ages was a mortal danger for the Slavic and a number of other peoples.
  • Polishization and Catholicization of the Ukrainian population.

Classes of the Cossacks

On the developed lands, the Cossacks were engaged in:

  • farming,
  • bred large and small cattle, while the leading industry was horse breeding,
  • hunting,
  • fishing,
  • beekeeping (gathering honey from wild bees),
  • crafts (blacksmithing, carpentry, cooperage, weapon making),
  • as well as trade.

Armament of the Cossacks

  • muskets, pistols, which the Cossacks always wore in their belts,
  • spears,
  • saber,
  • guns,
  • Bow and arrows
  • combat knives, daggers,
  • keleps, knitting needles, hooks, with which they pulled riders from horses.

Cossack army

  • The Cossack army consisted of several types of troops: infantry, cavalry, artillery, reconnaissance, border service and fleet.
  • The number of the entire army was 10,000 - 12,000 people, of which the infantry was about 6,000 people. The elite part of the army was the cavalry. In terms of its combat qualities, this unit represented the most formidable force of the Cossacks.
  • The army was divided into regiments and hundreds. A hundred was a tactical unit of the army and was numbering 180 people. The regiment consisted of three hundred total strength 540 people.

Military art Cossack troops

The basis of hand-to-hand combat techniques of the Cossacks was the Ukrainian combat hopak. This ancient art allowed one Cossack with a pole to disperse up to two squadrons of heavy armored cavalry. Also, the techniques of the combat hopak made it easy to run up steep walls, which made it possible to take the most impregnable fortresses by storm.

  • The Cossack cavalry practiced shooting from under the belly of the horse and confusing the enemy, synchronous rolling in the saddles at full gallop.
  • The main combat formation of the Cossacks was the pre-phalanx (a mixed cavalry-infantry dense stream that did not have a strict organization, in other words, a crowd). Such a battle formation made it possible to easily sweep away heavy echeloned pikemen.

  • In addition to artillery, the Cossacks had a very fast and maneuverable fleet, which consisted of light galleys (Cossack gulls).
  • A seagull is a deckless flat-bottomed boat in the form of a huge hollowed-out deck, lined with boards along the sides. The length is about 18 m, the width is 3.6 m and the height of the sides is 1.6 m. The vessel had transverse bulkheads and benches, a mast with a sail, 10-15 pairs of oars, bow and stern rudders, and accommodated up to 70 people. Armament 4-6 guns.

Division of the Cossacks (sich, winter, registry)

Sich Cossacks

Zaporozhye or grassroots Cossacks lived in the lower reaches of the Dnieper, south of the Dnieper rapids. Grassroots Cossacks lived in a separate community, independent of any state, which was conventionally divided into two groups: Sich and Winter Cossacks.

With the formation of a permanent main fortification (sich), the Cossacks who lived in it began to be called Sich . Sich Cossacks were called "chivalry" or "fellowship". The Sich Cossacks had a number of rights and privileges compared to the winter Cossacks. Only these Cossacks had the right to choose a foreman from their staff, receive a monetary salary and manage all the affairs of the troops.

Winter Cossacks

Family Cossacks lived not far from the sich along the beams, river banks, estuaries and lakes creating entire settlements. The inhabitants of the settlements were engaged in arable farming, cattle breeding, fishing, crafts, trade and crafts. The Secheviks contemptuously called them "nesters", "seeds", in mockery - baboliubs and buckwheat; they constituted the pospilstvo, i.e. subject estate of the Sich Cossacks. Main duty the nests were to feed the Sich Cossacks. Often, some Sich people, having started a family, turned into “winter” Cossacks, while other “Sidneys” went to the Sich. Winter Cossacks were not allowed in the Sich, but lived near it, but were part of the Grassroots Zaporizhzhya Army.

Registered Cossacks

Registered Cossacks - part of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, accepted by Poland into the state military service to organize the defense of the southern borders of the Polish-Lithuanian state and perform police functions (in the Commonwealth, primarily against the rest of the Cossacks). The service of the Cossacks was organized in the Zaporozhye Host, whose composition was regulated by the government list (registry). Duties, pay for service and privileges of registered Cossacks were determined by the Sejm and the king of the Commonwealth. Registered Cossacks were singled out as a separate estate. The first register consisted of 600 Cossacks and was created in 1578 by King Stefan Batory.

