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  • He is not a Dimon or Medvedev Dmitry Anatolyevich. Big possessions of a little thief - yuri_egorow What does the charitable foundation do?

He is not a Dimon or Medvedev Dmitry Anatolyevich. Big possessions of a little thief - yuri_egorow What does the charitable foundation do?

Image copyright Vladimir Smirnov/TASS Image caption According to FBK, one of the companies controlled by Eliseev owns licenses for two yachts - Princess 85 MY and Princess 32M. Both yachts, according to FBK, were seen moored in Plyos on the shore of the alleged "Medvedev's residence"

Head of the "Dar" and "Sotsgosproekt" funds Ilya Eliseev, whom the FBK of Alexei Navalny considers the actual manager of the property of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, told Kommersant that the mansion on Rublyovka transferred to Sotsgosproekt by Alisher Usmanov was received as part of the deal.

"In relation to this mansion on Rublyovka, its previous owner, Alisher Usmanov, has already spoken in detail. I can only confirm that both we and, as far as I understand, our partners from the East Invest group, received compensation for an unrealized development project. This is part of our activities. We are working with real estate in order to have the means to fulfill our statutory goals and objectives, "said Medvedev's classmate at the law faculty of Leningrad State University Eliseev in an interview with the Kommersant newspaper, which was published on Friday.

According to Eliseev, the fund intends to go to court with "lawsuits for the protection business reputation to the primary sources and a number of media disseminating false information about "Dar" and his companies".

"There is a limit to all patience. I see how in my country they try to pass off lies, insults, political manipulations as the norm of political struggle," Ilya Eliseev explained.

Earlier, FBK called the transfer of a land plot and a mansion a bribe that billionaire Alisher Usmanov actually gave to Dmitry Medvedev. In response, Usmanov threatened Alexei Navalny with a lawsuit.

Usmanov said in an interview with Vedomosti that he transferred land plots with a total area of ​​​​about 4 hectares in the village of Znamenskoye, Moscow Region, as well as a house as part of a commercial transaction, in 2010 to the Sotsgosproekt fund. In exchange, he received land belonging to the foundation next to his own plot.

According to Eliseev, now the household is "almost completely mothballed", and the fund is looking for a buyer for it. "Well, or maybe we will find some other options for its use, including, for example, by converting it into a luxe class hotel. It is unnecessary to repeat that no one has ever used this house, because today it is simply not suitable for living," - Eliseev told the Kommersant newspaper.

FBK investigation

Navalny said that the co-owner of the USM holding, billionaire Alisher Usmanov, presented the Fund for Support of Socially Significant government projects("Sotsgosproekt"), which is managed by Medvedev's classmate, a house with a plot in the village of Znamenskoye on Rublevskoye Highway.

According to Navalny, this is a huge house, and 4.3 hectares of land in the village of Znamenskoye on Rublyovka, worth about 5 billion rubles, were donated by the oligarch Usmanov to the fund, Navalny said. - Commodity oligarch, one of the richest Russian businessmen donated an unusually expensive estate on Rublyovka to the near-Medvedev fund. We understand perfectly well what such a gift means: it is a bribe."

In response, Usmanov threatened Navalny that he would sue him for libel. "Navalny misleads people, and his statements are slander," the oligarch said, noting that the politician "crossed a red line."

Image copyright EPA

Then, in an interview with Vedomosti, Usmanov said that he had transferred the land and the house in Znamenskoye to Sotsgosproekt in a deal that allowed the oligarch to expand the estate in Uspenskoye. According to Usmanov, Eliseev, whom he knows, said that Sotsgosproekt wants to build five large mansions on the border with the businessman's plot in Uspensky. Usmanov claims that he offered Eliseev to exchange their plot - 12 hectares - for a house with a plot in Znamenskoye. "The Fund gave me a huge plot at a nominal price, and I transferred the plot and the house to Sotsgosproekt," Usmanov said.

Navalny responded by saying that the oligarch "lies like a gray gelding." The politician claims that the Sotsgosproekt fund did not belong to the Sotsgosproekt fund, and Usmanov bought this land.

The land on Rublyovka from 2007 to 2010 belonged to the East Invest Group. Its leader, Ilya Gavrilov, told the BBC that the group planned to build five cottages on the site together with Sotsgosproekt. Eliseev said the same thing in an interview with Vedomosti.

"We had verbal agreements with the Sotsgosproekt fund that we would develop this land, but then the fund refused it. And we sold the land to Usmanov at the cadastral value. And he gave us working capital for other development projects," - explained Gavrilov, calling Navalny's accusations nonsense.

“They didn’t come up with anything better than a verbal deal. Nobody does business like that,” Lyubov Sobol, a lawyer with the anti-corruption foundation, told the BBC. “I doubt that this was not invented now, by chance.” She believes that Eliseev and Usmanov should present their evidence to the court. FBK, according to her, relies in the investigation on extracts from Rosreestr.

  • Usmanov explained the transfer of the mansion to the fund of classmate Medvedev
  • Navalny responded to Usmanov's accusations of defamation

"It's strange that it's not Medvedev who speaks. Why is Usmanov acting as his press secretary? Obviously, Usmanov is trying to shield Medvedev," Sobol added.

"Executive Residence"

Ilya Eliseev, according to FBK, also registered the Cypriot company Furcina Limited. This company has a subsidiary company Investment Commonwealth LLC. The company owns licenses for two yachts - Princess 85 MY and Princess 32M, follows from materials published by the Navalny Foundation. The total cost of these yachts is estimated at $16 million. Both yachts were seen moored in Plyos on the shore of the supposed "Medvedev residence" owned by the Eliseev-led Dar Foundation.

In an interview with the Kommersant newspaper, Ilya Eliseev admitted that the Chernev estate in Plyos is in fact a "top-level executive residence" in which "other well-known people, in addition to Dmitry Medvedev, also visit: big businessmen, politicians, prominent public figures."

“FBK constantly calls this object a dacha. Well, if it’s someone’s dacha, then it’s probably mine. Especially since, unlike the prime minister, I come there regularly due to official business and, unlike Dmitry I do not pay for my accommodation," Eliseev said, emphasizing that "neither the prime minister nor members of his family have ever been and are neither owners nor other title holders of this property."

The businessman called the opinion of FBK experts, who consider Eliseev the head of the prime minister's home office, "complete nonsense."

“I am not a subordinate of the prime minister, his “banker”, “supply manager”, etc. I am completely self-sufficient, independent, I do not need high-ranking patrons. Of course, we are well acquainted, meet each other as much as possible, happy birthday congratulations. And although we are not friends with families, I know both my son and wife Dmitry Anatolyevich quite well, "Eliseev replied.

A sensational investigation into what and how the Russian prime minister owns

A trifle. Just a funny little thing like sneakers or a shirt with a bright pattern can betray even the most sophisticated corrupt official and become Starting point to expose him.

This is what happened in our history.

However, why describe all this in words, if you can see?

4.3 hectares of land and a house with a total area of ​​almost 4,000 m² is very expensive. Considering the location, it is fabulously expensive. Focusing on the prices of elite objects nearby, this Rublev property can be estimated at 5 billion rubles. Where does the unknown non-profit fund "Sotsgosproekt" get such money from?

