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I'm tired of everything, there is no incentive to live. How to motivate yourself if there is no incentive and hands down? Do you need a goal


Who died morally, mentally exhausted, there can be two reasons, subjective and objective.
1) Subjective - mental strength has run out.
This is a completely natural effect, if, for example, you put your soul into your work, there are many such positions. A good level of responsibility also implies this. That is, you approach your personal and work affairs responsibly, worry about them, in this case, of course, some kind of internal wear and tear occurs. But if the work is done well, it brings pleasure and some replenishment of strength. However, there are enough work tasks that take a lot of time, months, years, to complete. Then it turns out that you invest in full and regularly, but at the end you get nothing in return. It is, of course, a thankless job. good sense, but the goal is apparently big there, the result will be solid. In this case, as I have already said, it is possible to replenish mental strength in nature. In addition, you can take a creative basis for further work from nature, some ideas will come to mind precisely from observation, and not from another brainstorming session.
2) Objective loss of stimulus - when there is nothing to attach to any undertaking.
I know that I am ready to work, and I am confident in my abilities, but it feels like I don’t need it. Here we have a lack of incentive, because there is nowhere to put it. I think you are able to look into yourself and figure out what diagnosis is in your case. The problem of the lack of a point of application of the stimulus is a more fundamental issue. The answer to it will have an impact on your entire future life. It does not just mean what you will do over the next years, there is already a conversation about the fact that you will become a different person. After all, if you began to do something differently and do it all the time, then you have become different. Think about it.


There are two options.
1) Find the global point of application of the stimulus.
2) Abandon the "stimulus gives life" model, start using the "I and the stimulus are a single whole" model.
If the first option can be compared with a new refueling of a car with gasoline to a full tank, then the second option is a car that drives without gasoline and without a motor. She rides on internal energy. That is, the movement for such a machine is its internal property, its essence. Like the property of the sun to shine. How does a ball roll. You can become such a person too. Tempting, isn't it? :-) Yeah cool. So it seems that after reading this article I will forever become cheerful, cheerful and I will never need some kind of external stimulus for life :-)


Is it even possible? Possibly and how! Do you think that all the best things that have been created on Earth were made by orders from above? I will assume that the most perfect thing that was done by man on Earth was done for personal reasons, simply because the man himself wants to. To put it even more precisely, it was done by this person, because he is so arranged. It would be fair to say about any work, about any business, that it bears part of the personality of the performer himself. Hue. A person can be hardworking or lazy. The product of one will be of high quality, while the other will have only formal packaging. There is also something else. Products different people will have different personalities. Already today you can hear: the car has a character, the phone has a character, and so on. Someone is closer to the Germans, someone is closer to the Japanese, and someone is Russian :-) So or not? So, by acquiring an internal source of energy and stimulus, you are also acquiring your individual part of your personality, you are completing your character. The results of your activities, and indeed your life in general, will have not just a quality, it will become better or worse, your life will acquire a certain color characteristic of your personality. It may not be determined immediately, but over time you will see the difference between how you worked before and how you work now, with the same degree of your activity in this work. It's hard to describe, it's a very delicate moment. AT Everyday life in a standard office, in a typical apartment, at the 1st, 2nd, 153rd plant named after. Lenin, in a chain restaurant, in a store, it is almost impossible to notice him. But it is. Decide for yourself what you want to do: fill up a full tank or change yourself. We continue for the second option.


