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Vodka oligarch-loser sabadash. Alexander Sabadash - the most unfortunate oligarch When sabadash is released from prison

Owner of Liviz OJSC, co-owner of Russian Diesel OJSC, Vyborgskaya Cellulose OJSC, reputable businessman.

Alexander Sabadash was born in 1965. in Leningrad. After school, he completed three courses at the Higher Naval Diving School. Lenin Komsomol.

Since 1985 is doing business. According to media reports, “he went into business, not disdaining any work.

He washed cars at a service station, then traded barbecue in the Peter and Paul Fortress, while earning 2,000 rubles each. per day, allegedly selling Russian vodka at the Finnish border directly from the trunk of a Zhiguli.

Having accumulated capital, he and his comrades decided to organize clothing industry. Alaska jackets were sewn from domestic raincoat fabric and sold at the Riga market in Moscow. Then a whole factory for sewing Levi`s jeans was opened in Kolpino. When brand owners came to Russian market production had to be shut down.

The patrons of the young entrepreneur are the Cherny brothers and the president of the National Sports Federation Tarpishchev, whom Sabadash was introduced to by his father, who had extensive connections ”(Izvestia-SPb, 2002).

In the late 1980s became the Russian representative of the Swedish company V&S, which produces Absolut vodka.

Organized the company AFB for the distribution of alcoholic products of Seagram S.

Two years later he registered the company AFB-2 for the production of alcohol.

According to media reports, 1994 can be considered a key year for Sabadash, when the Goodwill Games were held in St. Petersburg. “Then, as they say, he made his first million - on the same “Absolute” of Polish bottling. As they like to repeat in St. Petersburg, it was Alexander Sabadash who could then explain why domestic and Swedish statistics on the import of this vodka to Russia differed like day and night. No less benefit was derived from the sale of now forgotten canned vodka (it is known that it was bottled not in Holland, but not far from the customs terminal) ”(Izvestia-SPb, 2002).

In 1997 he became the owner of the St. Petersburg distillery Liviz. He expanded his business by building a distillery in Kalmykia.

In 1998 Ilya Klebanov, who then worked as the chairman of the committee on economics and industrial policy of the city administration - vice-governor of St. Petersburg, accused Sabadash of using a blending scheme - vodka was allegedly produced at factories in Kalmykia and the Moscow region, and in St. Petersburg it was only bottled, which allowed the entrepreneur to save on taxes ( "Vedomosti", 2001). Klebanov then promised to force Sabadash to pay several hundred million rubles to the budget through the courts, but he could not achieve anything.

The conflict between Sabadash and the authorities was marked by several major incidents: in particular, Anton Khokhlov, the director of the Niva plant (controlled by Sabadash), was shot from a grenade launcher at the height of the scandal. And a little later, Klebanov's assistant Veniamin Grabar (co-owner of the Ladoga liquor and vodka holding) was arrested by the prosecutor's office on charges of extorting a $10,000 bribe and spent several months behind bars.

But throughout Russia, Sabadash became famous for the assault on the Vyborg Pulp and Paper Mill. In 1998 Sabadash acquired the plant together with the St. Petersburg businessman Mikhail Shlossberg. Due to the resistance of the workers, the new owners did not immediately manage to enter the enterprise. After several attempts to take control of the pulp and paper mill, Sabadash decided to storm and on October 15, 1999. broke into the enterprise with fighters of the special forces of the Ministry of Justice "Typhoon". However, it was not possible to take the plant by force - the workers fought off the special forces soldiers and captured Sabadash himself. By force they locked him in a "closet", took away mobile phone and broke a rib. The plant surrendered in January 2000. Sabadash paid the workers 1 thousand rubles each, after which they themselves opened the gates for him. The assets of the Vyborg Pulp and Paper Mill were transferred to Vyborg Pulp and Paper (Vedomosti, 2001).

In the late 1990s Sabadash, Schlossberg and Alexey Shmargunenko (the latter co-owners of the Volkhov and Volgograd aluminum smelters, Syassky Pulp and Paper Mill and Pikalevsky Alumina) were partners. However, in 2001 they could not divide the business, and they parted ways. From 1998 to 2001 Sabadash and the Schlossberg-Shmargunenko group jointly controlled the Vyborg Pulp and Paper Mill (50% of the shares each). In 2001 the Schlossberg-Shmargunenko group was able to transfer the shares of Sabadash to their structures. Summer 2002 Sabadash achieved in court the cancellation of these transactions, after which the bailiffs removed Aleksey Shmargunenko from the post of general director of the pulp and paper mill, and power at the plant passed to Sabadash. Some observers believe that in the case of the Vyborg Pulp and Paper Mill, Sabadash may act in the interests of Oleg Deripaska, who is interested in controlling Russian pulp and paper mills.

