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What to do to succeed in life - tips from successful people. How to be successful in life. Dreams or Reality Who Succeeds

How to succeed in life, work and business? Read helpful tips from successful people. Find out what qualities a successful person has and what to do to achieve your goal.

Right now you have everything for a successful start, but you don't know it yet. Wealth, happiness and success are things to which you have every right from the moment you are born. It doesn't matter who you are, what matters is who you think you are. If you believe in yourself, others will too.

Denis Kuderin is with you - full-time expert and Chief Editor magazine "HeaterBober". I will tell you how to succeed without having rich parents and super-powers, what qualities distinguish successful person from unsuccessful, and why you need to change your mindset to change the world.

1. Personal qualities of a successful person

To begin with, it is worth answering the question of what success is and what kind of person is considered successful.

For some, success is wealth and prosperity, expensive cars, an apartment in the city center or, conversely, a cottage on the seashore. Others consider universal recognition, a successful career, a prestigious position as success.

Both options are correct. And they also pair well with each other. I would just add one more quality of "Lucky Man": he does what he likes and has free time for life, love, travel and other pleasant things.

The main wealth is measured not by money, but by time. It is the only irreplaceable human resource. So is it worth spending it on something that does not bring satisfaction and, moreover, drives you into melancholy and depression?

We list the main qualities of a successful person:

  • he does only what he likes;
  • knows how to competently manage their resources - time, effort, intelligence;
  • constantly improving, because such is his vital need;
  • thinks positively;
  • self-assured;
  • has increased performance;
  • is able to solve problems effectively;
  • knows how to forgive others and himself;
  • open to new ideas and opportunities.

Laziness, apathy, pessimism and self-doubt are signs of weakness. It is impossible to succeed with such qualities.

The easiest way is to call yourself a loser, complain about bad karma, fate and give up. Everyone can do it. Successful people do exactly the opposite - they believe in their star and do not stop where others have turned back.

How mindset affects success

Wealth and fame are not questions of luck, but the result of a special approach to life and way of thinking. One desire, of course, is not enough. Even if you repeat to yourself “I want, I will” every day, it will not change much. It is important to stop going with the flow: you need to get out of the water into the open.

Dream less and do more. Start small - change at least those circumstances of your life that you can change right now. For example, get rid of bad habits. Or get an additional profession that you have always dreamed of.

The most important step on the way to the goal is to start working for yourself. This does not mean that you absolutely need to start your own business. Working for yourself is when you follow your own decisions, and do not implement someone else's.

Do what you like or what you think is right and never blame yourself for it!

Success is a feeling of satisfaction from what is happening and no feeling of regret.

2. What to do to succeed in life, work, business

The inhabitants of all countries have such a tradition: to blame everyone around, circumstances, bad luck for their failures, but not themselves.

Psychologists say that it is natural for a person to protect his personality in this way. But such protection does more harm than good. It is much more effective to take responsibility for your actions and your life. If you do this, the world around you will start to change in an amazing way, as if you are looking at it through a magical kaleidoscope.

The recipes for success are largely individual, but there are universal techniques that will be useful to everyone. Some behaviors and ways of thinking work well no matter who uses them.

For example, people who think about their own realization will never waste time on useless entertainment - surfing social networks, watching TV or funny videos on YouTube. It doesn't make sense to them.

And also such people monitor their health, nutrition, hygiene of thinking. They love themselves, their body, surround themselves with useful and beautiful things, do not communicate with those who radiate negativity into the world.

Here are some tips that will definitely change you if you put them into practice.

Change your attitude towards problems

Successful people do not give in to despondency, even if there is a reason. Failure is not a disaster, but a form of learning. When they fail, life hackers don't tear their hair out in grief, but move on.

Successful people also face challenges. Perhaps there are even more problems in their life, because the one who does nothing is not mistaken. But the master of his fate treats difficulties differently. He does not think about how bad it is that the problem has arisen, but is looking for the least costly ways to solve it.

Acting rationally is the most effective method overcoming difficulties.

Do what you love

Do what you love and you'll never have to work. Because what you love is not work.

Everyone has a favorite thing, except for inveterate loafers. If you like to draw, draw, learn 3D animation, illustrate children's books. Do you love to cook? Bring the most unusual recipes to life and film the process on video.

Be perfect in your work. Don't think about money, at least not at first. If you are persistent and consistent, there will definitely be a return in the form of recognition and money. I guarantee.

Don't be lazy

Being lazy isn't just about lying on the couch in front of a home theater. Those who do routine work day after day and fence themselves off from the world are also lazy, so as not to be disturbed and disturbed.

Energize yourself

It is not only about physical energy, but also about spiritual. These are books, motivating films, trainings that help development and stimulate further steps. New energy prevents stagnation.

A variety of things can act as an energy boost. For example, good music energizes me: classical or progressive rock are stronger than coffee.