In fact, to find this stimulus within yourself means to know yourself. You want to live, you want to feel normal both in terms of health and morale. Want or not? Well, it's probably hard not to want to live. Either want to live or want to die. Borderline - I don't care))))
1) Give yourself permission to change.
At first glance, a certain selfish practicality of such a decision is striking. In some ways, it feels like it’s impossible to do this, it’s not allowed. This is the soul, how can I just take it today, sit with it tomorrow and become forever a different person with a life a step better than it was yesterday? .. It’s kind of dumb ... But I think that everyone has a complete 100% the right to do whatever he wants with his soul and no matter how Life itself (or Your Conscience) reacts to this. I mean literally. Many people, very many, are convinced that for a normal life it is necessary to work constantly, hard and tirelessly. And if you do not have an incentive to life, it means that you, as it were, did not deserve it before Life. At best, Life only allows you to refuel for a couple of years with motivation, an incentive for life, and nothing more. But don't you have the right to make your life much better? Of course you are right! There is no need to even argue. Once you can make your life better, then you have the right to change yourself as you want.
2) Mentally prepare to become a little different (or different).
I understand that this is somehow unusual. It is one thing to rearrange the furniture in the apartment, but here we are talking about the inner world that needs to be rebuilt. It's not a stack of bricks, I took it and rearranged it. Yes, not a stack of bricks, but don't say that people can't change over time. Your memory must have specific example from life. Once a person has changed, then you can too. Now I will tell you how to do it. Well, we are guided by the fact that you want to find an incentive within yourself.


So what should be done? Can I really live without external stimulus? Internal stimulus is a property of your character. This is your personality. For example, you are joyful not because everything in your life is good, but because you are such a person. Well, not necessarily directly forever joyful, well, maybe at least forever cheerful.
1) A weak link in the external stimulus of life.
Are you always upbeat? Well, ummm, it depends on the mood, the weather, the job, and a bunch of other things. That is, to make you sad, it is enough for me to fire you from your job, ruin your mood and make bad weather? Yes, and where am I, in life it does not happen? Have you ever been unemployed? Personally, I do not like such a scheme that my mood should depend on a bunch of factors that are not dependent on me. That is, like a rag my mood can chat through life. And I will always be cheerful only because I want to. It is always nice to get a certain degree of independence, freedom. Well, get it! Do you want an incentive to live? What is life for you? Vitality. That is, you want to have an incentive to live from within, you can simplify and say to activity. I want to have an inner incentive to work. What do you want to do? Do not think, this is not a question for the head, but for the heart. The fact that everyone would not mind becoming rich is understandable. I'm not answering the question here, what do you want to do to become rich. What do you want to do? Who do you want to be? I want to be a fitter of the sixth category. Good desire, most importantly, from the heart. This person will be the best you know in the business. And you? Who to be? Take a look at yourself, it has been lying there for a long time, since childhood, you always wanted it, but were afraid to say it. It's hard to say even to yourself, not to mention friends and acquaintances. But, at least now, if you tell yourself this, no one will judge you and will not laugh at you. Even if you do, it does not oblige you to immediately take action and start zealously putting it into practice. So dig. You cannot be a person who does not like anything at all, who has no soul for anything at all.
2) Universal internal stimulus of life.
Who do you want to be? Do you want to be a man? Or maybe you want to become a woman? I'm not talking about the body, I'm talking about the state of mind. Well, I'm already a man. Nooo, having a primary sex and being a real man is different. If it were that simple, there wouldn't be so many unhappy wives. And vice versa, the same can be said about women. So, are you a real man? Are you the perfect woman? Are you proud of yourself? Vooooot, what perfection if they are looking for an incentive to live here. What a pride if I can't bring myself to get out of bed at least at three o'clock in the afternoon. Therefore, to begin with, try to come to a decision to become the brightest representative of your gender. :-) There is definitely nothing wrong with this, but you will get a huge amount of pluses. And this is a universal answer for everyone. To become a more beautiful woman than she was yesterday, to become a more courageous guy than she was today. Super! I already want it! :-) Forward!

To live life is not a field to cross. The proverb is old, but fully reflects the state modern man looking back. Without a past, there is no future. And all the past is already in your head. Just work with it like an artisan with a piece of clay. Pay special attention to those moments that have a key impact on the further course of events throughout your life. Recall the times that changed you. Perhaps there were people who changed you. Here is a map on how to live if there is no incentive, but you will have to go through this map yourself. After all, even if it were the best article in the world, you are still responsible for your life, whether it is with or without an incentive. I wish you learn to enjoy such responsibility!