In 1999 Alexander Sabadash graduated from the State University of New York (USA) ("Who's Who in Business Petersburg", 2002).

Later, Alexander Sabadash decided to try himself in the hotel business. According to media reports, “thanks to the help of the well-known St. Petersburg behind-the-scenes authority Vladimir Kolesnikov (who controls most of the Vyborgsky district of St. Petersburg), Sabadash managed to enter the hotel business. With the help of "authority" he got the hotel "Karelia" under his control. Later, Sabadash tried in vain to take over one of the most prestigious hotels in St. Petersburg - Astoria (Izvestia-SPb, 2002).

The problem with Astoria began in 1992. Then the government for the first time decided to replenish its budget.

The privatization of the hotel was carried out in accordance with all the rules, the budget received its money, and two years later the privatization was declared invalid. In 1995 second privatization. According to the law, part of the shares - about 40% - were transferred free of charge workforce, and a little over 60% was given to the city. The city decided to part with them as soon as possible, dividing the package into two parts: a 25.5% stake and a 35% stake. The first package was purchased for $11 million by British entrepreneur Rocco Forte. The second package was owned by Aroma-Investments LLC, registered a week before the tender.

At first, Aroma sued the Property Fund because the Fund took away a 35% stake from it (it violated the current legislation too clearly - it did not receive the consent of the Antimonopoly Committee, delayed the payment for a block of shares). Further, through the court, Aroma is trying to take away Rocco Forte and his 25.5% stake.

“Having achieved nothing, Aroma is suing itself. In Russian privatization practice, this was nonsense: the winner of the tender is trying to challenge the results of the auction. The fact is that this company also won the second tender for the sale of 35% of Astoria's shares, which took place in November 1999. The circuit is very simple and ingenious. According to Aroma, the Property Fund had no right to sell the package for the second time, since no one disputed the holding of the first competition. She received permission from the Antimonopoly [Committee]. And by current legislation If the court canceled the November 1999 competition, the results of the first competition would automatically become legal. Everything is very simple: in July 1998. for a 35% stake in Aroma has already paid 33 million rubles, and in November 1999. promised to pay 245.8 million. Having won the case in court, Aroma would not have to pay a single penny at all: everything has already been paid and is not claimed back "(" Petersburg Rush Hour "2001).

However, the Federal Court of Arbitration The North-West region recognized the competition as valid. Aroma had to pay what was promised within 10 days. After the expiration of the period, the shares passed into the possession of the city, "Aroma" disappeared. According to some information, this company belongs to the Swiss company Sphynx, owned by Alexander Sabadash.

In 1999 Alexander Sabadash, together with Alexei Shmargunenko, acquired the Volgograd bank "Investecobank" and "transferred" it to St. Petersburg ("Who's Who in Business St. Petersburg", 2002).

In 2001 Sabadash's attempt (partially successful) to take away MDM from the group also received great fame. the largest manufacturer mineral fertilizers - plant "Phosphorite". “Last year, Sabadash and Melnichenko grabbed hold of Phosphorit, one of Russia's major producers of mineral fertilizers. According to some sources, they fought together, against the nephew of the former Minister of Railways. For others, among themselves. It seemed that MDM skillfully outplayed Sabadash and ousted him from the enterprise. But the retreat was only a cunning ploy - Sabadash took several steps to financially rehabilitate Phosphorite and, for his own benefit, threw off the farm to Melnichenko. The capital's aggressor did not fail either, gaining control over a rather promising exporter of mineral fertilizers. As a result, both participants in the transaction were imbued with respect to each other, as they say in such cases, with mutual respect ”(Izvestia-SPb, 2002).

According to the AKC, during the year 2000. Sabadash's structures bought up a "controlling stake" in Phosphorite's accounts payable. In autumn 2000 Sabadash managed to appoint his manager - Vladimir Oreshko, who in the spring of 2001. prepared a plan for the transfer of Phosphorit's assets to new company. Thus, the MDM group had to lose Phosphorit, owning at that time a controlling stake in the enterprise. This, firstly, was simply unprofitable, since the group was losing money spent on acquiring a 32% stake in Phosphorite from Interros and on buying approximately 20% of the federal stake in the chemical plant. And secondly, it contradicted the strategy of MDM, which created the EuroChem mineral and chemical holding. Creditors and the shareholder waged a grueling struggle that lasted a year and a half. Therefore, the MDM group made every effort to block the adoption of an external management plan that was beneficial to Sabadash. In the spring of 2002 the parties agreed: they created on an equal footing joint venture, where MDM contributed an amount close to the amount of the chemical plant's creditors, and Phosphorit contributed its assets. After that, the creditors took the money and withdrew from the capital of this company, and Phosphorit, with a modified legal entity(“Industrial group “Phosphorite”) went to MDM.