And the secret is that if the fund belongs to Medvedev, then he does not need any money. Rublevsky site with all the houses of the fund .... gave [Such a scheme with donation of property in favor of a "charitable" fund allows you to quickly and conveniently register real estate without disclosing the real owner].

See who:

Extract from Rosreestr

Ilya Eliseev told Kommersant about the Dar fund headed by him

Accusations against the head of government are probably the most serious accusations that can arise in a society in which the topic of corruption is discussed. In March 2017, such allegations were made by the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK). Ilya Eliseev, the head of the "Dar" fund, mentioned in this FBK publication as the main actor, in an interview with Kommersant, he tells how and why the fund’s structures work, what Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has to do with the fund, and why Dar considers the FBK’s actions to be a deliberate lie.

What is the "Dar" fund, which you head, what does it do and what does Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev have to do with it?

The Dar Foundation for Regional Non-Commercial Projects has been in existence for more than ten years. At the end of 2006, the founders formed the fund's capital in the amount of 34.4 billion rubles, defining the goals of the fund's activities, giving it a name and forming its management bodies. None of the officials had anything to do with the creation of the fund.

"Dar" was originally conceived by the founders as a non-profit organization that implements projects in the interests of society and the state. I emphasize, because this is very important: as a non-profit organization. This is by no means charitable foundation in its classical sense.

- In the FBK you are considered the head of the Prime Minister's home office, the major-domo, the manager of his property?

What can I say to that? Serious people will not publish such nonsense: it's complete nonsense. I am not a subordinate of the Prime Minister, his “banker”, “supervisor”, etc. I am completely self-sufficient, independent, I do not need high-ranking patrons. Of course, we know each other very well, meet as much as possible, and wish each other happy birthdays. And although we are not friends with our families, I know Dmitry Anatolyevich's son and wife quite well. But, pardon me, well, now I have to justify myself for this?

- Why did you become the head of the fund?

I am the chairman supervisory board Foundation since its inception in November 2006. I hope that this appointment was, how shall I put it, connected with my professional and personal qualities.

At the time when the "Dar" was created, the entire founding capital of the fund was placed on accounts and deposits in Gazprombank, where I have been deputy chairman of the board since 2005. I have experience in banking and legal work, which allows me to ensure the targeted spending of the fund's capital and eliminate the abuse of its finances. By the way, the very 11 billion rubles that Gazprombank gave us as a loan and which caused such horror of the FBK are just a part of the very funds that the fund had previously placed in the same bank. It is probably superfluous, therefore, to say that these loans were repaid in time and in full, including all interest on them.

- Who is the owner of the fund, who invested in it and why?

The concept of a fund owner is not applicable to a non-profit foundation. Let's explain in more detail. The Foundation is the sole exclusive owner of its property. At the same time, the foundation itself cannot belong to anyone at all: neither to the founders of the foundation, nor to those who donate property to it, and even more so to its employees. A fund is not an object, but a subject of law, that is, a legal entity. Or, as lawyers say otherwise, a fund is a personified goal, equipped with the property necessary to achieve it.

In accordance with the legislation on NCOs, funds under the management of non-profit foundations can be directed to the funds provided for by their charter. entrepreneurial activity both directly and through subsidiaries commercial organizations. The law allows for the possibility of making a profit by non-profit foundations (at the same time, of course, we pay income tax on a general basis - 20%). But it is strictly forbidden to distribute it between the founders in any form in the future: funds are obliged to reinvest it for statutory non-commercial purposes. it main feature fund as a legal entity, which just contributes to the preservation of its property over time. Even in the event of the complete liquidation of the fund, its assets under no circumstances will be transferred either to the founders of the fund, let alone to outsiders. individuals. For our funds, the law simply does not provide for such an opportunity.

To put it simply, a fund is the money transferred to it by the founders in order to achieve any goals, the people hired to achieve the goals, and the projects needed to achieve these goals. I have already talked about money. The person in charge of this fund is in front of you. What about projects? I'm ready to talk about them.

Is the information that Leonid Simanovsky and Leonid Mikhelson donated money to the fund true, and for what purpose were these donations made to the fund?

The charter of the foundation clearly states what the goals are. It is obvious that both the mentioned persons and other donors of the fund share our goals. And that is why they entrusted us with their funds. I meet with them from time to time to inform them about our projects.

- Does the Dar Foundation and a group of companies around it conduct business activities?

At the time of the establishment of the "Dar" fund, it was planned that about a third of the founding capital would be invested in commercial projects. At the expense of the received income, we financed non-commercial, planned-unprofitable projects, and also did charity work. In subsequent years, as the fund expanded its activities, other legal entities appeared in its perimeter. And non-commercial - the same funds, only specialized, for conducting individual projects. And more traditional economic structures. In most of them, I am also either the chairman or a member of the highest collegiate management bodies. But it's not even about formal titles: in any case, it is I who manage them and, therefore, I am responsible for the results of their activities.

No complex schemes needed. I have never made a secret of the fact that I manage the "Dar" fund and all its "perimeter".

- "Dar" is nevertheless engaged in charity?

Non-profit foundations may spend their funds on charitable purposes, although this is usually not their main task. So we have always been actively involved in charity work, and we plan to develop it in the future. For reference: the total costs of the "Dar" and all other organizations in its perimeter for charitable projects over ten years amounted to 11.4 billion rubles. without taking into account the content of the funds. I repeat: 11.4 billion. This is a lot of money. Well, forgive us for not yelling about it on every corner.

In this amount - 11.4 billion - I do not include any of our costs of maintaining funds for all ten years ( wage employees, office rent, transportation costs, utilities, taxes, and considerable ones), nor the costs of restoration or construction of such facilities as Milovka or Psekhako. And finally, I repeat once again: we are not a charitable organization. Non-commercial? Yes. Charity? No.

By the way, the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives (FSKI) is also a non-profit organization, but it is actively involved in charity work. Detailed information about the activities of the foundation can be freely obtained on its website, so I will mention only some of its charity projects: “Light of the radiant angel”, “We glorify the Fatherland!”, “ winter fairy tale”, “Give me life”, “A small miracle”, “Gift for school”. Separately, I would single out the White Rose project, within the framework of which 15 medical diagnostic centers for women's health have been created and are already operating throughout Russia, and two more are under construction. This project is being implemented through the foundations of the same name established by us. However, if in the first 2–2.5 years we ourselves bore the main expenses, today this project is already able to exist at the expense of private benefactors (citizens and organizations), and we perform the functions of its coordination and financial control. Thanks to these centers, more than 130,000 women were able to undergo breast cancer screening in 2016 alone. For many of them, early diagnosis has saved lives.

- Are you the main person in the group of companies and funds, which is created around the "Dar"?

Undoubtedly. Of course, I do not do operational management. Considering that today there are more than a dozen different legal entities in the perimeter, there simply would not be enough time for this. Each of them has their own CEO, whom I either invited to work myself, or accepted the choice of my colleagues.

So from the point of view of the organizational hierarchy, I am not a top manager of any fund or its subsidiary economic society. But I participate in management through the highest collegiate bodies - supervisory boards or boards of directors.

- How are leaders selected in your structures?

The main criterion for selecting employees is human decency. Professionalism, sorry for the frankness, is only in second place. And believe me, I came to this understanding of priorities at the cost of great disappointments, conflicts and losses in the past. An honest person, interested in work, ready to learn, can be “made” into a good leader in two or three years. From a fraudster, even the most highly professional, acceptable leader will never work. So if you ever hear that I hired someone with a reputation as a swindler or a thief, know that I just went crazy.