As the catchphrase, which is attributed to various philosophers, says, “correctly question asked is half the answer. Therefore, trying to find an incentive to live, a person should first think about his goals: why does he live in this world. Depending on the meaning that people put into their existence, it is worth choosing an incentive - after all, a Buddhist monk, an American athlete or a Russian teacher will have a completely different one. Having defined your goals, you should prioritize: what will contribute, and what, on the contrary, is an obstacle to achieving the desired result.

However, the question of the true meaning of life, which has been worrying humanity for thousands of years, has not yet been found the only correct answer. There are different opinions, for example, according to some modern philosophers, the meaning of life is in itself. Every moment of life is unique and valuable, and trials and hardships are necessary for balance, balancing the happy moments that have befallen a person. After all, you can understand “white” only by comparing it with “black”. And only the person himself will be able to give an answer about the meaning of his existence, and therefore, choose the appropriate incentive for himself.

Thoughts about finding a stimulus to life often come during times of crisis. It is not necessary that a person has experienced any shock or hardship. It happens that people, having achieved, it would seem, everything they dreamed of (marriage, financial well-being, career, etc.), they realize that they have lost the most important thing - the desire to strive for something again. You can try to wait out this moment, taking advantage of the circumstances for rest and gaining strength for new achievements, or you can reconsider your life tasks and goals - because some just need to stop from time to time and think about how and why they live.

Finding an incentive to live is like working on yourself

It happens that a person feels the need for a stimulus and under the influence of negative circumstances (loss of work, divorce, death of someone close and other trials of fate). When hands drop and you don’t want to live on, you can’t allow yourself to become more and more bogged down in these thoughts. As the main character of the cult "Gone with the Wind" said, it's better to think about it tomorrow. For now, focus on the essentials. This will be especially effective if the actions are associated with physical exertion - cleaning the home, washing, or any similar activities. No matter how trite it sounds, but such advice, according to a number of psychologists, is quite universal and at the same time effective.

For many, the incentive is money, or rather, material well-being. And there is nothing wrong with that, if people strive to provide for themselves in honest ways, without going too deep into the work. However, when work or the process of making money becomes the only meaning and incentive for existence, it is worth thinking about your priorities - it is important to find a place for other equally important factors necessary for a fulfilling life. Communicating with relatives and friends, actively relaxing and doing sports or your favorite hobby, traveling and making new friends, you can feel that life is filled with meaning, and there is simply no need to look for an incentive!


Who died morally, mentally exhausted, there can be two reasons, subjective and objective.
1) Subjective - mental strength has run out.
This is a completely natural effect, if, for example, you put your soul into your work, there are many such positions. A good level of responsibility also implies this. That is, you approach your personal and work affairs responsibly, worry about them, in this case, of course, some kind of internal wear and tear occurs. But if the work is done well, it brings pleasure and some replenishment of strength. However, there are enough work tasks that take a lot of time, months, years, to complete. Then it turns out that you invest in full and regularly, but at the end you get nothing in return. Of course, this is a thankless job in a good sense, but the goal is apparently big there, the result will be solid. In this case, as I have already said, it is possible to replenish mental strength in nature. In addition, you can take a creative basis for further work from nature, some ideas will come to mind precisely from observation, and not from another brainstorming session.
2) Objective loss of stimulus - when there is nothing to attach to any undertaking.
I know that I am ready to work, and I am confident in my abilities, but it feels like I don’t need it. Here we have a lack of incentive, because there is nowhere to put it. I think you are able to look into yourself and figure out what diagnosis is in your case. The problem of the lack of a point of application of the stimulus is a more fundamental issue. The answer to it will have an impact on your entire future life. It does not just mean what you will do over the next years, there is already a conversation about the fact that you will become a different person. After all, if you began to do something differently and do it all the time, then you have become different. Think about it.