In August 2001 Alexander Sabadash became the full owner of Russian Diesel JSC, which was created on the ruins of the state enterprise of the same name, which turned out to be bankrupt. Now, on part of the Russian Diesel premises in Vsevolozhsk (Leningrad region), vodka is being bottled, which the entrepreneur named after himself. According to some reports, Sabadash rented out another part of the area to the Ford concern - now cars are produced there.

The bankruptcy proceedings of the State Enterprise "Russian Diesel", which produced diesel engines, began in 1998. In December 1999 The Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region introduced bankruptcy proceedings at the enterprise. During the procedure, Russian Diesel OJSC was established, where the State Enterprise contributed equipment and facilities for the production of engines in Vsevolozhsk for a total of $ 1.5 million. When the OJSC was established, 49% of the shares went to the Swiss company Sphynx, close to Alexander Sabadash, which paid customs duties from equipment for Diesel for 286 million rubles. The remaining state stake was intended to be sold several times (three auctions were held), but each time there were no people willing to buy it, according to media reports, precisely because Sabadash had part of the shares, and there were no businessmen willing to "get in touch" with him. Finally, in August 2001 this package, according to the AKC, was bought by the structures of Sabadash. On the "Russian Diesel" there are shops of LIVIZ, controlled by Sabadash.

Then Alexander Sabadash came up with the idea to bottle not only vodka, but also aluminum in Vsevolozhsk. At the beginning of 2001 To implement the project, JSC Vsevolozhsk Aluminum Plant was established, the sole shareholder of which was Astromex, registered specifically for this purpose in the UK. According to the presented developments, it was planned to build a plant for the production of primary aluminum with a capacity of 150 thousand tons per year in the industrial zone "Brick Plant" (JSC "Russian Diesel"). The founder of the new VAZ announced the volume of investments - $132 million, which should pay off in 15 years.

A wave of protests from the population swept through the district, which was supported by the deputies of the Legislative Assemblies of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, who fear for the environmental situation in the district. The venture was postponed.

Then, after some time, at the suggestion of the same Sabadash, Russian Diesel, which had a significant amount of production space empty, decided to declare not the production of aluminum, but only its processing. To implement this idea, Russian Diesel established its subsidiary, LLC Vsevolozhsk Rolled Products Plant. According to the project, VZPI intended to produce a whole range of highly demanded products. In addition to alloy wire rod for the production of modern aluminum alloy wires, the brainchild of Russian Diesel planned to produce rolled sheets for window and door profiles, as well as blanks for beer cans. But it turned out that in addition to processing, casting will still be carried out at the enterprise.

It was decided to conduct an environmental impact assessment. Until now, the decisions of the State Ecological Expertise, it is expected in the summer of 2003. But according to the press, “neither the opinion of environmentalists, nor the unwillingness of people to live close to dangerous production could stop the “vodka king” who wants to become an aluminum magnate. Evil tongues attribute the successful expansion of Sabadash to the Northwest market to the help of "behind-the-scenes authorities". Yes, and sometimes strange stories happen with the competitors of the businessman. So, after a conflict with Sabadash, the founder of the Ladoga distillery, Veniamin Grabar (at that time assistant to the vice-governor of St. Petersburg), was arrested on suspicion of bribery. The same fate befell Gennady Dobrov, head of Vsevolozhsky municipality Leningrad region ("Nevskoe Vremya", 2002).

In December 2001 the bailiff service arrested for debts to the state budget owned by the Oktyabrskaya railway 49% stake in Baltic Bank. them at the beginning of 2002. bought firms associated with Alexander Sabadash. A source close to Sabadash made no secret of the fact that the shares were intended for resale. As potential buyer sources familiar with the deal called MDM Bank. The management of the Baltic Bank, resisting the hostile takeover, continued to challenge the purchase of the bank's shares by the Sabadash companies, and in January held an extraordinary meeting of shareholders, which decided on an additional issue.

Supporters of Sabadash tried to block the assembly through the courts, but failed.

October 2002 The GU Central Bank for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region registered the second issue of shares of CJSC Baltic Bank. As a result, the authorized capital of the bank increased from 35.5 million rubles. up to 199.5 million rubles Under the terms of the issue, the new shares were purchased by OKS Oktyabrskaya Zheleznaya Doroga and Baltiyskiy trading house, owning a controlling stake in the bank. As a result of the additional issue, Sabadash's 49% stake turned into 8.5%.