Presentation completed 8th grade students:

  • Karina Kosenko
  • Daria Gritsakova
  • Anastasia Lisovskaya

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

History and culture of the Don Cossacks He who does not respect the customs of his people, does not keep them in his heart, he dishonors not only his people, but, above all, does not respect himself, his family, his ancient ancestors

2 slide

Description of the slide:

The origin of the Don Cossacks The official founding date of the Don Cossacks is January 3, 1570. However, the Don Cossacks are much older than this date. Back in 1552, the first military campaign of the Don Cossacks on the Volga to the walls of Kazan under the command of Ataman Susar Fedorov was recorded. As a result, the grateful Ivan the Terrible granted the Cossacks a charter for the eternal possession of the Don with all its tributaries. Among the Don steppe fields And the Kuban feather grasses, Where the Kuban and the Don flow Cossacks have long lived. Proud and dashing people Deserved honor for themselves: Courage, courage, bravery On their shoulders.

3 slide

Description of the slide:

The free steppes on the outskirts of the state, where the supervision of the authorities was weaker, became the habitat of the Cossacks. Cossacks (Cossacks) are a group of predominantly Eastern Slavs living in the southern steppes of Eastern Europe, Russia. The exact origin of the Cossacks is unknown; there are many theories. Kasogs, Kasakhs, Kasaks are an ancient Circassian people who inhabited the territory of the lower Kuban in the 10-14th centuries. Cossack - in Turkic "free". Runaways from the Horde, and later from Russian lands, became Cossacks. They fled from the tax, from duties, for "freedom".

4 slide

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On the Don, the Cossacks settled on the islands so that the enemies could not attack them unnoticed. Such settlements were called Cossack towns. For housing inside the town, the Cossacks first built dugouts, and then houses made of wood and stone. For their settlements, the Cossacks chose the best strategic places, using natural barriers - river capes, islands, steep banks and protected by ravines and swamps. Later, the towns began to be called villages.

5 slide

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At first, only men settled in the Cossack towns. defensive ramparts and ditches, inside of which dugout kurens were located. The fortified settlements-stanitsa were surrounded by a palisade, the Cossacks were engaged in fishing, bred horses, and organized predatory raids on their neighbors. The robber life of a Cossack, who knew neither labor, nor dependence and taxes, was free and full of risk. The Cossacks were free people who did not know serfdom. This undoubtedly influenced the character of the Cossack, made him an independent person, able to defend his rights and fight for them.

6 slide

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All issues of Cossack life were decided at a general gathering - a Cossack circle. Atamans and foremen were also chosen there. The Cossacks received part of their income from military booty, and part of it was state salaries. The economic life included hunting, fishing, farming and cattle breeding. There was no equality on the Don: the Cossacks were divided into thrifty (prosperous) and slanderous (poor). The homely owned the best pastures and vast herds, they got a large share of the booty and the royal salary. Especially a lot of home-grown people were on the Lower Don, while on the Upper Don, goiter predominated.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

Weapons of the Cossacks The Cossack is a brave, courageous, brave warrior: he fought on horseback with a rifle over his shoulder and a saber in his hand. Each Cossack had a personal weapon - a saber, a saber, a pike, a riding horse. The pike has been the favorite weapon of the Don Cossacks for centuries. The Cossacks adhered to the principle “there is no extradition from the Don!”: a fugitive who reached the Don became a Cossack. A Cossack without a horse is like a soldier without a gun. The Cossack himself is starving, but he will feed the horse.