There are two options.
1) Find the global point of application of the stimulus.
2) Abandon the "stimulus gives life" model, start using the "I and the stimulus are a single whole" model.
If the first option can be compared with a new refueling of a car with gasoline to a full tank, then the second option is a car that drives without gasoline and without a motor. She rides on internal energy. That is, the movement for such a machine is its internal property, its essence. Like the property of the sun to shine. How does a ball roll. You can become such a person too. Tempting, isn't it? :-) Yeah cool. So it seems that after reading this article I will forever become cheerful, cheerful and I will never need some kind of external stimulus for life :-)


Is it even possible? Possibly and how! Do you think that all the best things that have been created on Earth were made by orders from above? I will assume that the most perfect thing that was done by man on Earth was done for personal reasons, simply because the man himself wants to. To put it even more precisely, it was done by this person, because he is so arranged. It would be fair to say about any work, about any business, that it bears part of the personality of the performer himself. Hue. A person can be hardworking or lazy. The product of one will be of high quality, while the other will have only formal packaging. There is also something else. Products of different people will have different characters. Already today you can hear: the car has a character, the phone has a character, and so on. Someone is closer to the Germans, someone is closer to the Japanese, and someone is Russian :-) So or not? So, by acquiring an internal source of energy and stimulus, you are also acquiring your individual part of your personality, you are completing your character. The results of your activities, and indeed your life in general, will have not just a quality, it will become better or worse, your life will acquire a certain color characteristic of your personality. It may not be determined immediately, but over time you will see the difference between how you worked before and how you work now, with the same degree of your activity in this work. It's hard to describe, it's a very delicate moment. In everyday life in a standard office, in a typical apartment, at the 1st, 2nd, 153rd plant named after. Lenin, in a chain restaurant, in a store, it is almost impossible to notice him. But it is. Decide for yourself what you want to do: fill up a full tank or change yourself. We continue for the second option.


In fact, to find this stimulus within yourself means to know yourself. You want to live, you want to feel normal both in terms of health and morale. Want or not? Well, it's probably hard not to want to live. Either want to live or want to die. Borderline - I don't care))))
1) Give yourself permission to change.
At first glance, a certain selfish practicality of such a decision is striking. In some ways, it feels like it’s impossible to do this, it’s not allowed. This is the soul, how can I just take it today, sit with it tomorrow and become forever a different person with a life a step better than it was yesterday? .. It’s kind of dumb ... But I think that everyone has a complete 100% the right to do whatever he wants with his soul and no matter how Life itself (or Your Conscience) reacts to this. I mean literally. Many people, very many, are convinced that for a normal life it is necessary to work constantly, hard and tirelessly. And if you do not have an incentive to life, it means that you, as it were, did not deserve it before Life. At best, Life only allows you to refuel for a couple of years with motivation, an incentive for life, and nothing more. But don't you have the right to make your life much better? Of course you are right! There is no need to even argue. Once you can make your life better, then you have the right to change yourself as you want.
2) Mentally prepare to become a little different (or different).
I understand that this is somehow unusual. It is one thing to rearrange the furniture in the apartment, but here we are talking about the inner world that needs to be rebuilt. It's not a stack of bricks, I took it and rearranged it. Yes, not a stack of bricks, but don't say that people can't change over time. You probably have a specific example from your life in your memory. Once a person has changed, then you can too. Now I will tell you how to do it. Well, we are guided by the fact that you want to find an incentive within yourself.