May 2003 there was information in the press that Alexander Sabadash could become a representative of the administration of the Nenets autonomous region(NAO) in the Federation Council. According to the assumption of the newspaper Vedomosti (2003), the Nenets governor Vladimir Butov hopes to use the possibilities of his old friend in the struggle for the interests of the district with oil companies LUKOIL and Rosneft. As Vedomosti reported, acting Governor Yuri Padalka signed a decree appointing Sabadash as a representative of the executive power of the district in the Federation Council on May 15, and the Assembly of deputies of the district agreed on this resolution. The deputies asked the representative of the administration, Sergei Popov, the only question: is Sabadash worthy of representing the district in Moscow. Popov replied that he was "worthy ... and will defend his interests with all the possibilities available to him." According to some media, Alexander Sabadash needs "senatorship" to obtain immunity.

Although the Legislative Assembly of the district did not prevent the nomination of Alexander Sabadash for this position, the confirmation of his candidacy in the upper house of the Russian parliament is postponed indefinitely. The reason is significant violations of the law. “The procedure for approving the candidacy of Alexander Sabadash was absolutely fantastic. In the Legislative Assembly, his candidacy was represented not by the governor of the district, Vladimir Butov, which is required by law, but by acting Yuri Padalka. Sabadash himself was completely absent when considering his candidacy. Padalka's argument in favor of Sabadash - "the governor considers him a worthy person" - did not have the proper impact on the deputies. Only one local parliamentarian voted for him, seven abstained. And Alexander Sabadash was delegated to the Federation Council: according to the legislation of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, a candidate for the Federation Council is considered “winning” if less than two-thirds of the deputies voted against his candidacy (there are 15 of them in the Nenets Legislative Assembly) ”(“ Change ”, 2003).

What owns

Alexander Sabadash and structures close to him control Vyborg Pulp and Paper Mill, Niva Distillery, AFB-2 CJSC, Liviz holding, which includes Liviz Distillery, Liviz CJSC and the trading house " Liviz. He is a co-owner of Russian Diesel OJSC, on whose premises in Vsevolozhsk he is trying to expand the production of primary aluminum and rolled aluminum. So far without success.


Alexander Sabadash, according to media reports, has a great influence on the Legislative Assemblies of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. In both, he has groups of deputies under his control. And after Kirill Polyakov (the son of the co-owner of Petmol OJSC Valentin Polyakov, a business partner of Alexander Sabadash) became the speaker of the regional assembly, this influence increased.


Observers attribute Oleg Deripaska to Alexander Sabadash’s business connections (“ base element”), Sergey Safaraliev (“Shilkin-Dagvino St. Petersburg”). Among the business partners of Sabadash are Valentin and Kirill Polyakovs - CEO a large St. Petersburg dairy enterprise JSC "Petmol" and his son. May 2003

Kirill Polyakov became the speaker of the Legislative Assembly Leningrad region.


The main competitor of Alexander Sabadash is Veniamin Grabar (Ladoga distillery). Until 2002

Alexander Sabadash and Alexei Shmargunenko jointly developed the Vyborg Pulp and Paper Mill, however, then they parted ways with a scandal.

According to some media reports, the interests of Alexander Sabadash intersected with the interests of another major St. Petersburg businessman, Mikhail Mirilashvili, in connection with the shares of the prestigious Astoria Hotel.

In the political sphere, among the opponents of Alexander Sabadash, the governor of the Leningrad region Valery Serdyukov is called.


He is fond of sports.

Married, has a son

A few years ago, a certain Harry Itkin came from New York to the city on the Neva, along with another US citizen who had completed his studies at New York University and acquired connections in American circles, Alexander Sabadash. By that time, the future millionaire Sabadash had only a small vodka business.

Some say that during the Goodwill Games, Alexander sold cheap Polish vodka under the brand name of the Swedish Absolute, thus earning his first million. It was Itkin who owed Sabadash his first political successes. The Russian-American tandem quickly realized that it would not be possible to expand business without political ties. First, contacts appeared in Kalmykia, where the system made it possible to implement tax evasion schemes in the production of vodka products. In 1997, Sabadash became the owner of the Liviza distillery.

In 1998, the name of Sabadash surfaced when he quarreled with the then chairman of the city committee for economics and industrial policy, Ilya Klebanov, and fabricated a case against him.

Valery Serdyukov allowed Sabadash to take over several businesses in the region

All-Russian fame came to Sabadash in October 1999, when he organized the assault on the Vyborg Pulp and Paper Mill: workers refused to let him into his own mill. In the same year, Sabadash and his partners, Alexander Shmargunenko and Alexander Beletsky, supported Valery Serdyukov, governor of the Leningrad Region, in the elections. In gratitude, Serdyukov allowed Sabadash and partners to take over several businesses in the region. Sabadash got the Russian Diesel plant in Vsevolozhsk, which now bottles all the products of the Liviz distillery. In addition, Serdyukov actually authorized the opening at this enterprise aluminum production. Subsequently, relations between Serdyukov and Sabadash became more complicated.