Improve Yourself

Development is necessary for people of all professions. Even in the plumbing business, the latest technologies and materials are constantly appearing: in order to be ahead of the competition, you need to master them before others.

Improvement is needed for people of all ages. British scientists have found that after 3 years of work in one place, our knowledge becomes insufficient in any profession, because progress does not stand still. Learn constantly to be in demand.

Think Positive

The practical benefits of positive thinking have been proven in practice. The lifestyle of a person striving for realization is not a path of restrictions and constant tension, but, on the contrary, the joy of every minute lived.

But a positive attitude will only be if you act in harmony with yourself. Nothing prevents you from striding towards goals like doubts, fears, disbelief in yourself.

Positive Thoughts Drive Efficiency

Psychologists advise keeping a Gratitude Diary, in which you will write down at least 3 positive events that happened to you during the day.

Do not give up

Remember the law of large numbers. If something is to be achieved different ways and a lot of attempts, the probability of reaching increases.

The creator of the electric light bulb, Thomas Edison, suffered more failures in his life than any other inventor of his time. This did not prevent him from creating the largest energy company and become a real revolutionary in the industry.

3. What thoughts hinder personal growth

Each of us has blocks inside that hinder development. This one is like old junk that needs to be thrown away to free up a room and fill it with sunlight.

Let's study the main examples of negative thinking.

"I have to succeed"

You do not owe anything to anyone: self-realization is your own business. Even parents and close relatives cannot impose behavior patterns, life guidelines and goals on you.

"I can't do it"

Dooming yourself to failure in advance is not the smartest course of action. If you don't believe in yourself, don't even try. And if you are confident in yourself, then you will not be afraid of failure after the first, second and even tenth attempt.

Our understanding of reality is limited by our own stereotypes and imposed thought patterns. Change them and reality will change. The impossible will become possible.

"I do not want anything"

The position of the ostrich “I don’t see anything, I’m happy with everything” is a road to nowhere.

Life is moving forward. If you do not have the desire to develop and achieve something, something is wrong with you. It's time to re-prioritise.

"Everything as always - nothing new"

Life is constantly changing, whether we notice it or not. No one will forbid you to influence events yourself and rebuild the world for yourself.

4. 10 famous people who have achieved success

And now - 10 real success stories. These people achieved their goal despite minimal chances.

If they can do it, it will definitely work for you.

When Keanu was 3 years old, his father left him. Further worse - the future Neo did not study well at school, because he suffered from dyslexia - the inability to fully perceive written and spoken language.

In adolescence, Keanu was closed and notorious. In order to get rid of the complexes, he decided to enroll in an acting class and soon starred in a Canadian commercial for Coca-Cola. Further roles in Hollywood films radically changed the fate of Reeves. He became and still remains a world-class star.

Not only did the Desney family barely make ends meet: Walt's despotic father often beat his son, taking out his anger at his own insolvency. However, this did not spoil the cheerful and good-natured character of the future cartoonist, nor did it affect the child's passion for drawing.

Walt did not give up even when he was fired from his position as a cartoonist in a newspaper for "a complete inability to draw." Disney continued to believe in himself. And the result is well known to you!

As an ordinary teenager from a large family, Michael Jordan counted more on a career in the US Air Force than in basketball, because he was not accepted into the school team - he was not tall enough. However, the refusal was not a sentence for Michael, but a challenge - he devoted the whole next summer to training, and compensated for the lack of growth by improving the jump technique.

Work and self-discipline have become the main components of success throughout life path this athlete.

Harrison Ford

The future Indiana Jones went to the theater circle to overcome shyness. However, he failed to graduate from college - he was expelled for poor progress.

In Hollywood, where the actor moved in search of a better life, Ford worked as a bartender, and after the first failures in the cinema, he decided to quit acting and became a carpenter. It was only through a chance meeting with Hollywood producer Fred Ross that Harrison tried his hand at cinema once again - this time successfully.

Louise Ciccone was born into a large family in a provincial provincial town. The girl had to make a career in New York from scratch. To pay for housing and training with a famous choreographer, she worked as a cloakroom attendant, a donut seller, and a model.

A spinal injury put an end to Forest's sports career, but this did not stop the future star from trying his hand at a completely different field of activity.

He managed to become an excellent actor and get an Oscar even despite a congenital physical defect - a disease of the oculomotor nerve and partial paralysis of the left eye.

Dee Jay Qualls was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphogranulomatosis at the age of 14. This did not prevent him from becoming a successful actor and producer. The tough guy from the series of the same name continues to fight the disease and supports the foundation for the treatment of this disease.

Nick has a congenital genetic pathology - he lacks full-fledged limbs (both arms and both legs). There was only a part of the foot with fused toes - it was she who, after surgical assistance, allowed the boy to learn to walk, swim and even ride a skateboard.