So what should be done? Can I really live without external stimulus? Internal stimulus is a property of your character. This is your personality. For example, you are joyful not because everything in your life is good, but because you are such a person. Well, not necessarily directly forever joyful, well, maybe at least forever cheerful.
1) A weak link in the external stimulus of life.
Are you always upbeat? Well, ummm, it depends on the mood, the weather, the job, and a bunch of other things. That is, to make you sad, it is enough for me to fire you from your job, ruin your mood and make bad weather? Yes, and where am I, in life it does not happen? Have you ever been unemployed? Personally, I do not like such a scheme that my mood should depend on a bunch of factors that are not dependent on me. That is, like a rag my mood can chat through life. And I will always be cheerful only because I want to. It is always nice to get a certain degree of independence, freedom. Well, get it! Do you want an incentive to live? What is life for you? Vitality. That is, you want to have an incentive to live from within, you can simplify and say to activity. I want to have an inner incentive to work. What do you want to do? Do not think, this is not a question for the head, but for the heart. The fact that everyone would not mind becoming rich is understandable. I'm not answering the question here, what do you want to do to become rich. What do you want to do? Who do you want to be? I want to be a fitter of the sixth category. Good desire, most importantly, from the heart. This person will be the best you know in the business. And you? Who to be? Take a look at yourself, it has been lying there for a long time, since childhood, you always wanted it, but were afraid to say it. It's hard to say even to yourself, not to mention friends and acquaintances. But, at least now, if you tell yourself this, no one will judge you and will not laugh at you. Even if you do, it does not oblige you to immediately take action and start zealously putting it into practice. So dig. You cannot be a person who does not like anything at all, who has no soul for anything at all.
2) Universal internal stimulus of life.
Who do you want to be? Do you want to be a man? Or maybe you want to become a woman? I'm not talking about the body, I'm talking about the state of mind. Well, I'm already a man. Nooo, having a primary sex and being a real man is different. If it were that simple, there wouldn't be so many unhappy wives. And vice versa, the same can be said about women. So, are you a real man? Are you the perfect woman? Are you proud of yourself? Vooooot, what perfection if they are looking for an incentive to live here. What a pride if I can't bring myself to get out of bed at least at three o'clock in the afternoon. Therefore, to begin with, try to come to a decision to become the brightest representative of your gender. :-) There is definitely nothing wrong with this, but you will get a huge amount of pluses. And this is a universal answer for everyone. To become a more beautiful woman than she was yesterday, to become a more courageous guy than she was today. Super! I already want it! :-) Forward!

To live life is not a field to cross. The proverb is old, but it fully reflects the state of modern man, looking back. Without a past, there is no future. And all the past is already in your head. Just work with it like an artisan with a piece of clay. Pay special attention to those moments that have a key impact on the further course of events throughout your life. Recall the times that changed you. Perhaps there were people who changed you. Here is a map on how to live if there is no incentive, but you will have to go through this map yourself. After all, even if it were the best article in the world, you are still responsible for your life, whether it is with or without an incentive. I wish you learn to enjoy such responsibility!


Who died morally, mentally exhausted, there can be two reasons, subjective and objective.
1) Subjective - mental strength has run out.
This is a completely natural effect, if, for example, you put your soul into your work, there are many such positions. A good level of responsibility also implies this. That is, you approach your personal and work affairs responsibly, worry about them, in this case, of course, some kind of internal wear and tear occurs. But if the work is done well, it brings pleasure and some replenishment of strength. However, there are enough work tasks that take a lot of time, months, years, to complete. Then it turns out that you invest in full and regularly, but at the end you get nothing in return. Of course, this is a thankless job in a good sense, but the goal is apparently big there, the result will be solid. In this case, as I have already said, it is possible to replenish mental strength in nature. In addition, you can take a creative basis for further work from nature, some ideas will come to mind precisely from observation, and not from another brainstorming session.
2) Objective loss of stimulus - when there is nothing to attach to any undertaking.
I know that I am ready to work, and I am confident in my abilities, but it feels like I don’t need it. Here we have a lack of incentive, because there is nowhere to put it. I think you are able to look into yourself and figure out what diagnosis is in your case. The problem of the lack of a point of application of the stimulus is a more fundamental issue. The answer to it will have an impact on your entire future life. It does not just mean what you will do over the next years, there is already a conversation about the fact that you will become a different person. After all, if you began to do something differently and do it all the time, then you have become different. Think about it.