Main question. Why are the Dar Foundation and companies within its perimeter building and reconstructing real estate objects, which are then visited by the first persons of the state?

One of our key priorities non-commercial activities- restoration of historical buildings of cultural and historical value. We were one of many large donors for the restoration of the museum and park complex in Strelna. From 2007 to 2010, we transferred 1,728 million rubles to support it. Now few people remember, but in the early 1990s it was just ruins. Today it receives a huge number of tourists from many countries of the world. In my opinion, this is a very successful example of a public-private partnership, when a historical monument significant for the state and society was restored without attracting budgetary funds.

The example of Strelna inspired us to repeat a similar experience in another region of Russia. We looked at dozens various options, but in the end they chose the city of Plyos in the Ivanovo region. Why Ples? Go there at least once - and you will fall in love with this town yourself. I went there for the first time in 2008. And was amazed by its beauty. Although Plyos then and Plyos now are two big differences. Including thanks to the efforts of our funds.

To our deep regret (and this is probably our big flaw), all that people today know about our work in Plyos is the work on restoring the Milovka estate, also known as the Chernev estate. Information about this project is deliberately distorted and politicized, and yet this is far from the only project we have implemented in Plyos. With our funds - 218 million rubles - the main city cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ of the 19th century, built in 1817, was restored. About 165 million rubles. we sent for the restoration of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ "Over Eternal Peace". This is a wooden temple of 1699, which was moved to Plyos in 1982 from the village of Bilyukovo, Ivanovo Region. We restored and equipped the city hospital for 32.5 million rubles. We built for 107 million rubles. Levitan cultural center "Levitan Hall" - the Russian fashion festival "Plyos on the Volga. Linen Palette ”, this is the center of flax growing. The international film festival "Zerkalo" named after Andrei Tarkovsky is held there, and the Levitan Music Festival is held there. We also helped the Plyossky Museum-Reserve to acquire paintings and exhibits.

In total, over the past ten years, we have invested 1.184 billion rubles in the restoration and development of Plyos, its monuments and infrastructure.

- Nevertheless, in fact, the Chernev estate is a residence, at least in terms of the way it is used?

The decision that it will organize a representative residence of the highest class, capable of receiving the first persons of Russia and other states, was taken by us, generally speaking, not immediately.

Any architectural monument requires constant maintenance and care - this is generally the most the main problem. Restoring and then simply abandoning, forgetting, formally putting it on the balance sheet of some local institution is not an option. "Cut" more rooms and arrange a three-star hotel? Also wrong.

Therefore, we chose a different way for the Chernevs' estate to preserve it. Now it is a representative residence of the top level, which are few in Russia. In addition to Dmitry Medvedev, other famous people are staying there: big businessmen, politicians, prominent public figures.

FBK constantly calls this object a dacha. Well, if this is someone's dacha, then it's probably mine. Moreover, unlike the prime minister, I go there regularly due to official necessity and, unlike Dmitry Anatolyevich, I do not pay for my accommodation.

As a lawyer, I can only repeat once again: neither the Prime Minister nor members of his family have ever been and are neither owners nor other title holders of this property. How much clearer? All objects located on the territory of the estate belong to our two funds - "Dar" and "Gradislava" by right of ownership. The last structure was specially created as an operational one, and as the "Dar" fund completed the restoration or construction of individual buildings that form the estate, they were transferred to the balance of the "Gradislava" fund. Here is such a "cunning" scheme.

Returning to the future of Plyos, I am ready to promise its citizens that our funds will continue to invest in its development.

- Does Dar have other projects with a similar mission?

Yes. In addition to the buildings we restored in Plyos and Strelna, this is the Kushelev-Bezborodko mansion, located in the very center of St. Petersburg on the banks of the Neva, 300 meters from the Summer Garden.

I want to immediately disappoint everyone who will look for traces of the prime minister there. Neither he nor his family members have ever been there and do not own housing in this house. This is in its purest form a commercial project of my business partner Philip Polyansky, in which one of our structures acted as a co-investor. Mr. Polyansky's firm restored the famous historical mansion of the era of Paul I, creating on its basis the first and so far the only deluxe class club house in St. Petersburg with 29 apartments ranging from 60 to 460 square meters. m. We are just now starting sales. We bought this building not from the city and not from the state, but from private individuals in 2010. It underwent a very complex and expensive restoration, as a result of which our project was recognized the best project 2016-2017 in Europe in the Residential Renovation / Redevelopment category according to the European Property Awards - the largest and most prestigious real estate award.

- Do you follow the situation around the European University?

Here, taking this opportunity, I want to dispel another rumor: that we are allegedly interested in the neighboring building of the European University in St. Petersburg. This is complete nonsense! We are not planning any new projects in St. Petersburg. And, of course, under no circumstances do we build and will not build a business on the problems of our neighbors. I don't need to explain how much this university is needed by both the city and the country.

In addition to the three projects that I have already mentioned, we participated in the restoration, creation and support of a whole group of other historical objects. Let's list just a few of them. Voskresensky Novodevichy Convent in St. Petersburg, the temple-chapel of the Three Hierarchs in the Moscow region. Complex of the Moscow Patriarchate in Gelendzhik. Temple of Sophia the Wisdom of God in Moscow Sredny Sadovniki.

Both we and our founders want it to be so. They donated their money to the "Gift" for this, and we are working for this.

- What does the mansion on Rublyovka have to do with the goals of the work of the "Gift"?

Over the ten years of our work, the funds have acquired, I will not hide, a strong competence in working with real estate objects. In addition to historical real estate, we began to deal with modern objects. Regarding this mansion on Rublyovka, its previous owner, Alisher Usmanov, has already spoken in detail. I can only confirm that both we and, as far as I understand, our partners from the East-Invest group received compensation for the unrealized development project. This is part of our activity. We are engaged in work with real estate in order to have the means to fulfill our statutory goals and objectives. Well, you can’t exist only at the expense of sponsors, and the experience gained in the field of restoration and renovation was simply stupid not to use it. This is how we earn money for the same charity and for the reconstruction of historical objects.

- And who lives there now in this mansion?

Yes, the fact of the matter is that the entire time that we own this home ownership, it is almost completely mothballed, since we are looking for a buyer for it. Well, or maybe we will find some other options for its use, including, for example, by converting it into a luxe class hotel. Needless to say, no one has ever used this house, because today it is simply not suitable for living. By the way, we were greatly impressed and even inspired by the amount that FBK estimated this house for. If we can sell it at that price, we'd love to do it.

- The second modern object of "Dara" - the residence of Psekhako?

The Psekhako Reception House, located near Krasnaya Polyana, was built on the principle of all Olympic venues. The investor received the right at his own expense to build a facility that was used by the Sochi-2014 management during the Olympics, after which it again came into the investor's disposal.

For the past three years, we have been trying to use it as an executive residence that is rented out. But they did not see great prospects in this. If we talk about the future of this facility, then taking into account the increased interest in Sochi as a center for winter sports, it is possible to convert this building into an apart-hotel. We have not made a final decision yet.