And Itkin in 2003 took part in the election campaign of Vadim Gustov. Serdyukov was re-elected, and Sabadash got complications in business. Aluminum production at Russian Diesel has not yet begun. Sabadash, however, secured control over a significant part of the deputy corps of the regional legislature.

After the failure with Gustov, Itkin fully rehabilitated himself in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Sabadash only became interested in the oil business and preferred to acquire political immunity. The then Nenets governor Vladimir Butov hoped to use the opportunities of the St. Petersburg businessman in confrontation with the oil companies Rosneft and Lukoil. As a result, with one vote in favor, Sabadash became a senator from the NAO.

Since 2003, Sabadash worked as a senator in the administration of the NAO, but in the spring of 2005, after the victory of Alexei Barinov in the election of the governor of the NAO, the Nenets deputies voted for Sabadash to become a representative of the legislative assembly of the NAO.

In 2006, Sabadash was accused of tax evasion at the Liviz enterprise for 124 million rubles. Moreover, Aleksey Barinov, the governor of the NAO, also attracted the attention of the prosecutor's office. On May 12, 2006, the chairman of the chamber, Sergei Mironov, demanded that Sabadash be recalled from the Federation Council. But the Legislative Assembly of the NAO refused to withdraw it. Then law enforcement agencies launched an attack on Governor Barinov and took him into custody. Sabadash wrote a letter of resignation to the Federation Council. A little later, the Main Investigative Directorate of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for St. Petersburg suspended the investigation "due to the failure to identify the person who should be charged." It was from those times that Sabadash began to be called the "vodka king."

The attack on Sabadash is explained by the idea of ​​the authorities to punish the obstinate heads of regions and senators in a revealing manner. Sabadash was close to the ambitious governor Alexei Barinov, and he hampered the idea of ​​unification of the NAO with the Arkhangelsk region and consolidated the local elite under this topic. investigative committee Russia (SRK) accused the arrested Alexander Sabadash of attempted fraud. The Moscow Basmanny Court sent him under arrest until September 8.

According to investigators, in 2010 Sabadash created organized crime group"for the purpose of stealing Money from the budget Russian Federation". Sabadash is suspected of embezzling 1.8 billion rubles from the budget. under the guise of VAT refunds is a crime under Part 3 of Art. 30 and part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (attempted fraud).

It is noteworthy that the attack of law enforcement agencies on Alexander Sabadash began almost immediately after the "honorable" resignation of Vladimir Kozhin, the head of the President's affairs, who was considered the patron of Sabadash. A number of experts believe that the real reason for the arrest of the latter was not so much VAT fraud, but much more serious offenses related to a raider attack on the lands near Moscow, where the residence of Vladimir Putin himself is located.

In mid-2008, courts near Moscow considered an unprecedented lawsuit, if successful, Putin, then prime minister, could lose part of his residence in Novo-Ogaryovo. In July, several individuals filed a lawsuit with the Krasnogorsk City Court of the Moscow Region, among the defendants in which was the state institution Health Complex Tetkovo of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. The plaintiffs contested the transfer to this enterprise land plot with an area of ​​197.57 hectares near the village of Petrovo-Dalnee. It is in this place that the residence of Vladimir Putin is located.

The organizers of the operation to seize land from Putin, along with Alexander Sabadash, were Federation Council member Leonid Lebedev, businessman Andrei Bokarev, and also a certain Mikhail Topor, who was on the international wanted list. The direct executor of the raid was Yuri Loktionov, who once owned these lands. Loktionov in the recent past was a lawyer for Sabadash, as well as a member of the board of directors of the Liviz alcohol company. The raid was prevented by judicial measures, Sabadash was released, and a little later the raider attacks resumed and were crowned with success. It was this episode that could become one of the reasons for the arrest of Sabadash, since it concerns Putin personally, because today part of the residence of the President of the Russian Federation in Novo-Ogaryovo legally belongs to Alexander Sabadash.

On May 7, 2014, Alexander Sabadash was detained for two days by the SRK as part of a criminal case on fraud. According to the ICR, three criminal cases, in which Sabadash is now a suspect, were initiated in the capital in February this year. What awaits the "vodka king" - the court will decide.

Forbes magazine estimated his fortune at $370 million. However, many believe that this is the price of only Russian assets, while the bulk of his finances are in the UK and the US, where his two families live. He never made it to the Russian Forbes rich list. In the list of ruble billionaires of the Finance magazine, he occupies the 287th line with a fortune of 3.5 billion rubles.

A well-known businessman and former senator Alexander Sabadash was sentenced to 7 years in prison for embezzling 190 million rubles from the Tauride Bank. Taking into account the previous sentence (6 years for attempted fraud), the former vodka king will spend more than 8 years in prison, but can be released on parole in less than a year.