Nick Vuychich devoted his mature life to traveling the world and lectures on the topic of motivation and socialization of young people, including the disabled and children with physical disabilities.

The paralysis prevents Stephen from moving and speaking. Partially moving only right hand Hawking: this is enough for an astrophysicist to write books and lecture at Cambridge, where he holds the position of professor of mathematics.

The hero of the Breaking Bad series, like actor RJ Mitt, suffers from cerebral palsy. As you can see, this does not prevent the guy from being successful, acting in films and producing films.

And a little more motivation in this video:

5. Conclusion

So, in order to succeed, you need to change your attitude to the world and your own thinking. No external circumstances will interfere with the achievement of the goal if you take responsibility for your life and stop going with the flow.

Question for readers:

What motivates you to develop and achieve personally?

We wish you good luck in any endeavors! Thank you in advance for comments, reviews, stories from life. See you soon!

The content of the article:

Success in life is the factor that should accompany every self-sufficient person. In the absence of this component, a period of failures and troubles begins in the fate of a person. There are many ways to attract success. It is worth understanding this in order to achieve the planned fateful plans, which can become the basis for new achievements.

Qualities of a successful person

A person full of positive emotions is easy to notice, because she cuts the envious eye of those who are not so good at this moment. Such lucky ones tangibly annoy the losers and do not allow pessimists to live in peace. In this case, it is worth understanding what qualities successful people have that become a cause of concern for active whiners.

Psychologists characterize a promising person as follows:

  • Self confidence. In this case, one should not confuse such a positive quality with the egoist's reaction to the situation. Cleaning feathers in a rather tattered peacock's tail is an exciting activity only for such self-centered personalities. They adore themselves (postscript - idolize) - period. If we take as an example initially adequate people, then self-respect becomes the basis of a successful person with an integral life position.
  • . In this case, the saying that horses die from work should be categorically abandoned. It will also not work in the form of a dogma and the popular saying that a migraine is too lazy to work. Those who want to achieve the best in life will soar their feet in a basin of warm water, solely controlling the balance in the report of the created enterprise.
  • Fortitude. At the same time, it is remembered cartoon“Like an ant hurried home”, when perseverance defeated obstacles and distances. In any case, a person of such a temperament can become a favorite of fate, because fortune loves bold insolent people. Even the warlike caterpillar could not refuse the ant, because it simply had no options in the fight against its supposed success in life.
  • Optimism always and everywhere. AT this case you should not go to extremes, which most often frighten a capricious lady in the form of Fortune. Smiling at everyone off topic is a sign of a person prone to mental illness. A constantly radiant optimist is a victim of the book “And who is well now, but I am even better”, which must be urgently burned, and ideally given to an enemy. There must be a measure in everything. However, a sincere smile always wins you over and facilitates communication even with the most difficult people.
  • Correct impudence. There are enough boors and vulgar impudent people around, because the world of simple-minded inhabitants usually revolves around such personalities. However, in a dosed degree, this quality is useful to an adequate person. Success is a process that will definitely bypass the bashful graduates of the ballroom dance school.
  • The ability to forgive. Exceptionally weak-willed people like to get into the pose of an offended loser in case of a problem. Indeed, at the same time, it is easiest to attribute failure to evil fate, which pursues an almost ideal person. A young man with a burning gaze, with the obvious ludicrousness of the indicated problem, is a variant of the fight against world corruption, which he alone is leading. A strong-willed person will not turn his attention to obvious household trifles that will prevent him from moving towards his goal.

Important! On the advice of psychologists, it is worth eliminating the emerging features of a weak person. best advice is to go to the mirror in the morning and freeze in admiration for what you see in it. After that, it is worth falling in love with the created image and moving towards a possible successful life.

Examples of achieving success from scratch with famous personalities

The top ten successful people who created their own name are easy to identify by their already established status. All of them are famous personalities, because they were not afraid at one time to challenge fate.

These people saw success in life in this way:

  1. . In this case, it would be hypocritical to claim that this person started his career from scratch. He was born into a fairly wealthy family, which was able to give him a decent education. However, history has many cases when the children of wealthy parents became useless sticky and parasites. Bill Gates did not count on outside help, but began painstaking work, which ended with the creation of the legendary company Microsoft.
  2. Keanu Reeves. The famous actor cannot be proud that his father gave him everything for further success. Keanu was abandoned by him when the boy was three years old. The sale of cocaine replaced the father with a family and a child. However, already at the age of nine, Keanu Reeves tried his hand at the musical. Further, the young man already shone in a comedy series, where he was noticed by connoisseurs of cinema. At the moment, Keanu Reeves is a world-class star who made herself without the help of loved ones.
  3. Madonna. Outrageous beauty named Louise Ciccone was born in a small provincial town in Michigan. A modest dark-blond girl from a large family eventually became a fatal blonde who won the love of millions of fans. The impetus for advancing Madonna's career was the early death of her mother, who consciously did not treat breast cancer. The whole further career of the Diva is a direct challenge to the public, whose opinion does not bother the extravagant star.
  4. Aristotle Onassis. The famous tycoon cannot boast of a happy childhood. The persistent Greek responded to the slaps of fate with a powerful blow in the stomach by further accumulation of capital. History has rarely met such stubborn people who responded to the bandwagon of inevitable fate with decisive actions. The result is a multimillionaire and the owner of a ship flotilla in its prime in the form of Aristotle Onassis.
  5. Walt Disney. Funny cartoons from this idea developer have become loved by children, regardless of nationality. However, few people know that Walt is a prime example of when parental despotism cannot destroy the innate genius of their offspring. The Disney family can be called a self-destructive unit and the beginning of the end in the further biography of any creative person. However, he was able not only to break out of the vicious circle, but showed the whole world what lone madmen are in the very good sense this word.
  6. Donald Trump. Expats can be very inventive about what touches on the secret of success in the life of their personality. A native of a large family, he proved to the whole world that a simple guy can become a guru in the gambling and hotel business. Such success is another confirmation of the saying “from rags to riches”, that is, everyone has a real chance to achieve something significant, regardless of what their roots and past are.
  7. Michael Jordan. The future basketball star was born into a large family in North Carolina. The prerequisites for the childhood of the legendary personality did not portend any changes in Michael's fate. Exceptionally exhausting work under the scheme of rigid self-discipline made a world-famous star out of a potentially difficult teenager.
  8. Harrison Ford. Screen Indiana Jones was not always a rich and wealthy man. The family of the legendary personality was considered so poor that they could not even give the boy a compulsory secondary education. It was only at the age of thirty that the future Hollywood brand became a popular character among a huge number of fans of his talent. He began to shine when he understood the secret of one hundred percent success for a superhero.
  9. Natalya Vodyanova. In this case, it is worth talking about a modern, but fairly common version of the Cinderella tale. Until the age of sixteen, the young beauty did not know what a well-fed and comfortable life is. However, she managed to direct external data in the direction that brought her a significant income. At the moment, the Russian top model has become the ex-wife of an English lord and a famous volunteer.
  10. Ang Lee. If you talk about how to succeed in life, then you should pay attention to this legendary person. The famous director until the age of 36 could not find a job that would bring him a decent income. The movie "Brokeback Mountain" is a vivid example of how talent makes its way no matter what.

Ways to be successful in life

Success is an abstract concept that is desirable for any person. In this case, he will strive to achieve his goal by any means. However, the means used to obtain the final result will be radically different.

Loyal ways to get success in a person's life

We are all masters of our own destiny, because evil fate is a fairy tale for wimps. In this case, it is recommended to act according to the following plan:
  • Autotraining. Not a single person will be hindered by steps to success in life in the form of competent self-installation. At the same time, it is necessary to rid your mind of vague thoughts about universal disharmony. It is easy to be perfect only for those who have contracted the outrageous Dr. House syndrome. In pursuit of success, you need to remember that you are the only one at home. Therefore, it is necessary to build the following logical chain: I can do everything - where are the competitors - no one can do that - oh yes I am.
  • Positive example method. Timur and his team can help with their vital position in this critical case. Honest children stole apples actively and according to all the laws of the pioneers. This organization of patriots clearly knew how to achieve success in life. You can also take as a basis the behavior of Carlson, who lured jam from a friend in a simply barbaric way.
  • . It sounds childish, but acts like an adult. Success is a concept that does not like approximations. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly plan out current affairs for yourself before a sly and sweetly smiling colleague does it.
All of these methods are good if a person does not want to use more stringent methods to achieve their goal.

Aggressive approach in search of a successful life

Sometimes the advice of psychologists sounds too simple and even funny. A person prefers to act tough, even aggressively, achieving his goal. In this case, the following methods will be acceptable for him:
  1. Head walking. Saltykov-Shchedrin reasonably remarked that "we are all people, all people, we all want something sweet and pretty." Careerists are not bad when it comes to the moral and physical destruction of another person. In this case, it is worth deciding for yourself how to live on with the burden of the perfect. The scumbags are more than comfortable in such a situation, because this is their element. This radical method is suitable for those who think little about morality in all its manifestations.
  2. Method negative example . Success in a person's life is often associated with the heroes of classic superhero stories. The evil Karabas-Barabas, with whom we have been frightened since childhood, nevertheless, has achieved some success in his theatrical career. Sometimes even bearded despots should borrow their business acumen and thirst for success.
  3. The method of "wedge with a wedge is knocked out". In some cases, such actions will only cause a response wave of aggression. However, with the fact of looking for luck in life, all methods are good for achieving the goal. Tear up a photo of a former lover, give the scarf he gave to the cat to be torn to pieces. Everything will come in handy in the upcoming fight to adjust the further successful life.
How to succeed in life - look at the video:

Sometimes it is very difficult to determine what accompanies success in a person's life. There are so-called minions of fate, who are given everything and at any time convenient for them. However, this is rather an exception to the established rules in the struggle of an adequate person for his place under the sun. A strong and self-sufficient person does not need such conventions to show his ability to withstand the blows of fate.