The owner of the Psekhako Reception House is the Winter Olympic Sports Support Fund, which I manage as chairman of its supervisory board. Like the Gradislava fund, it was created specifically for the operation of this facility. As you can see, there is nothing mysterious in FBK's "schemes": this is a common business solution, where the technical customer, builder and operator rarely coincide in one person.

- Is work in agriculture also a way for Dara companies to earn money to fulfill its statutory goals?

To a large extent. Dar's investment in agriculture and related industries was also one of the program goals. And for us, this is not only a way to earn money, because you can earn money in different ways, including, for example, organizing gambling in a casino. Agricultural business is a socially acceptable way of earning for us, which fully fits into the ideology of the fund.

At the beginning of our activity, we paid quite a lot of attention to alternative energy, mini-hydroelectric power plants, windmills for agricultural enterprises, biogas, and in general the study of how to create infrastructure for this market in Russia. As a result, we did not make large-scale investments in this area, although we worked on it very seriously.

In our perimeter - agro-complex "Mansurovo". There we have long term plans. Today it is one of the most modern agricultural enterprises of this profile in Russia. It occupies an area of ​​25 thousand hectares, of which 14.2 thousand hectares are grain wedge, 6.8 thousand hectares are industrial crops. There are more than 3 thousand heads of large cattle under dairy production, there is a stud farm. Technological equipment dairy farm is one of the most modern in the country.

At the end of 2016, the company broke even, and at the end of this year, we expect to reach a good profit. For our country, high-tech agriculture has never been a strong industry. Using the example of Mansurovo, we are trying to break this stereotype, especially since in recent years there are very good prerequisites for this.

- Did Dmitry Medvedev visit you?

In my memory, he visited Mansurovo only a couple of times. Of course, the history of his ancestors connects him with this place. But any speculation on this subject, in my opinion, looks silly. If this is the land of his ancestors, then, well, he should never come there, so that no one would say anything bad about it?

Yes, and we ourselves in Mansurovo have nothing to be ashamed of. We have created almost 400 new jobs, not only for the people of Kursk, of whom we have a lot of employees, but also for the residents of the village itself. They built a temple in the name of the Holy Trinity. Finally, the school returned to Mansurovo, which before it was simply impossible to look at without tears. Can you imagine what a functioning, equipped, tidy school means for the village? This is the same line, on one side of which is depression and hopelessness, and on the other - a chance for the future.

Just don't think that I want to record everything good that has been done in Mansurovo as an asset. Both local and regional authorities did an excellent job there. But we started! After all, our agricultural complex has indeed become a lifeline for the village.

- Does Dar have other agricultural assets?

We also own a 10.5-hectare Seim-agro greenhouse complex on the outskirts of Kursk for year-round cultivation of fruits and vegetables. So far we are growing mainly cucumbers and tomatoes. The complex has already reached profitability and, at the expense of its own profit, will now complete the construction of the third phase of greenhouses, after which it will be possible to expand the range of vegetable products and salads. Also in Kursk, we are developing our own business for the production of ready-made greenhouses.

We consider the Rocky Coast vineyard in Anapa as an investment project with a long payback cycle. Myself land plot was purchased seven years ago, so the vine will be able to produce quality grapes only next year. For industrial production, we have yet to build a winery, so the output finished products We plan not before 2020. And today there is simply no “Rocky Coast” wine in nature. Let's see what will happen.

- The vineyard, I remember, was not alone.

Do you mean the Fattoria Della Aiola company that makes Chianti in Tuscany, Italy? This is not only a vineyard, there is also a small olive grove, and a winery - only 100 hectares. This is my own purely private investment, which has nothing to do with the activities of the funds. Let's be clear once and for all: the funds that I manage as a manager do not have any foreign assets at all and never have. But my business as a private individual, an entrepreneur, you can find in Italy and even outside of Europe.

In addition to the winery on the territory of Aiola, there is an old villa that requires overhaul, which has not been used in any way since the purchase of this company. In general, that is still a residence. If anyone can be found there, then only the ghosts of the late Renaissance.

FBK’s “advertising” is on hand for my winery: sales of wines and spirits have grown significantly. Just these days, Verona hosts the 51st International Wine Salon Vinitali, the world's largest exhibition for wine industry professionals. I hope that there sales will shoot. Now I am seriously thinking about the export of our Chianti to Russia, but just a couple of years ago I could not even dream of it.

What else are you investing in?

I have a number of other investments and business projects of my own, including an experimental cheese production in Russia, a computer art studio, but this is a topic for a separate discussion. There is personal business and in exploration and mining in Latin America.

- Is this your personal investment?

I understand the question. Yes, this is my investment - a person who has been in serious business since 2005.

- Why did the "Dar" never talk about its rather large-scale activity in public?

To be honest, I never thought that we should cover our activities in detail. But since there is a demand in society for greater openness of the Gift, it will not be difficult for us to meet these requirements.

Also, right now, I cannot allow a situation in which many media outlets are spreading obvious lies about the activities of our foundations and our business. Both the authors and all the distributors of tales about how we "work" in the interests of state and political figures will have to answer according to the law. This is the only correct and civilized way to protect reputation. We intend to apply to the courts with claims for the protection of business reputation against the primary sources and a number of media outlets that spread false information about the Gift and its companies, although I understand that this may contribute to the political promotion of individual characters.

Why do you personally need these lawsuits?

Every patience has a limit. I see how in my country people try to pass off lies, insults, political manipulations as the norm of political struggle. I see how lofty goals begin to justify vile means. And the worst thing is that someone begins to believe in all this.

Politics is an activity in which there must be rules and boundaries, otherwise it becomes dangerous. Perhaps the world is changing and only political shows will be valued in the politics of the future, but this is already without me and not at my expense. For a very long time I did not want to get dirty in all this, I did not want to tell anything, I did not want to explain anything. And the mold kept growing and growing.

Exactly the same way, exactly one hundred years ago, the same chirpy people like me once already missed Russia. I don't want to repeat this mistake. I still have time to get better.

Interview prepared by Dmitry Butrin

Foundation for Regional Non-Commercial Projects "Dar"

The "Dar" Foundation was registered on November 3, 2006 with the aim of developing social infrastructure facilities in the field of education, science, culture, sports and education. The founder of the fund was Levit Limited Liability Company. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Dara is Ilya Eliseev. The directorate of the fund is headed by General Director Viktor Davydov.

Eliseev Ilya Vladimirovich

Born December 19, 1965. Graduated from the Leningrad State University. A. A. Zhdanova (1987), postgraduate study at the same university (2001). In 1991-2003 he worked at the Department of Civil Law of the St. Petersburg state university while also working in private law practice.

Since 2003 - Vice-President, since 2004 - President of the Legal Center Association. In 2005, he was a senior lawyer at the law firm Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners (St. Petersburg). From 2005 to the present, member of the Board of Directors, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Gazprombank. Member of the National Association of Corporate Directors. Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Morion, CJSC Optic Fiber Systems, CJSC Agrocomplex Mansurovo. Over the years, he was a member of the board of directors of OAO Gazprom-Media Holding, OAO Gazprom-Media, OAO NTV Television Company, OAO TNT-Teleset, OAO NTV-plus, OAO United engineering plants", PJSC "United Aircraft Corporation", JSC "Rocky Coast", JSC "Blagoveshchensk Valve Plant".