The former senator and former billionaire received 7 years in a general regime colony in the case of embezzlement of 189.5 million rubles from the bank "". made a decision yesterday.

Taking into account the previous verdict, when in 2015 Sabadash was found guilty of attempted fraud and sent to a colony for 6 years, the businessman will spend 8 years and 6 months in prison. Other defendants in the case - and this is the chairman of the board of "Tavrichesky" and his deputy - also received 7 years each. All convicts must also pay a fine of 100,000 rubles. None of the accused pleaded guilty.

"In August 2018, Alexander Sabadash has the right to count on parole. Naturally, we will file an appeal, as we have not admitted our guilt and demand an acquittal," Pavel Shpilevoy-Shatsky, the businessman's lawyer, told DP.

Money that isn't there

Sabadash, Somov and Garkusha were held under the article on fraud (Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). According to investigators, from June to December 2013, Tavrichesky, represented by Garshkusha and Somov, bypassing the lending procedure established by the bank, transferred almost 190 million rubles to the account of the Milan company, which belonged to Vadim Chornovol. The latter worked as the head of the security service at the Sabadash distillery "".

The examination established that the loan agreements allegedly signed by Chornovol were forged. After Milan, the money was transferred to the account of the Renaissance Premier company in the Czech Republic, and then settled offshore.

The security forces opened a criminal case in the summer of 2015. Initially, the crime was classified under the article on illegal currency transactions (Article 193 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), but in the course of the investigation, the article was changed.

Bank "Tavrichesky" collapsed at the end of 2014, and introduced a temporary administration in it. The new management found out that the bank had 22 outstanding loan agreements with Milan.

Alexander Sabadash was a welcome guest at Tauride. With bank loans, he financed the bankruptcy of Liviza, which has been going on since 2007, built new production facilities - for example, Vyborgskaya, created on the basis of the plant "".

Works that are not

In 2015, Alexander Sabadash was sentenced to 6 years in prison for attempting to steal 1.87 billion rubles. The trial took place in Moscow. Four other people were involved in the case. They got 2 to 6 years.

From the materials of the case, it followed that the company “” controlled by Sabadash in September 2010 turned to the Moscow tax authorities and demanded the return of value added tax. The company allegedly modernized the Vyborg Cellulose JSC plant, which also belonged to the entrepreneur.

The tax authorities checked the statements of ES-Kontraktstroy and came to the conclusion that the work at the plant was carried out by the plant itself and other contractors. In May 2014, Sabadash was detained, and among other things, she ended up in the dock financial director"ES-Contractstroy" Elena Bevza.

Vodka King of the Northwest

Since the 1990s, Alexander Sabadash has been known primarily as the owner of a vodka business. In the 1990s, he supplied Absolut vodka to St. Petersburg. In 1997, he became the owner of the largest distillery in the city of Liviz. From 2003 to 2006 he was involved in politics - he was a senator from the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Sabadash clashed with colleagues in the market. His conflict with the owner of the holding " lasted more than 10 years. Vodka "" has been bottled since 1998 at the Liviz plant, but in 2006 Tariko moved production to his own site. In addition, Russian Standard was one of the largest creditors of the Sabadash plant - Liviz owed the holding more than 160 million rubles.

In the middle of the 2000s, Sabadash also argued with the ex-head of "" Sergey Zivenko for the Gzhelka trademark, under which Liviz bottled vodka of the same name. In court, Sabadash managed to prove that Zivenko used the trademark illegally.

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Alexander Sabadash, or, as his associates call him, Sasha Bolshoy, seems to have suffered the most crushing defeat in the last decade. From the beginning of the nineties, the resourceful cadet of the naval school aspired to the camp of the newly-minted oligarchs. The path was thorny. First - trade in shish kebabs near the walls of Petropavlovka. Where, I think, boxing did a good service to the future bigwig. Then - the import of vodka. Small parties. Through the Finnish border, where trucks stood idle for days. Finally - moving to overseas, successful acquaintances with American entrepreneurs and continuing alcohol business at home, in St. Petersburg.

Over time, Sasha Bolshoy was ranked among the legends of another, bankrupt business. Because, judging by the statements of experts, no one could inflate so gracefully " bubble"from enterprises mired in poverty. They say that it was the ability to convince reputable buyers that they were acquiring property that had been restored by the skillful hand of Sabadashev, brought the former cadet to the people.

Although, probably, another version of the enrichment of Alexander Vitalievich is also true. Alcohol is the force that brought the barbecue merchant to today's power. Today, the empire of Sabadash is made up of a pocket commercial bank, a vodka factory with famous brand, the scandalous pulp and paper mill and other less profitable business. Among which there was a place for the aluminum production project, cleverly disguised as the processing of secondary light metal, and the likely participation in the trade in petroleum products, and even political activity.