There are two options.
1) Find the global point of application of the stimulus.
2) Abandon the "stimulus gives life" model, start using the "I and the stimulus are a single whole" model.
If the first option can be compared with a new refueling of a car with gasoline to a full tank, then the second option is a car that drives without gasoline and without a motor. She rides on internal energy. That is, the movement for such a machine is its internal property, its essence. Like the property of the sun to shine. How does a ball roll. You can become such a person too. Tempting, isn't it? :-) Yeah cool. So it seems that after reading this article I will forever become cheerful, cheerful and I will never need some kind of external stimulus for life :-)


Is it even possible? Possibly and how! Do you think that all the best things that have been created on Earth were made by orders from above? I will assume that the most perfect thing that was done by man on Earth was done for personal reasons, simply because the man himself wants to. To put it even more precisely, it was done by this person, because he is so arranged. It would be fair to say about any work, about any business, that it bears part of the personality of the performer himself. Hue. A person can be hardworking or lazy. The product of one will be of high quality, while the other will have only formal packaging. There is also something else. Products of different people will have different characters. Already today you can hear: the car has a character, the phone has a character, and so on. Someone is closer to the Germans, someone is closer to the Japanese, and someone is Russian :-) So or not? So, by acquiring an internal source of energy and stimulus, you are also acquiring your individual part of your personality, you are completing your character. The results of your activities, and indeed your life in general, will have not just a quality, it will become better or worse, your life will acquire a certain color characteristic of your personality. It may not be determined immediately, but over time you will see the difference between how you worked before and how you work now, with the same degree of your activity in this work. It's hard to describe, it's a very delicate moment. In everyday life in a standard office, in a typical apartment, at the 1st, 2nd, 153rd plant named after. Lenin, in a chain restaurant, in a store, it is almost impossible to notice him. But it is. Decide for yourself what you want to do: fill up a full tank or change yourself. We continue for the second option.


In fact, to find this stimulus within yourself means to know yourself. You want to live, you want to feel normal both in terms of health and morale. Want or not? Well, it's probably hard not to want to live. Either want to live or want to die. Borderline - I don't care))))
1) Give yourself permission to change.
At first glance, a certain selfish practicality of such a decision is striking. In some ways, it feels like it’s impossible to do this, it’s not allowed. This is the soul, how can I just take it today, sit with it tomorrow and become forever a different person with a life a step better than it was yesterday? .. It’s kind of dumb ... But I think that everyone has a complete 100% the right to do whatever he wants with his soul and no matter how Life itself (or Your Conscience) reacts to this. I mean literally. Many people, very many, are convinced that for a normal life it is necessary to work constantly, hard and tirelessly. And if you do not have an incentive to life, it means that you, as it were, did not deserve it before Life. At best, Life only allows you to refuel for a couple of years with motivation, an incentive for life, and nothing more. But don't you have the right to make your life much better? Of course you are right! There is no need to even argue. Once you can make your life better, then you have the right to change yourself as you want.
2) Mentally prepare to become a little different (or different).
I understand that this is somehow unusual. It is one thing to rearrange the furniture in the apartment, but here we are talking about the inner world that needs to be rebuilt. It's not a stack of bricks, I took it and rearranged it. Yes, not a stack of bricks, but don't say that people can't change over time. You probably have a specific example from your life in your memory. Once a person has changed, then you can too. Now I will tell you how to do it. Well, we are guided by the fact that you want to find an incentive within yourself.