8 slide

Description of the slide:

By the nature of their service, the Cossacks were divided into city (regimental) and village Cossacks. The policemen included Cossacks who had not yet acquired a stable economy or who were serving in places remote from their permanent place of residence. "Until such a time as to continue it in the forces." Stanitsa Cossacks served in their places of residence, at border posts and outposts. The Cossacks were enrolled in the service from the age of 16 and carried it

9 slide

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Nizhnedonskaya Cossack Woman Upper Don Cossack Cossacks have always had a special attitude towards women. She was the guardian of the family hearth and traditions. The Cossack woman was waiting for her husband to go home. In the extreme conditions of frontier life, a special type of woman was forged - the Cossack.

10 slide

Description of the slide:

The Cossack woman knew how to adequately stand up with a weapon in her hands to protect her children, the hut and the village. A mixture of Eastern and Slavic blood, a special free way of life in serf Russia turned the Cossacks into extraordinary women. She sacredly performed the duties of both the mistress and mother in the family, setting an example for the children of high morality and obedience to her husband. To the honor of the female Cossack housewives should be attributed their concern for the cleanliness of their homes and neatness in clothes. At the same time, she did not lose the features inherent in the weaker sex: femininity and cordiality, coquetry and love for outfits.

11 slide

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On long winter evenings, the hostess spun yarn, so the spinning wheel is an integral part of the bedroom. The walls of the bedroom were decorated with photographs, there were flowers on the windows. The main room, the hall, is always ready to receive guests. Here stood the best furniture and was the best dishes. In the front corner of this room there was a goddess, which had several icons in rich silver settings.

12 slide

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Cossack families A large family was considered to consist of 13 people: father, mother, father's parents, two adult sons and seven young children. The average family consisted of 6 to 9 souls, and the small family consisted of 4 people. The head of the family, of course, was the father. He was engaged in all economic affairs: he was in charge of all the work related to the land, with agricultural implements, and caring for domestic animals. He took part in the social and political life of the village: he participated in the Cossack Circles, gatherings. All housework fell on the shoulders of the mother. Everything that was connected with the nutrition of the family was under her vigilant control: observance of fasts, a festive table, an everyday table, taking care of linen and repairing clothes.

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From the age of five, the boys worked with their parents in the field: they drove oxen to plow, graze sheep and other livestock. The boys grew up bold, dexterous, hardy. They have been preparing for military service since childhood. Family upbringing At the age of 4, the girl was taught to pick fruit, give food poultry. At the age of 5, she acquired needlework skills: sewing, knitting. At the age of 7, she worked in the garden and garden on her own, cleaned the courtyard, because. cleanliness must be perfect. From the age of 8, the Cossack child learned to wield a whip. From the age of 12, a Cossack girl was taught to use military weapons - a saber (dagger) and the ability to ride horses. The girl was raised by her grandmother (son at work, daughter-in-law at work). Kindness, tolerance, mutual forgiveness of insults, humility, obedience, respect for elders - all these components of the moral life circle provided a strong family in the future.

The origin of the Don Cossacks. Theories of the autochthonous (local, indigenous) origin of the Cossacks appear simultaneously with the beginning of the study of Cossack history in the 18th century. the idea of ​​the Caucasian origin of the Cossacks, first expressed by G.Z. Bayer - the ancestors of the Cossacks lived in Kabarda and were subordinated to the Tmutarakan prince Mstislav Vladimirovich in the 2nd half of the 10th century. Later, the Cossacks accepted fugitive Russians, Poles and representatives of other peoples into their ranks. G.Z. Bayer spoke of the Cossacks as representatives of an ancient people. A similar version was put forward by V.N. Tatishchev. He argued that the Zaporizhian Cossacks, who subsequently laid the foundation for the Don Cossacks, were direct descendants of the Caucasian Circassians (Cherkas). Later, a military engineer by education and a historian by vocation, Lieutenant General A.I. Rigelman, fully agreeing with the point of view of V.N. Tatishchev, noted that the Don Cossacks themselves considered the Circassians and mountain peoples to be their ancestors and declared their difference from the Russian people. four.