However, with the latter, Alexander Sabadash got a complete miss. Four years ago, together with Sasha Malyny and temporary ally Alexei Shmargunenko, he, as informed people almost openly say, put Valery Serdyukov in the kingdom in the Leningrad region. There is an opinion that Valery Pavlovich cost the sponsors four million "green", because for a long time he was "meek as sheep", and supposedly allowed political investors to create in his patrimony whatever they please. But a couple of years ago, Bolshoy broke up with Little, who, offended by the whole wide world, went to conquer Moscow. And last summer, Shmargunenko's former friend also tried to "throw" Sabadash, practically re-registering joint property for himself.

No, Alexei would hardly have dared to go against the vodka magnate, if at the same time Sasha Maly, now known as the director of the Moscow Mint, Alexander Beletsky. However, a strong wedge between the namesakes was driven by Harry's top manager discharged from America. Harry, who prefers to be called in the Russian manner Yuri Itkin, having left his family in the New World, brought the accent of a real Yankee into Sabadash's business and did everything to remove Little from leadership financial flows. By the summer before last, Itkin had concentrated most of the assets of the cadet empire in his hands, successfully survived Beletsky, began to go on weekends to his relatives across the ocean and completely refused to participate in dubious political actions. It seems that it was then that Valery Serdyukov decided to jump off the vodka hook.

And Sasha Big Lane is further. Under the onslaught of Sabadash, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug fell. With the help of trusted representatives, the St. Petersburg tycoon managed not only to gain additional influence in the raw materials region, but also, as they say, to contribute to Vladimir Butov's election victory. The very one that the prosecutor's office is now constantly hunting for. Even close friends of Alexander Vitalyevich were confused when they learned about Sabadash's desire to take the chair of the senator from the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. To be honest, the Nenets, who in the political beau monde are referred to as traditional "lovers of fire water", behaved too consistently in the case of the election of the magnate. You could say it's out of control. But the outrageous Butov came to the aid of Sasha Bolshoi and shoved the benefactor almost behind the Kremlin wall.

The past summer was marked by big troubles for Sabadash. First, either LUKoil or some other oil concern that has serious interests in the Nenets region “hit the vodka upstart in a childish way”. Then the odious deputy Damir Shadayev disobeyed him, following the example of Alexander Vitalyevich, he rushed to the Russian Senate, but from the Leningrad region. Helpless in political intrigues, Harry Itkin not only managed to pass for, as some believe, a man who does not keep his word, but also got into the regional elections on the side of Vadim Gustov.

As a result, the completely offended Serdyukov puffed up, and then, it seems, he began to zealously beat up the numerous supporters of Sabadash in the deputy corps, the Chamber of Control and Accounts, among the leaders of the district level. The confrontation was complicated by the involvement of Sasha Bolshoy in the removal of the former speaker of the regional legislature Klimov and the replacement of the elderly leader of the lawmakers with the dashing Kirill Polyakov. Thus, the vodka spirit penetrated the territory of the regional government and began to consistently knock down the indecisive associates of Valery Pavlovich.

The fall of the ten-year-old business stronghold happened on Sunday, September 21, 2003. Contrary to the predictions of Sabadash's court soothsayers, sponsored (judging by the hints in the political elite) of the people's deputies and constantly funded by the media, Gustov, supported by a bearer of an American accent, failed miserably, failing to satisfy his claims to the post of governor of the Leningrad region.

It is possible that in the very near future a severe redistribution of spheres of influence will take place in this region. The loss of the current vodka henchman will gladly accept Sabadash's competitor in the aluminum business - Alexei Shmargunenko. After the election of the wife of the disgraced Shadayev, Irina, as a deputy of the regional parliament, there is a clear opposition to Sasha Bolshoi among representatives of the legislative branch. Following the exclusion of Alexander Vitalyevich's people from United Russia and Vladimir Putin's recent speech at the congress of this party, in all likelihood, an active "cleansing" of vodka drinkers across the entire political spectrum will begin.

The victorious governor will certainly add fuel to the fire. Now, most likely, Sabadash will not see either the construction of a plant in Vsevolozhsk, or preferences for the Vyborg Pulp and Paper Mill, or tracking budget spending in the Chamber of Control and Accounts.

And then there are the oilmen, who do not want to put up with the presence of a vodka tycoon in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. According to some reports, plans are already brewing in Moscow to squeeze Sabadash out of the senatorial chair, and then dismember his empire. In any case, with the Kaliningrad vodka "Slavyanka" entering the market of alcoholic products, the position of the St. Petersburg bigwig will be under attack. Especially considering that Sabadash is saying goodbye to the elite "Russian Standard", and huge advertising expenses, nested in unwind trademark"Diplomat", as experts say, has not justified itself yet.