So what should be done? Can I really live without external stimulus? Internal stimulus is a property of your character. This is your personality. For example, you are joyful not because everything in your life is good, but because you are such a person. Well, not necessarily directly forever joyful, well, maybe at least forever cheerful.
1) A weak link in the external stimulus of life.
Are you always upbeat? Well, ummm, it depends on the mood, the weather, the job, and a bunch of other things. That is, to make you sad, it is enough for me to fire you from your job, ruin your mood and make bad weather? Yes, and where am I, in life it does not happen? Have you ever been unemployed? Personally, I do not like such a scheme that my mood should depend on a bunch of factors that are not dependent on me. That is, like a rag my mood can chat through life. And I will always be cheerful only because I want to. It is always nice to get a certain degree of independence, freedom. Well, get it! Do you want an incentive to live? What is life for you? Vitality. That is, you want to have an incentive to live from within, you can simplify and say to activity. I want to have an inner incentive to work. What do you want to do? Do not think, this is not a question for the head, but for the heart. The fact that everyone would not mind becoming rich is understandable. I'm not answering the question here, what do you want to do to become rich. What do you want to do? Who do you want to be? I want to be a fitter of the sixth category. Good desire, most importantly, from the heart. This person will be the best you know in the business. And you? Who to be? Take a look at yourself, it has been lying there for a long time, since childhood, you always wanted it, but were afraid to say it. It's hard to say even to yourself, not to mention friends and acquaintances. But, at least now, if you tell yourself this, no one will judge you and will not laugh at you. Even if you do, it does not oblige you to immediately take action and start zealously putting it into practice. So dig. You cannot be a person who does not like anything at all, who has no soul for anything at all.
2) Universal internal stimulus of life.
Who do you want to be? Do you want to be a man? Or maybe you want to become a woman? I'm not talking about the body, I'm talking about the state of mind. Well, I'm already a man. Nooo, having a primary sex and being a real man is different. If it were that simple, there wouldn't be so many unhappy wives. And vice versa, the same can be said about women. So, are you a real man? Are you the perfect woman? Are you proud of yourself? Vooooot, what perfection if they are looking for an incentive to live here. What a pride if I can't bring myself to get out of bed at least at three o'clock in the afternoon. Therefore, to begin with, try to come to a decision to become the brightest representative of your gender. :-) There is definitely nothing wrong with this, but you will get a huge amount of pluses. And this is a universal answer for everyone. To become a more beautiful woman than she was yesterday, to become a more courageous guy than she was today. Super! I already want it! :-) Forward!

To live life is not a field to cross. The proverb is old, but it fully reflects the state of modern man, looking back. Without a past, there is no future. And all the past is already in your head. Just work with it like an artisan with a piece of clay. Pay special attention to those moments that have a key impact on the further course of events throughout your life. Recall the times that changed you. Perhaps there were people who changed you. Here is a map on how to live if there is no incentive, but you will have to go through this map yourself. After all, even if it were the best article in the world, you are still responsible for your life, whether it is with or without an incentive. I wish you learn to enjoy such responsibility!

Good day dear blog readers!
Literally today I heard a question from a friend: “Tell me how to live if there is no incentive?” As you can see, the relevance of such a topic is undeniable, so we continue our conversation about and

So, how to find an interest in life and is it worth waiting for a motivational kick from behind. Or you should gather your courage and finally take a step forward on your own. Let's talk about methods of dealing with laziness.

Lack of interest in life: where does it come from

Psychologists often come to the question of how to make life more interesting and find meaning in it. What can we say about the difficulties with changes for the better.

For some reason in modern world the norm is considered to be very busy at work, while it is advisable to periodically attend all kinds of professional courses and trainings for self-development.

No, I'm not saying it's bad. But, if you live like a squirrel in a wheel and don’t even have time to get enough sleep between work, courses and attempts to arrange personal life then something definitely needs to be done about it.

Probably you now have a question: how is this connected with the lack of an incentive to live.

The connection is actually direct. Look, if you sleep five hours a day and work hard, then sooner or later the body's resources will come to an end.

Of course, at first everything will go according to the knurled. But at some point, it will become clear that the once-favorite trainings cause only yawns, you quietly hate work and your biggest dream is to sleep on the weekend.

This is what a lack of interest in life looks like. In fact, this condition occurs due to the usual chronic overwork. And it is at this point that the question arises, how can you feel happy again, interested in what is happening.