"Cossack" means "free", "brave, freedom-loving person", "daring warrior". The Cossacks arose at the behest of the government - by decree of Queen Elizabeth Petrovna in 1746 to protect the Russian borders from nomads. The Cossacks were mainly enlisted peasants. The Cossacks settled in the villages, fortresses and redoubts and were engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding. The kuren was divided into the left - the female half and the right - the male. Directly behind the vestibule was the largest room - the hall where guests were received. Here stood the best furniture and utensils. Governing bodies of the Cossack army Large Military Circle Council of Atamans Troop Ataman Ataman Board Military Headquarters Economic Council Council of Elders Revision Commission Cossack Circle - general meeting Cossacks, which took place on the Maidan. Maidan - a large square, usually in front of the church Ataman - the main one in the Cossacks. Esaul is the chieftain's assistant. (Ataman and Yesauls were elected on the Cossack circle for 1-2 years.) In the temples, the Cossacks kept all the most valuable things: military awards, weapons. This was one of the traditions of the Cossacks. They take off their hats only in church, when reading the Gospel, and bare their saber by one third - this means that the Cossack is ready to defend the honor of Russia. Traditions of the Cossacks The birth of a boy among the Cossacks was considered a great happiness, since every man at birth received a land allotment - "share". From the age of two, he was regularly put on a horse so that he would get used to the saddle. At the birth of a boy, it was customary to buy a horse so that they would get used to each other. The authority of the father and mother was the most important thing the Cossacks put. The godmother taught her daughter the housework, while her own mother was busy with the housework. Well, the godfather taught his son the art of war, so that he was a brave fighter Before the elders they took off their hats, they gave way, because the word of the elder is the law. They also respected the elder sister, she replaced the mother, fiddled with the children, was a craftswoman. For children, those who dabbled, an outside Cossack could tear his ears. Weapons of the Cossacks Men's Cossack costume Women's Cossack costume Papakha - headdress of the Don Cossack Kubank - headdress of the Kuban Cossack Burka Kazakin - among the Don Cossacks Beshmet - among the Terek and Kuban Cossacks Bashlyk among the Don Cossacks - gray steel, among the Kuban - red, among the Terek - blue colors. Christmas time The Cossacks celebrated Christmas time especially on a large scale, they organized mass festivities, competitions on horseback. The girls devoted their nights to divination. Almost all celebrations were associated with fortune-telling among the Cossacks. They did not miss the opportunity to lower a wreath on Ivan Kupala, roll an apple in an apple store, in order to find out their fate. October 14 - Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos. Holiday of the Cossacks of all troops. It is celebrated as the Victory Day of 5.3 thousand Cossacks over 150 thousand Turks at the end of September 1641 in the fortress of Azov. Cossack commandments. Each member of the Cossack society must know and follow the main principles of Cossack morality, which basically has the norms of Christian morality. 1. Love Russia, for she is your mother, and nothing in the world will replace her for you; 2. HONOR AND GOOD NAME FOR A COSSACK MORE THAN LIFE 3. COSSACKS ALL ARE EQUAL IN RIGHTS. REMEMBER: "There is NO PRINCE, NO SLAVE, BUT ALL SERVANTS OF GOD!" 4. SERVE FAITHLY TO YOUR PEOPLE AND NOT LEADERS 5. ALL COSSACKS AND PEOPLE ARE JUDGED BY YOU 6. KEEP YOUR WORD. THE WORD OF THE COSSACK IS EXPENSIVE 7. HONOR THE ELDER, RESPECT OLD AGE 8. DIE, AND RESCUE YOUR COMRADE 9. KEEP THE FAITH OF THE ANCESTORS, ACCEPT THE CUSTOMS OF YOUR PEOPLE 10. BE HARD-WORKING. KEEP UP 11. TAKE CARE OF YOUR FAMILY. SERVE HER BY AN EXAMPLE Thank you for your attention!

The Cossacks and its most numerous and famous part - the Don people - contributed many glorious pages to the history of the Russian state. The opinion of many researchers of the Cossack culture that the Cossacks are the essence of natural warriors is practically beyond doubt. All spiritual and material culture The Don Cossacks are imbued with military affairs, customs and traditions associated with war and military service. To characterize this unique military estate, the phrase "military culture" can be used, following the example of the culture of the samurai in Japan, Indian nihangs, ancient Spartans. A feature of the Don Cossacks was a rather high openness, the system absorbed all the best that the enemies of the Cossacks could have.