3 388

You did it, set an ambitious goal and achieved it. But the first excitement passed, and there was an unpleasant feeling that it could have been better or that more could have been done. You tell yourself that everything is fine, that you should be happy, but you feel disgusting. How to break the vicious circle of eternal dissatisfaction?

1. Stop

Drop things, take time out. Stay with yourself for as long as you need: a moment, an hour or a day. Don't do anything. This is the first step to get out of the abyss of constant dissatisfaction. Timeouts are best spent in nature, without a smartphone.

2. Breathe

How do you breathe? Can you take a few deep belly breaths? Compare breathing in a calm and "busy" state. Deep breathing is an effective and quick means of resetting: inhale slowly through the nose, imagining that the stomach is Balloon which you fill with air.

3. Listen to yourself

Capture the moment when a feeling of dissatisfaction arises. Are you silencing him by being distracted by work, food, or something else? We are not used to listening. It takes silence to hear, and we have a lot of thoughts in our heads. The breathing exercise described above will sharpen your intuition and help you understand what you really want. It needs to be done for 3-5 minutes.

4. Dream

Allow yourself to be a child again. Draw 12 squares on the sheet for the number of months in a year. Use colored felt-tip pens to write what you want to do each month.

5. Focus

Avoid multitasking - you feel like you're efficient, but it's mind-numbing. Prioritize: what is important in this moment? Make time for your child or take on a project? If you focus on one task, you will get more done and experience less stress.

6. Take action

To paraphrase a classic, we can say that knowledge is a potential power. Knowledge without action is useless. Think about what you can do now to get a little closer to your goal. Small steps lead to big results.

7. Communicate

Once you've sorted out your dreams and desires, look for people who have excelled in the areas you want to succeed in. Read about them and what they write, understand what they do differently. Try to get to know them live or online.

8. Share

Talk about what you create, with whom you communicate, realistically. Choose a platform where you will share your impressions, knowledge, and experience. I love Instagram, but I also do podcasts, host webinars, perform on stage, and meet friends.

9. Celebrate

When was the last time you celebrated something? If you are not happy with success, it was probably a long time ago. One of my favorite ways to celebrate is to turn on the music and dance. I also like romantic dinners with my husband, girly gatherings with my daughter and Sunday outings with friends. Treat yourself to a fragrant bath, a walk in the park, or a weekend getaway. You deserve!

10. Start over

Use these strategies again to remember what's important to you and achieve what you really want. Stop striving for success for the sake of success, listen to yourself. Answers to the questions "Who am I?" and "What do I want?" are within us, it remains to hear them.

about the author

Successful people always and everywhere stand out noticeably. If you walk down the street, then without difficulty in the crowd of people, select those who can be classified as SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE.

Success is based on awareness. Successful people know who they are, where they are going, and what they want from life. Every successful person knows his worth, sets simple, clear goals and achieves them.

So let's decide once and for all

Who are they - these most SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE?

1. Successful people look much younger than their years. Remember Sophia Loren, Madonna, Vladimir Putin, Vladimir Pozner, Maya Plisetskaya and many others. They all look 10 or more years younger than their real age. And the older they are, the greater this difference.
2. They are energetic and cheerful at any age.
3. Successful people are not obsessed with their appearance and health. But they devote enough time to maintain vitality.
4. They work longer than others and achieve best results. For example, billionaire Donald Trump goes to bed at one in the morning and gets up at five in the morning.
5. Successful people have confidence and self-control, which are manifested in everything - look, walk, voice, decision-making.
6. Successful people are optimistic about life. Everyone has problems, but the ability to keep a smile is characteristic of them.
7. They do what they love and love what they do. In the morning they go to work with joy, and in the evening they return home with the same feeling.
8. They are financially successful and help other people.
9. Successful people know how to plan their lives and set high and difficult goals and make every effort to achieve them.
10. They know how to control their fear and act until they achieve a result.
11. They believe in themselves and in their own strength and know that the one who is lucky himself is lucky. There is luck, but to become truly successful, you also need action.
12. Successful people don't wait for the right opportunity, they create it themselves.

The one who gets up one more time than he falls wins!

I will give you some stories of successful people who have achieved their success from scratch.


Leonardo Del Vecchio was an orphan and factory worker whose glasses empire is now owned by Ray Bans and Oakley.