PhD in Law. Co-author of a textbook on civil law (edited by A. P. Sergeev and Yu. K. Tolstoy), co-author of a commentary on Civil Code Russia. Author of monographs and journal publications on civil and private international law. Laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education in 2001.

Ilya Eliseev's "Dar" Foundation has existed for more than 10 years, but has only recently attracted the attention of Russians. The authorized capital of the fund, which the officials had nothing to do with, was formed by the founders back in 2006 and amounted to 34.4 billion rubles. In an interview with Kommersant, Ilya Eliseev said that the fund was conceived as a non-profit organization that would implement projects in the interests of the state and society.

For history

One of the main priorities of the non-profit activity of "Dara" is the restoration of historical buildings. It was this foundation that was one of the first to donate funds for restoration work in the museum and park complex in Strelna. From 2007 to 2010, Dar transferred 1,728 million rubles to support this project.

Eliseev recalled that in the early 1990s there were ruins on the site of the complex. Now, after restoration, the object is visited by tourists from all over the world.

In my opinion, this is a very successful example of a public-private partnership, when a historical monument significant for the state and society was restored without attracting budgetary funds

Eliseev thinks.

Photo: Natalia Seliverstova / RIA Novosti

Plyos restoration

After this successful experience, the foundation decided to restore a historical monument in another region of Russia. Having considered several options, the leaders of the organization decided to stop at Plyos ( Ivanovo region). According to Eliseev, he was shocked by the beauty of this city when he first visited it in 2008.

The head of the "Gift" said that in Plyos the fund not only restored the Chernevs' estate, but also the main city cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ built in 1817.

We spent about 165 million rubles on the restoration of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ "Over Eternal Peace". This is a wooden temple of 1699, which was moved to Plyos in 1982 from the village of Bilyukovo, Ivanovo Region.

- Head of the "Dar" Foundation.

Engaged in the fund and social institutions. 32 million rubles were invested in city ​​hospital, another 107 million spent on the creation cultural center Levitan Hall. Now they are holding the international film festival “Plyos on the Volga. Linen Palette” and Andrei Tarkovsky Film Festival “Zerkalo”. In just 10 years, according to Eliseev, 1.184 billion rubles have been invested in the restoration of the infrastructure and monuments of Ples.

Real estate work

The fund deals not only with historical real estate, but also with modern buildings. Speaking about the mansion on Rublyovka, Eliseev confirmed that the Dar Foundation received it as compensation for an unrealized development project. What businessman Alisher Usmanov also spoke about earlier.

“We are engaged in work with real estate in order to have the means to fulfill our statutory goals and objectives. Well, you can’t exist only at the expense of sponsors, and it was simply stupid not to use the experience accumulated in the field of restoration and renovation,” Eliseev explained.

“We have always been actively involved in charity work”

Despite the fact that charity is not the main task of non-profit foundations, they can spend money on it. According to Eliseev, over 10 years, the "Dar" and related organizations have spent about 11.4 billion rubles on charity.

I repeat: 11.4 billion. This is very big money. Well, forgive us for not yelling about it on every corner.<…>And finally, I repeat once again: we are not a charitable organization. Non-commercial? Yes. Charity? No.

The head of the "Gift" Ilya Eliseev.

All your own

According to Eliseev, according to the law and the principle of operation, Dar is the owner of all its property, and it is forbidden to transfer it to anyone.

Fundamentally, a fund is a certain amount material resources transferred by the founders in order to achieve any goals. This money is spent on remuneration of people, on the development of related projects, and the goals associated with their implementation.

In addition, if there is free money, the fund is obliged to reinvest them in the set goals and cannot spend them “in its own way”.

“Distributing it [the fund's commercial benefit] in the future between the founders in any form is strictly prohibited: funds are obliged to reinvest it for statutory non-commercial purposes. .Even in the event of the complete liquidation of the fund, its assets under no circumstances will be transferred either to the founders of the fund, let alone to outside individuals. For our funds, the law simply does not provide for such an opportunity,” Eliseev explained.

"I want to disappoint everyone"

Dar has business in non-urban areas, among its projects is the Kushelev-Bezborodko mansion, located in the very center of St. Petersburg on the banks of the Neva. Over the past few years, the project has undergone a complex and multi-level restoration and was recognized as the best project of 2016-2017 among European projects for the renovation of residential complexes.

I want to immediately disappoint everyone who will look for traces of the prime minister there. Neither he nor his family members have ever been there and they do not own housing in this house.

Ilya Eliseev.

Dacha in Plyos, two estates on Rublyovka, a mansion in Mansurovo, Psekhako's residence, vineyards near Anapa and in Tuscany, a mansion in St. Petersburg, two yachts

The original of this material
© navalny, 03/02/2017, Photo: "Newspaper", via navalny, Illustrations, video: via navalny

He is not Dimon

Dmitry Medvedev
[...] Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev created for himself the image of an official, whom no one takes seriously. His most odious statements cause ridicule rather than anger in society. He is treated with condescension, because at least he does not seem like an outright villain. [...]

Today we will tell you how wrong everyone was. Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev is not at all a funny eccentric who is worth laughing at. He is the creator and head of a huge, multi-level corruption. The leader of the ruling United Russia party owns real estate throughout the country, he owns huge plots of land in the most elite areas, he manages yachts, apartments in old mansions, agricultural complexes and wineries in Russia and abroad.

All this property was purchased with bribes from oligarchs and loans from state banks.

The Prime Minister and his trusted people created a criminal scheme based not on offshore companies, as is often the case, but on non-profit foundations. This is a very clever solution. The real owner of the assets is almost impossible to trace, because, being registered in charitable foundations, they, in fact, do not belong to anyone. Medvedev's property is managed by his friends, classmates and confidants. The structure of this criminal scheme is so complex that it took us several months to describe it, and it is not known how we would prove Medvedev's involvement in it - but here we were lucky.

The former president, the current prime minister and the owner of colossal corruption assets were given away ... ordinary sneakers.

Chapter first
in which we tell how Medvedev gave the dacha to himself, and also get acquainted with the main confidant of the prime minister

ancient farmstead Milovka in Plyos, owned by Dmitry Medvedev, is already known to everyone from our previous investigation. Medvedev himself (through his press secretary) denies any involvement in the Plesskaya dacha, despite numerous photographs, testimonies from local residents and even officials. Representatives of the prime minister claim that the estate is not under the protection of the FSO, although not just in Plyos, but directly in Milovka, its official unit is located, moreover, it is the presidential security service that protects Medvedev. A no-fly zone has been established over Milovka - there are no reasons for this, except for one: the dacha in Plyos is the residence of Dmitry Medvedev.

We will dwell on this residence again, since this is one of the most important elements of the Medvedev scheme. Starting with it, we will link his other assets into a single corruption network.

FBK has already shown what the estate looks like: on its territory there is a reconstructed 18th-century mansion, a modern house with a swimming pool and outbuildings. Milovka has three helipads, a ski slope and a yacht pier. The land and houses on it were originally designed on fund "Dar".

Fund of regional non-commercial projects "Dar" - enough well-known organization closely associated with Medvedev. This fund is one of the richest in Russia.

The media have repeatedly written about the connections of "Dar" with the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives (FSKI) Svetlana Medvedeva - they, for example, common founders and addresses.