Well, not every Harry gets to hear the sound of fanfare in Russia. And not every Sasha, who dared to play the oligarch, gets lucky to elect governors. It seems that the only winner was Alexander Beletsky, who a year ago abruptly refused to participate in any elections in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. He now has Moscow chips...

Born in 1965 in Leningrad. After school, he completed three courses at the Higher Naval Diving School. Lenin Komsomol. In 1999 Graduated from the State University of New York (USA).

He has been engaged in entrepreneurship since 1985. According to media reports, he began with a car wash and barbecue trade near the Peter and Paul Fortress. In the late 1980s became the Russian representative of the Swedish company V&S, which produces Absolut vodka. Organized the company AFB for the distribution of alcoholic products of the company Seagram S. Two years later, he registered the company AFB-2 for the production of alcohol. In 1997 he became the owner of the St. Petersburg distillery Liviz. He expanded his business by building a distillery in Kalmykia.

In 1998 Ilya Klebanov, who then worked as the chairman of the committee on economics and industrial policy of the city administration - vice-governor of St. Petersburg, accused Sabadash of using a blending scheme - vodka was allegedly produced at factories in Kalmykia and the Moscow region, and in St. Petersburg it was only bottled, which allowed the entrepreneur to save on taxes. Klebanov then promised to force Sabadash to pay several hundred million rubles to the budget through the courts, but he could not achieve anything. The conflict between Sabadash and the authorities was marked by several major incidents: in particular, Anton Khokhlov, the director of the Niva plant (controlled by Sabadash), was shot from a grenade launcher at the height of the scandal.

And a little later, Klebanov's assistant Veniamin Grabar (co-owner of the Ladoga liquor and vodka holding) was arrested by the prosecutor's office on charges of extorting a $10,000 bribe from Sabadash, spent several months behind bars, but was acquitted by the court. In 1999, Sabadash, together with St. Petersburg entrepreneurs Mikhail Shlosberg and Alexei Shmargunenko, acquired a controlling stake in Vyborgsky Pulp and Paper Mill, and after several unsuccessful attempts to enter the enterprise, organized an assault on the pulp and paper mill with the participation of special forces of the Ministry of Justice "Typhoon" and private security company "Cobra". The assault turned out to be unsuccessful - the workers managed to block the special forces in the plant management building and capture Sabadash himself. However, soon Sabadash managed to find a common language with the workers - according to the media, he paid each employee of the enterprise 1 thousand rubles. Subsequently, control over the pulp and paper mill passed to Sabadash's partners, but he challenged a number of transactions in court and, with the help of bailiffs, removed Aleksey Shmargunenko, general director of the pulp and paper mill, from his post.

In 2001 Sabadash structures bought up a "controlling stake" in the accounts payable of Phosphorit OJSC. Sabadash managed to appoint his manager - Vladimir Oreshko, who in the spring of 2001. prepared a plan for the transfer of Phosphorite assets to a new company. The main shareholder of OAO, the MDM group, made every effort to block the adoption of an external management plan beneficial to Sabadash. In the spring of 2002 the parties agreed: they created a joint venture on a parity basis, to which MDM contributed an amount close to the amount of the chemical plant's accounts payable, and Phosphorit contributed its assets. After that, the creditors took the money and withdrew from the capital of this company, and Phosphorite with a changed legal entity (Industrial Group Phosphorite) went to MDM.

In August 2001 Alexander Sabadash became the full owner of Russian Diesel JSC, which was created on the ruins of the state enterprise of the same name, which turned out to be bankrupt. Now, on part of the Russian Diesel area in Vsevolozhsk (Leningrad region), there are workshops of LIVIZ, controlled by Sabadash. Sabadash handed over the other part of the area to the Ford concern. In the same place, Sabadash tried to implement another project, OJSC Vsevolozhsk Aluminum Plant. The project remained unrealized due to a wave of protests from the local population.

In December 2001 The bailiff service of St. Petersburg arrested 49% of the shares of the Baltic Bank, which belonged to the October Railway, for debts to the state budget. them at the beginning of 2002. bought firms associated with Alexander Sabadash. Other shareholders of the bank held an extraordinary meeting of shareholders, which decided on an additional issue, as a result of which the share of Sabadash decreased to 8.5%
In 2004, newspapers reported that structures close to Alexander Sabadash, with the help of some mysterious combination, gained control over part of the Baltrade gas station network, and eventually passed into the hands of a new owner.

In 2003, Alexander Sabadash was elected representative of the administration of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (NAO) in the Federation Council. In the spring of 2006, Sabadash resigned from this post after the start of a police check of Liviz and the initiation of a criminal case against the governor of the NAO, Alexei Barinov.

Lives mostly in the USA. Married, has a son.

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