Del Vecchio was one of five children their widowed mother could not support. He grew up in an orphanage and went to work in an auto parts and eyeglass mold making business, where he lost part of his finger.

At the age of 23, he opened own store molds. This eyeglass mold shop has grown to become the world's largest manufacturer of sunglasses. Lixottica makes brands such as Ray Bans and Oakley and owns 6,000 stores selling them. His fortune is now estimated at over 10 billion dollars.


John Paul DeJoria lived in a car until he founded John Paul Mitchell Systems.

As the first generation of American immigrants, Dejoria had a hard time from the very beginning. His German-Italian parents divorced when he was two years old, and until the age of 10 he sold newspapers and Christmas cards to help his family. Subsequently, he was sent to a foster family in Los Angeles.

For some time, Dezhoria was in one of the gangs in Los Angeles, then he went into the army. Coming from the army, he took out a $700 loan and founded John Paul Mitchell Systems. He knocked on doorsteps and offered his shampoo everywhere, and while he was doing this, he lived in his car. But the quality of his product was undeniable, and now his JPM Systems has an annual turnover of $900 million.

Francois Pinault

While in high school, François Pinault dropped out of high school and now owns luxury goods company PPR.

In 1947, Pino left school and began working in the family's woodworking business. In the 1970s, he began buying up small firms. His ruthless tactics earned him the nickname "predator". He used the same tactic in the real estate business, and succeeded by buying French "toxic" bonds and using government money to bail out businesses from bankruptcy.

The fortune he made allowed him to open PPR, a luxury goods company that sold brands like Gucci and Stella McCartney. Once the richest man in France, Pinault is now worth $8.7 billion and owns historic properties around the world.


Li Ka-shing left school at 15 to work in a plastics factory and is now the richest man in East Asia.

Li Ka-Shing's family moved from mainland China to Hong Kong in 1940. His father died of tuberculosis when he was 15 years old. Leaving school to work and support his family, Lee made plastic flowers for export to the US.

By 1950, Lee was able to start his own company, Cheung Kong Industries. Initially a manufacturing company, it later switched to real estate. Lee expanded his area of ​​interest, and today has influence in banking, cell phone manufacturing, satellite television, cement manufacturing, owns stores, hotels, domestic freight, airports, ports, shipping companies, produces electricity and steel, and invests in software.


Sheldon Adelson is a Las Vegas hotel owner who has tried his hand at various industries.

Adelson grew up in apartment building in Massachusetts, where he shared a bedroom with his parents and three siblings. His father was a taxi driver and his mother ran a knitting shop. When he was 12, he started selling newspapers, and a few years later he set up his own vending machine on the same corner.

Adelson marketed his strength in several different industries, from packaging hotel toiletries to mortgage brokerage. Most big success came to him after the creation of the annual exhibition of the computer industry Comdex. He is considered the richest Jew in the world and the third richest person in the United States. As of March 2007, his fortune was $26 billion.


Howard Schultz grew up in a public housing block and now runs Starbucks.

Schultz grew up in a public housing block in Brooklyn. He always wanted to "get over the fence" and break out of the lifestyle that his father, a truck driver, provided. Despite his poverty, he excelled in swarth and earned a football scholarship to Northern Michigan University.

After earning a degree in communications, Schultz worked at Xerox before opening a small coffee shop called Starbucks. In love with coffee, he left Xerox in 1987 to become the company's chief executive. Starting with just 60 stores, Starbucks now owns 16,000 locations worldwide, netting Schultz a $1.1 billion fortune.


Kirk Kerkorian went from boxer to RAF pilot to owner of a mega resort in Las Vegas.

Kerkorian, who taught English language on the streets, left school in 8th grade to become a boxer. His family was one of the victims of the Great Depression, and Kerkorian thought about what skills to acquire in order to bring income home. He became a desperate pilot in the Royal Air Force, delivering supplies across the Atlantic on a route that shot down one in four planes.

With the money thus earned, he became an active player, and eventually a real estate mogul in Las Vegas. His fortune is now estimated at 16 billion dollars.


Born in a small village in Sweden, Ingvar Kamprad set up a mail-order business that became IKEA.

Kamprad grew up in the countryside, but he always had an entrepreneurial streak - he bought matches in bulk in Stockholm and sold them to his neighbors. Then he switched to fish Christmas decorations and pens.

Not satisfied with a little, Kaprade took the money he received from his father (a reward for good studies) and created a mail-order business, which eventually became IKEA (these are the initials of his name plus his village and family farm). Furniture has become the most hot commodity company because it used local manufacturers. Once one of the richest men in the world, his fortune has now dwindled, but is still an impressive $6 billion.


Ursula Burns grew up in the council housing block and now owns Xerox.