The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the "Dar" fund is the vice-president of Gazprombank, classmate, friend and business partner of Medvedev Ilya Eliseev. He is the Prime Minister's most trusted person, managing his assets and tying together the ramified scheme of Medvedev's holdings. We will mention Eliseev more than once in our investigation.

In 2014, the "Dar" transferred "Milovka" to another fund - the "Gradislava" fund for the preservation of cultural and historical heritage (on the diagram). This structure has nothing to do with cultural and historical heritage. The independent fund "Gradislava" does not exist at all - it is an understudy, invented by the employees of the "Dar" in order to more carefully hide the fact that Prime Minister Medvedev has a dacha worth more than 20 billion rubles.

The director of Gradislava, Ivan Karabinsky, is actually an employee of the Dar fund with a corporate email on the domain.

We see another argument in an extract from the real estate register. It says that "Dar" simply donated the old manor to "Gradislava". It is impossible to imagine that a non-profit foundation could easily give away an old estate of such a value to an outside organization.

The founder of Gradislava is Leonid Rubtsov. So far, this name does not mean anything to you, but be patient - soon it will turn out to be a link between the most important elements of the circuit.

Milovka is not the only asset owned by Gradislava in Plyos. This fund also owns a 6-hectare land plot in the central part of the city at ul. Karl Marx, d.1. According to the project documentation, there will be erected hotel. [...]

From Plyos we will move 400 kilometers closer to Moscow, to Rublyovka, and Leonid Rubtsov, the founder of Gradislava, will help us with this.

Chapter Two
in which we talk about how the oligarch Usmanov gave a bribe to Dmitry Medvedev, giving his non-profit foundation an estate for 5 billion rubles

The founder of the Gradislava fund, Leonid Rubtsov, mentioned in the first chapter, also turned out to be a director in the Green Yard company. This firm is owned by another fund - the non-profit Foundation for the Support of Socially Significant State Projects (abbreviated as "Sotsgosproekt"). [...]

It is worth paying attention to who manages Sotsgosproekt. The chairman of the fund's supervisory board is the same classmate of Medvedev, Ilya Eliseev, who heads the Dar fund.

The director of the Sotsgosproekt fund is another classmate of Medvedev, Alexey Chetvertkov.

However, why describe all this in words, if you can see?

4.3 hectares of land and a house with a total area of ​​almost 4,000 m² is very expensive. Considering the location, it is fabulously expensive. Focusing on the prices of elite objects nearby, this Rublev property can be estimated at 5 billion rubles. Where does the unknown non-profit fund "Sotsgosproekt" get such money from?

And the secret is that if the fund belongs to Medvedev, then he does not need any money. Rublevsky site with all the houses of the fund .... gave.

See who:

The Prime Minister's grandfather lived and worked in the village of Mansurovo, Kursk Region, where his father was born and spent his childhood. In the same village, the Medvedev family had peasant economy. Assigning himself to today's Russian "elite", Dmitry Anatolyevich could not do without a "family nest", and for lack of better alternatives, the choice fell on Mansurovo.

If you fly over the Kursk region, you can distinguish a strange object, which is actually in an open field.

Let's take a closer look. This is an estate with an area of ​​​​about 240,000 m² - there is probably no more luxurious real estate in the Kursk region. Literally everyone knows about its existence in Mansurovo, it even serves as some reason for local residents to be proud of. At the same time, they never saw her - the site, like Milovka in Plyos, is surrounded by a three-meter fence. Driving on the road leading to this cottage is prohibited.

Nevertheless, this is not an obstacle for the Anti-Corruption Foundation, so we present to your attention another secret dacha of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in all its glory:

The main house with an area of ​​about one and a half thousand square meters, a guest house, two helipads, a decorative pond, a sports court - a complete set.

The residence is registered as the property of the Mansurovo agricultural complex (in the diagram). The chairman of the board of directors of this company is the same classmate of Medvedev, Ilya Eliseev.

The land on which the family nest is built is mortgaged.

We didn’t even have to look for evidence that Medvedev visits his Kursk residence on his Instagram. The chairman of the board of directors of the agricultural complex, Ilya Eliseev, spoke about this himself:

This is a guest house for our employees. Dmitry Anatolyevich sometimes stops there when he arrives in Mansurovo, well, he needs to stop somewhere, do not drive him 60 km away to Kursk, to a hotel! You must see this residence - a one-story wooden building of superior comfort

Ilya Eliseev
confidant of Medvedev and chairman of the board of directors of the Mansurovo agricultural complex

On those rare days when guests appear in the estate, the life of the Mansurovo village acquires metropolitan chic. By the arrival of the most important guest, the federal highway is blocked; corteges of cars arrive, guards are posted and helicopters land. [...]

Nevertheless, local residents are generally happy with such a gift of fate. Thanks to the construction of the residence in Mansurovo, a gas pipeline was laid, new asphalt was laid, a school, a post office were repaired, and a first-aid post was built. In addition, two churches were erected - a large temple and a chapel. [...]

However, luxurious houses are not enough for a real noble estate. We need a farm - eared fields, grazing herds, stables.

Medvedev also has all this.

The Mansurov residence and the land on which it is built belong to the agricultural complex of the same name. The history of its creation began in 2009, when Medvedev arrived in his small homeland on an unofficial visit.

“We will build an agricultural company here,” Medvedev promised the locals and did not deceive. The agro-complex was immediately started by his friends, classmates and cousin. Agrocomplex "Mansurovo" is a huge full-cycle enterprise. It occupies 27,000 hectares of land, has 3,170 heads of cattle, a pig farm for 55,000 pigs and a stud farm.

The largest share in the agricultural complex - 75% - is owned by Tehinpro. We argue that it is this organization that directly connects Dmitry Medvedev with the Mansurovo agricultural complex, but we will talk about it in detail in a separate chapter.

We have already mentioned that the chairman of the board of directors of the agricultural complex is Ilya Eliseev. Natalya Kharitonova turned out to be the director of the enterprise - she is also a graduate of the law faculty of Leningrad State University, a student of Eliseev. Among the members of the board of directors, we found an even more interesting character - Andrey Vasilyevich Medvedev. The media calls him the prime minister's cousin.

SPARK data
We were able to confirm information from open sources about Andrei Medvedev's relationship with the Prime Minister. Dmitry Anatolyevich's father, Anatoly Afanasyevich, has a younger sister, Svetlana Afanasyevna Medvedeva. She is a Kuban poetess, an honored teacher of the Russian Federation, is still alive and even wrote memoirs. She was not married or was not married for long, she did not change her maiden name. And she has a son Andrei, about whom it is only reported that he is the same age as Dmitry Medvedev and went to Moscow, where he studied and worked.

And here is what Andrei Medvedev looks like:

The main founder of "Seim-Agro" (the company is engaged in the cultivation of tomatoes, cucumbers and roses) is CJSC "Kurskpromteplitsa". At the head of the board of directors of this company, we once again come across Ilya Eliseev.

But the most interesting thing is who owns Kurskpromteplitsa. The Sotsgosproekt Foundation, already known to us, is the sole owner of this Kursk enterprise for the production of greenhouses.

The same non-profit fund to which the oligarch Usmanov gave the Rublev estate for 5 billion.

The presence of a relative of Medvedev in leadership positions in the subsidiaries of Sotsgosproekt once again confirms the connection of the prime minister with this fund. But the evidence doesn't end there. We will return to the Fund for Support of Socially Significant State Projects.