It is worth noting that interest in life can also disappear due to psychological trauma. For example, the loss of a loved one, physical or emotional abuse. In this case, you should not engage in "self-medication".

The peculiarity of psychological trauma is that it can affect our existence for many years. Sometimes it happens that the circumstances have long been forgotten, and the consequences still do not allow us to breathe deeply. Therefore, in this case, you should immediately contact a psychologist.

And one more thing: you can’t start such states, because they end in depression and apathy. And it is already worth contacting not a psychologist, but a psychotherapist or even a psychiatrist. In general, it is better to react immediately!

Another option for losing motivation to do something is a creative crisis. It occurs most often in people in whose activities there should be a muse.

The lack of creativity in this case is experienced very hard, so a little later I will tell you how to bring it back.

How to motivate yourself if there is no incentive and hands down?

If you are tired and have no strength to do something, then the first thing you need to do is to rest. Yes Yes! If you want to start working, you first need to rest. Because you no longer have internal resources. And there are no resources - there is no interest, inspiration, desire to live.

Note! Resting does not mean sleeping twenty hours a day. Firstly, in this way, you will bring down your daily routine. And secondly, too much sleep can also cause apathy.

Rest in this case is a change of scenery, getting new experiences, searching for what inspires. For example, in moments of such overwork, going to a rock concert helps me. In such an atmosphere there is an infection with positive emotions.

Now let's talk about those situations when a person gives up. The root cause of this state is fear, uncertainty and doubts about the correctness of one's own actions, one can also fear for one's future.

How to motivate yourself in this case? The first option is to gather all your willpower into a fist, imagine the result of all your actions and slowly and confidently move towards it.

In this case, it is worth remembering that at the beginning you will often fall off the intended path, feel guilty and hopeless. But most importantly, keep going no matter what.

Attention! Remember one simple thought: if today you give up, then tomorrow it will not become easier, simpler and more fun. Give up and things will get worse after a while. Feelings of guilt and powerlessness will be added to fear, doubts and uncertainty.

Usually, the occurrence of such a situation causes a deep depression, along with which health problems, cravings for alcohol or smoking can occur.

If you can’t gather willpower and start acting (and this is a very likely scenario, not everyone is super strong-willed and strong in spirit), then you need to start developing willpower.

In this case, we will use self-hypnosis. To do this, we first define the problem. For example, you can not get together and start doing some important work.

We come up with something like the following phrase for self-hypnosis: every day I become more and more focused. The phrase should be repeated two to three times every morning.

How to overcome your laziness and develop motivation?

All people are lazy! But it's one thing when we just rested a little, so we continue to do business. And it is a completely different case when we cannot get out of this state for a long time.

To begin with, let's deal with the fact that laziness is for you? If instead of working, you watch movies and series, then this is not laziness. This is an unwillingness to deal with current affairs.

It's easy to deal with this - start doing nothing. As soon as you understand that you need to work, and you are watching the next series, we immediately get up, turn off the series and sit on a stool in the middle of the room. And we do nothing. Here we just sit and look at one point.

Believe me, after five minutes you will want to do at least something, just to get up and leave this stool. And at this moment it is necessary to direct energy to do the work. After all, you can see something interesting later, when you get tired.

How to create if your muse has left you?

The question of search for creative people is a separate issue. It is important not only to force yourself to do something, but also to catch inspiration. After all, without it, no masterpiece will work. And here the main thing is to relax, gain new impressions.

If possible, then go at least for a few days to some new town or country. If this is not possible at the moment, then it may be worth wandering through the streets of your city. I think you will definitely find unexplored corners with inspiring history!

So, today we talked about how to motivate yourself and start doing something. The methods described are simple and therefore work great. That's all I have for today!

In the future, we will continue to talk about the features of motivation. In the meantime, stay tuned for blog updates and share interesting materials in social networks.

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