Once upon a time, the East Side of Manhattan was a gangster place. Burns grew up here, living with her single mother. Her mother worked in kindergarten and ironed shirts to send her daughter to Catholic school. Burns later attended New York University, where she became an intern at Xerox.

Now she is a member of the board of directors and chairman of Xerox.


Guy Laliberte, before presenting his circus to the whole world, was a street fire-eater.

Born in Canada, Laliberte began his circus career on the street, playing the accordion, walking on stilts and swallowing fire. In 1987, he took the risk of bringing a successful Quebec troupe to the Los Angeles Arts Festival, determined not to turn back. The calculation was justified, and the circus troupe was admitted to Las Vegas.

Today Laliberte is the president of Cirque du Soleil, a professional poker player and a space tourist. His total fortune is $2.5 billion.

"Wherever you see successful business, it means that someone once made a bold decision"
— Peter Drucker, management theorist

All that remains for you is, without delay, start acting today. And it will definitely help you on your way to success!

  • Success Secrets
    • listen
    • Be yourself
    • Be industrious
    • Think Positive
    • Connect with successful people
    • Don't be afraid of failure
    • Knowledge of the nuances
    • Improve Yourself
    • Don't be afraid to invest
    • Give people their due
    • Be patient
    • Inadequate Goals
    • Frustration after failure
    • Desire to get everything at once

It is difficult to dispute the fact that the ability to set goals and achieve them is a key reason for the progress of mankind. If humans were content with building the wheel, we would have died out a long time ago. But not everyone understands that it is possible to achieve the set goal only with a number of qualities necessary for this.

Not for nothing, after all, Booker Washington, the famous American orator and politician, said: “To the extent that a person spends himself for a great goal, to the same extent he finds the highest happiness in his work.” Happiness is the ultimate goal of all our aspirations. Happiness is the realization of goals. But one must clearly know where to go, because "nothing can be done well if it is not known what they want to achieve" (as the writer Anton Semenovich Makarenko correctly noted).

In this article, we will try to identify the main ways to achieve success. You can take this as a kind of lesson on how to achieve success in any business, because the theses below will definitely help you solve your tasks if you stick to them.

Success Secrets

Be clear about your personal needs

First of all, we must clearly understand what we want. You should not start a family just because "it's customary."

It is much more important if you do this, feeling the spiritual need to find a full-fledged family, if you really want your beloved wife and children to be waiting for you at home. In this case, you will experience complete satisfaction from the goals that you have achieved.


It is extremely important to be able to listen to the opinion of a partner and not only (and not so much) try to remake the person with whom you live, but to constantly change yourself in an attempt to find a compromise. Simply put, relationships require constant work on yourself, the purpose of which is to take progressive steps towards each other, thanks to which your union will become even stronger than before.

Assess your personality

It happens that a person who is actually wonderful does not consider himself such for some reason. Involuntarily lowering the bar, he seeks happiness in an environment where he cannot find it a priori. Therefore, it is very important to understand that the ability to correctly classify oneself in society is not arrogance, it is a necessity if we really want to find happiness in our personal lives.

Be yourself

If you are a man, be masculine; if you are a woman, be feminine. It would seem obvious things, but in fact a lot external factors often force us to lose our true beginning. Don't let yourself be deprived of your individuality! After all, losing and gaining it is much more difficult than keeping the existing one.

Goals should be adequate to opportunities

Otherwise, by choosing obviously unattainable vertices, you will only get disappointment at the output. This does not mean that we need to set ourselves goals that are easy, which will not be difficult to achieve, because they do not satisfy our ambitions, but only weaken us, making it difficult for us to further develop.

Watch the video - How to set yourself a Champion goal and achieve it:

In a word, try to choose goals for yourself, but not too easy, so as not to lose motivation for self-improvement.

Be industrious

Achieving the goal is a constant work, constant overcoming of various obstacles. And if everything turns out by itself, without much effort, this, alas, does not mean that we are incredibly good - most likely, we just initially set ourselves a too simple task.

Think Positive

Don't let other people shake your confidence. This does not mean that you should ignore all criticism (although this is definitely more useful than listening to any); this means that one must be able to divide the incoming information into useful and useless.

You should not blindly trust the opinion of a more experienced, but less successful person: perhaps it was his conservative view of what is happening and the unwillingness to take risks that caused this person to mark time in one place for a long time. In other words, if you're confident about something, go ahead and don't let others slow you down.

Connect with successful people

Here, as in the previous paragraph, you should single out only the points that you personally need. Don't let the success of other people overshadow your eyes - perhaps the tricks that your idols used will work for you, or maybe not. But such communication is in any case extremely useful - at least for a more adequate analysis of their actions.

Rationally allocate working time

The main condition when drawing up a schedule is that you must remain as efficient as possible throughout the day. Therefore, you should not thoughtlessly dump all the tasks in a heap. To remain effective, you must take a breather at least occasionally, otherwise after a certain period of time even the simplest question will confuse you. Remember: competent rest is also work.