As for the Kursk agribusiness, Dmitry Medvedev keeps his finger on the pulse. Treats him carefully and responsibly. Along with ministers and governors, the leadership of the Mansurovo agricultural complex is invited to government meetings with the prime minister. And the governor of the Kursk region, Mikhailov, personally reports to Medvedev that the company, owned by his cousin, "gave a new impetus to the development of vegetable growing."

We are in our region today with the commissioning of two new enterprises - for the production of greenhouse metal structures "Kurskpromteplitsa" and a greenhouse complex joint-stock company"Seim-Agro" - gave a new impetus to the development of vegetable growing, we went this way. Today, projects for the construction of greenhouses in the regions of our region are already being implemented...

Alexander Mikhailov
governor of the Kursk region [...]

Chapter Four
from which we learn how Dmitry Medvedev himself became interested in the wine business and carried the entire government with him

The assets recorded in the Sotsgosproekt fund are not limited to the Rublev estate and Medvedev's Kursk agricultural lands. The fund has one more subsidiary - CJSC "Rocky Coast". She acquired a huge plot of land in the Krasnodar Territory.

Vineyards have been planted on these lands.

On specialized sites, the Rocky Coast vineyards are called "widely known in narrow circles." Tourists and visitors are not allowed there, and those who managed to see them with their own eyes write:

And here the exclusivity of this project becomes clear. The relief here is such that if you stand with your back to the sea, you can imagine yourself in Tuscany. Soft outlines of hills, on the slopes of which there are even rows of vineyards. Exceptionally beautiful! In short, the approach to the project is very serious. I think everything at the "Rocky Coast" will eventually be as it should.

Artur Sargsyan
independent wine expert, sommelier

The fact that Rocky Coast is a subsidiary of Sotsgosproekt does not limit its connection with Medvedev. 76% of Rocky Coast is owned by Tehinpro, the very mysterious organization that directly links the Prime Minister with the Mansurovo agricultural complex (in the diagram). The Board of Directors of "Rocky Coast" is headed, of course, by Medvedev's most trusted person - Ilya Eliseev.

At the time of the deal for the purchase of land, a certain Andrey Viktorovich Zhmenya was listed as the director of Rocky Coast. He later became the director of the Gradislava Foundation, which owns the Prime Minister's Plyos dacha.

Before Zhmenya, Sergei Stupnitsky was the director of Rocky Coast. Let's note this surname - it still will emerge at the end of our investigation.

Now the company has another director - Andrey Aleksandrovich Skok. We know this man well, perhaps our readers will remember him. Andrey Skok was featured in the FBK investigation about the Sochi Olympics. For many years he was one of the key managers assets of the family of Alexander Tkachev- former governor of the Krasnodar Territory and current minister Agriculture.

Skok is still directly related to the business of Alexander Tkachev's family. He, for example, manages the winery "Chateau de Talu" in Gelendzhik, owned by the minister's wife Olga.

Thus, through director Andrey Skok, the interests of two federal officials who cannot be engaged in business are intertwined in a bizarre way - the prime minister and his subordinate, the minister of agriculture.

Whether Medvedev personally visited the Anapa vineyards cannot be established. Nevertheless, the Prime Minister became keenly interested in the topic of winemaking from the very moment of acquiring the vineyards. Previously, he did not pay much attention to the wine industry, but now he has become actively lobbying for the adoption of incentives for this industry. In August 2011, Medvedev held a meeting with Tkachev, where he spoke about the development of winemaking:

This is one of the serious industries that must be developed and which ultimately contributes to the eradication of alcoholism, because in countries where this industry is developing, there are no problems with this. Problems are known to stem from other drinks. We need to hold a meeting on this topic.

Dmitry Medvedev
President of Russia 2008-2012

In July 2013, Medvedev made wine not an alcoholic product, but an agricultural product. Later, the government initiated, bypassing all existing laws, permission to advertise domestic wine on TV, and also received the right to regulate its minimum price.

In May 2014, Medvedev held a large meeting in the Krasnodar Territory dedicated to winemaking, promised viticulture subsidies and government assistance. We discussed measures to support domestic wine producers:

The government as a whole is determined to support our viticulture. Subsidies are allocated. They have recently amounted to almost 1.5 billion rubles.

Dmitry Medvedev
President of Russia 2008-2012

In addition to the meeting, Medvedev visited vineyards and wineries, and also proposed the adoption of a separate law on wine.

It is impossible not to mention that the director of the "Rocky Coast" Andrey Skok was present at this meeting. At that time, he had been heading a company controlled by the Medvedev fund Sotsgosproekt for two and a half years.

The vineyard story is primarily a gigantic conflict of interest. The prime minister openly lobbies for preferences for the business sector where he has an interest. Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture bound common business which they are not supposed to do. [...]

Chapter Five
in which Dmitry Medvedev got burned on a shirt and sneakers

[...] Let's turn to Medvedev's Kursk lands and his Anapa vineyards. We have already mentioned that there is an important similarity between them: the largest share in them belongs to CJSC Tehinpro Company.

The name seemed vaguely familiar to us. We began to study the archives and understood why: Vladimir Dyachenko was mentioned in mail hacked a couple of years ago Dmitry Medvedev - and in a rather unexpected capacity.

Thanks to the hack, it became known that Medvedev uses a special mailbox [email protected] for personal online shopping - gadgets, clothes and shoes. But he did not indicate his name and delivery address, but such:

Vladimir Dyachenko
st. Krzhizhanovsky, 14k3, office 307A, Moscow

This is the name of the director and the address of CJSC Techinpro Company (on the diagram).

Order from the amazon service to the address [email protected]

Order from the surfdome website to the address [email protected]
From the very beginning, it was clear to everyone that the hacked mail belonged to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. There were his working papers, personal photographs, correspondence with other officials. However, this was not enough for us. We were looking for more irrefutable evidence that this is Medvedev's correspondence. Something personal that cannot be faked and can be verified.

We studied the list of purchases delivered to the addressee Dyachenko, and the last doubts about his direct connection with Medvedev disappeared.

Here is an example from May 2014. Delivery address - Techinpro office. We look at the penultimate name - Nike Flyknit Max sneakers. On the site from which the order was made, there are easily sneakers with the same name and description. And then we find these sneakers with our main character.

Not enough running shoes? Pay attention to the checkered shirt, in which Medvedev is captured in the first photo. But he orders it under the name of Vladimir Dyachenko.

You can probably go no further. It is obvious that these online purchases are made by Medvedev himself. But appreciate the scale of premier shopping. In three months, he ordered 73 T-shirts, 20 pairs of sneakers and 30 pairs of swimming trunks. Clothes and shoes were ordered for only one person - all the same size, the same brands, the same stores, and so on.

Medvedev chooses clothes himself, and orders delivery in the name of a trusted person - Vladimir Dyachenko.

And this same Dyachenko is the director of the company that owns the Kursk lands and the Anapa vineyards of Medvedev.

Apparently, Dyachenko is among the prime minister's most trusted people. And he also gives us another confirmation of Medvedev's connection with the estate-bribe of the oligarch Usmanov.

Another company headed by Dyachenko is called PromTekhInvest CJSC.

This company holds a license for “use of flammable, oxidizing, combustible, explosive, toxic, highly toxic and hazardous substances. environment, on objects.