What was the basis of the military art of the Cossacks?
- Traditional hand-to-hand military-hunting competitions lay at the foundation of the military culture of the Russian Cossacks. They ascended with their roots to the ancient, even pre-Christian culture of Russia, the tribal system. They are based on tribal male initiations (initiations), cultures of the "primitive hunter" and "horseman". These include wrestling "for breaking" ("under the buckles"), freestyle wrestling, fisticuffs (in a collective form or in the form of a duel). Initiative elements were preserved in the various games of children, the customs of military camps for the Cossacks, etc.

For example, “breaking wrestling” is a wrestling match, the task of the Cossack is to force the opponent to touch the ground with the help of wrestling actions from a preliminary belt grip. In a fist fight, the fighter's goal is to crush the opponent's resistance with the help of blows. At the beginning of the 20th century, such fights were called “for an amateur”, “for a circle”. The fights were led by the leaders of the gangs ("atamans") before the collective fistfight. They were fought either until the first blood, or until the moment of demonstration of the complete psychological and physical superiority of one of the fighters. The punches were the most common and were called according to the place of impact: “under the sigh”, “in the ear”, “on the sopatka”, “wipe the snot”, “in the birdhouse”, “on the forehead”, “on the mikitka”, “clack on the teeth ”,“ take on the elbow ”, etc. They defended themselves with the help of knocks, stands, evading enemy blows. An important indicator of a fighter was the ability to hold the blow of the enemy, that is, to take blows to the body, head, and shoulders. When striking, the fighters used passages, jumps, interceptions and captures of the hands and clothes of the enemy, etc.

Collective tactical skills that were generated by the conditions of the steppe war (like lava, carousels - the group attacks in a circle, venteria - luring, entraining the enemy with a weak group under the blow of the main forces in the flank or rear, etc.). These skills closely adjoined personal skills to fight on horseback with melee weapons, shoot at a gallop, horseback riding, etc.

The development of the military skills of the Don Cossacks was greatly influenced by the regulation of these forms by the Cossack regulations, which were created on the basis of the Cossack and cavalry battles of the Russian and European armies. Standard elements of fencing and logging were introduced into the practice of preparing Cossacks, which helped in the training of young Cossacks.

A significant role in the development and transfer of military skills was played by stanitsa "home" games. On them, skills, experience in owning cold and firearms, a horse were passed on from the older generation to youth. Even the dances of the Cossacks carried not only a festive load, they prepared the body for a fierce battle, presented high requirements to physical training. In addition, festive shermitsia (national Cossack games) were of great importance, when the mastered military skills and abilities were shown by the Cossacks at stanitsa festivities and games in teams. Shermitia included: “cutting targets on foot”, “checkers fencing”, “peak fencing”, “breaking wrestling”, “fist fight”, etc. Representatives of all ages participated in them, experienced old people acted as judges. The winners received valuable prizes.

The military skills and traditions of the Cossacks were inseparable from the life of the people. It included elements such as collective battue hunting, individual hunting, which could be accompanied by ambushes, shooting for speed or accuracy. As well as setting traps for wild animals, hunting in floodplains, catching fish on the river and sea, grazing animals, avoiding horses, etc. From childhood, the Cossack developed the skills of a skilled warrior who was able to act on the sea and river, in the forest and the steppe. terrain.

Part of the military skills was transferred by "testament". Often from grandfather to grandson. Children and youth also received a lot through everyday family culture - songs, pastimes, etc. This makes the military culture of the Cossacks related to oriental martial arts, where many schools were of the “family” (clan) type and all secrets were passed on only to relatives by blood.

As a result, a unique military culture developed, which brought up warriors from birth. The Cossacks knew how to wield a horse, cold weapons, and then firearms, knew how to survive in the forest, forest-steppe, steppe, on the river and the sea, in extreme conditions, they perfectly controlled their body. They had high psychological stability. Therefore, the Cossacks showed their high fighting qualities in almost all the wars of Russia-Russia, and participated in the Great Patriotic War.

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