Watch the following video to learn how to make plans:

Don't be afraid of failure

It is important to understand that failures are just obstacles to achieving the goal that we, for some reason, could not overcome. Do not give in to difficulties: most problems can be solved if you put enough effort and knowledge.

Handle information wisely

The ability to process information entering the brain is extremely important.

It is not necessary to keep everything in your head, but if necessary, you should easily find the data you need in reference books, the Internet, or your own diary.

Knowledge of the nuances

Knowing the subject well in general, we periodically forget about the nuances. Remember, every little thing counts for success.

Separate personal and professional life

Some executives are willing to hire relatives for positions in their firm because they allegedly "know what to expect from them." In fact, such “nepotism” goes sideways for everyone - there is a great risk not only to spoil relations with loved ones, but also to lose your job yourself.

Do not try to embrace the immensity

You don't have to take on everything. Do what you are good at; leave other activities to specialized specialists.

Improve Yourself

Don't think that if you are a good professional today, you will be good tomorrow. Time is merciless to presumptuous people.

It is necessary to constantly improve your professional level in order to keep up with progress.

Don't be afraid to take responsibility

You should not wait for someone to undertake to implement your ideas. If you are confident in your ideas, you need to take and implement them yourself. There is always a risk of failure, but the one who does nothing, not only does not make mistakes - he also achieves nothing in life.

Choose the right environment

If you surround yourself with smart and ambitious people, then together you can achieve a lot.

Don't be afraid to invest

Often it is vital to invest in success not only with labor, but also financially. Do not hope that the first ruble spent will bring you a hundred. The result does not come instantly, but if you do not spend enough money to achieve it, it may be unattainable. Stinginess in such matters is a real scourge.

Give people their due

If you work in a team, it is essential to work together, which is impossible to do effectively if you are not able to recognize strengths partners, and they are not able to recognize yours. A clear delineation of responsibilities, trust - this is an important step towards success.

Be patient

This is perhaps the most important thing. More than once there will be a desire to quit everything, but we must remind ourselves again and again: an important thing is not achieved at the snap of a finger. And again storm the next peak.

In conclusion, I would like to identify a number of factors that very often prevent insufficiently persistent people from achieving success. Knowing these reasons will allow you to find a way to overcome them. For obvious reasons, they are all, to one degree or another, antipodes of the above methods of achieving success.

10 reasons that hinder success

Unwillingness to change lifestyle

In such cases, the presence of a family is also important: the rejection of career development in favor of personal relationships is a fairly common occurrence.

Inability to give all the best

Sometimes we engage in self-deception - that is, we create only the appearance of activity, not wanting or not being able to give all the best to achieve the goal.

Often in such cases, we convince ourselves that “others have not done this,” and everything ends, as a rule, with a phrase like “well, at least we tried to do everything in our power, which means our conscience is clear.” No, we haven't tried. Certainly not EVERYTHING.

Inadequate Goals

The fact that a bank clerk dreams of conquering space is, of course, wonderful, but an attempt to achieve such a goal is doomed to failure for a number of objective reasons. You can’t eat hamburgers at a diner five times a day for a month, and then go to a marathon and come to the finish line first.

Failure to plan your time

The Internet, of course, is teeming with various entertainment videos and pictures, but watching the antics of another cute kitten will not get closer to the goal.

Inability to choose a social circle

If you surround yourself with cowardly lazy people, then sooner or later you yourself will become one of them - a person who measures seven times, and then is too lazy to cut off.

Trying to find an "easy way" to achieve a goal

This is not the same thing as idleness, not at all!

It's just that some people consider themselves smarter than others, and often get burned out on this - when they try to act illegally or simply act tight-fistedly, trying to save an extra ruble.

Desire to take credit for all success

One of the varieties of arrogance. Such a desire often develops into another self-deception, the result of which is an outcome in the spirit of "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish": you begin to believe that the success of the company is only your merit, as a result, you lose your faithful comrades-in-arms, and suddenly you realize that you cannot cope without them with the simplest, everyday things.

Striving to staff with relatives and friends

The result of such family business”, as a rule, depressing, because not everyone “ good man» can quickly understand the specifics of a particular job.

Frustration after failure

It happens that everything turns out, the work goes on, it seems that success is here, it’s already very close ... and suddenly a significant obstacle arises on the way, and a person loses faith in his own strength, deciding that the obstacle is simply insurmountable.

The inability to get together at the right moment and jump above your head buried more than one promising company.

Desire to get everything at once

Unfortunately or fortunately, but magic pikes, lamps with genies and other seven-colored flowers exist only in fairy tales. Those who believe that mere desire is enough to achieve their goals, as a rule, fail.

Set adequate goals and work hard to achieve them!

Only in this way can success be achieved.

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