We found two fines from the traffic police at Techinpro Company CJSC. According to the decision number, it can be restored that they were issued to an Audi corporate car with the number A422AA.

Fines of CJSC "Company Techinpro"
Let's move on to the beloved by many genre "photos of workers from the construction site." Because it was in the profile of one of the builders of the estate on Rublyovka that we found this car. Parked in Znamenskoye, right next to the house that Usmanov donated to a pseudo-charitable foundation.

There were also a few other great photos. The workers themselves refer to the facility as "Medvedev's residence." You can see the estate up close, enjoy the chic interiors of the pool, decorated in the style of Roman baths, and finally see the chapel attached to the house, which was hard to see in the video because of the trees.

Apparently, both firms of Dyachenko are engaged in the daily management of the estate on Rublevka. The PromTechInvest license was obtained within the framework of this particular activity. CJSC Tehinpro Company, to which Medvedev orders his shirts and sneakers, is also directly related to this object - we see the car of this company in the parking lot of the Rublev mansion. [...]

We have dismantled three funds controlled by Dmitry Medvedev, and now we turn to the story of the assets recorded on the fourth. Here, of course, we will meet the same people from a trusted circle.

Chapter six
from which we learn what Dmitry Medvedev's fourth charitable foundation is doing, and look at another prime minister's palace

[...] There is also a fourth fund - the Winter Olympic Sports Support Fund (on the diagram). What is he doing?

Here, on the Psekhako ridge, there is a mysterious object included in federal program preparations for the Sochi Olympic Games. This is not a sports base or a hotel, they did not accept Olympians in this place, and in general, few people are accepted.

This complex is called the Reception House for Official Guests "Psekhako"". On four hectares of protected land there are several buildings, including a residence with an area of ​​4000 m2. As in the story of Medvedev's Plesskaya dacha, at the stage of the Olympic construction, the lease of land was registered for the "Dar" fund.

In late 2014, the property was donated to an obscure Winter Olympic Sports Support Fund.

Extract from Rosreestr
The supervisory board of this fund is headed by - as you probably guessed - Ilya Eliseev.

Vitaly Golovachev turned out to be the nominal owner of the Winter Sports Support Fund. The same employee of the "Dar" fund, in whose ownership the "Sotsgosproekt" fund is registered.

Vitaly Golovachev owns the Winter Olympic Sports Support Fund through another legal entity. The fund is directly owned by Meritage Management Company, which is 100% owned by Golovachev. Meritage Management Company is a very important organization that links all Medvedev's property. We will talk about it in a separate chapter.

Let's now consider the mountain residence of Psekhako. We will do this, as usual, from the air.

This project is so big and chic that you can't hide it. The press wrote about him, and even interior photos of this residence were published.

The media even leaked the design documentation for the spa complex, which is attached to the main house. Its scale is especially striking. There is literally everything on 1000 m² - steam rooms, saunas, a salt grotto and something mysterious called "experience shower". The pool with attractions is also impossible not to mention.

From the financial statements of the Olympic Sports Support Fund, we see that the Psekhako residence is estimated at 2.6 billion rubles. The amount is definitely underestimated. Just look at the scale of construction, house, decoration and furniture. It is impossible to find out the real cost, since there are no similar objects for sale in Krasnaya Polyana. We estimate it at least 7 billion rubles.

Construction of this magnitude was also noted at the federal level. In December 2014, Minister of Transport Maxim Sokolov and Minister of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities Mikhail Men presented state awards heads of companies that built Olympic facilities. The medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree was awarded to 35 people, mostly the authorities large companies who built stadiums, hotels and roads.

But one person was especially noted. The only one of all the Olympic builders who got the most honorary medal of the first degree was the director of the "Dar" fund.

Data from the Ministry of Transport
Other employees of the "Dar" received medals of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, as well as honorary titles of "Honored Builder of Russia."

We emphasize that these state awards were presented to the employees of the "Dar" fund for the construction of a personal dacha for the Prime Minister. For a 4000-meter house, for a spa complex, for a heliport, for a shower of experiences and a pool with attractions. In addition to this object, "Dar" in Sochi did not build anything.

We have no doubts that the winter residence was built for Medvedev personally. The fact that he constantly uses it, as usual, is clearly visible on his instagram.

We compare the photos posted by the Prime Minister with photos of the complex in Psekhako. Pay attention to the lantern strewn with snow. Dmitry Medvedev posted this photo on Instagram three years ago, and then again, very similar, two years ago.

We check with the photographs of the Psekhako mountain residence - and we see exactly these lanterns.

We compare with the photographs taken in Psekhako - and again a complete coincidence.

It turns out that three years in a row, at about the same time, Medvedev stays in this mountain residence.

And now let's study how this mountain object is connected with other firms, funds and assets of Medvedev, which we have already talked about.

For example, the helipad from the photo above. Information about it can be found on the website of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Center for Aeronautical Information". There we can get acquainted with the site plan and find out that the site is managed by the “Dar Fund Management Company”.

It turns out that the employees of PromTechInvest serve Medvedev's mountain residence too.

But who gives them valuable instructions?

We find the answer in the same hacked correspondence of Medvedev. This is the to-do list email we found in the same inbox as the shirt and sneaker orders:

Chapter Seven
which demonstrates the techniques of fantastically brazen appropriation of state property

Now we are moving from the genre of entertainment to the genre of crime. Now we will use a specific example to show how Dmitry Medvedev's people steal state property with his help.

Look at this piece of land near the village of Maslovo on the Rublevo-Uspenskoe Highway. Its area is 20 hectares.

In 2011, the unremarkable organization "Garant Club" bought this site from the Presidential Administration. The most striking thing about this purchase was the cost of the land - for such a huge plot, and even on Rublyovka, Garant Club paid only 18 million rubles.

We would never have known about this if it were not for a bizarre system failure: the Moscow Region prosecutor's office suddenly considered the deal null and void and tried to challenge it in court.

It is not known what prompted the prosecutor's office to go to court. Probably, they didn’t watch and didn’t understand who they were dealing with. However, this was quickly explained to them, and the prosecutor's office immediately abandoned its demands. The case was closed.

The land still belongs to the Garant Club:

601.5 million rubles. Sold to Garant Club for 18 million. This is 3% of the cadastral value.

The market value of a hundred square meters in this place is 2 million rubles, the entire plot of 20 hectares in this place on Rublevka costs 4 billion. It is easy to calculate that it was sold at least two hundred times cheaper market price. [...]

"Garant Club" is a subsidiary of the "Financial consulting firm of the fund "Dar"" (on the diagram). FinConsultingK (FKK) has already appeared in our story - this is the office that provided the Mansurovo agricultural complex with a mortgage on the land under the estate. Previously, this company was wholly owned by the "Dar" fund.

Later it was re-registered as the property of the Winter Olympic Sports Support Fund. The FCC is entrusted important function: through this company they receive loans and distill money, including taking them to offshore. But we will talk about this later.

At the time of the transaction, another classmate of Medvedev, Alexei Dolgushevsky, turned out to be the director and founder of the Garant Club.

Here he is on the list of sophomores at Leningrad State University in 1984. Next to him we see other classmates of the current prime minister and the heroes of our investigation, Eliseev and Chetvertkov (director of the Sotsgosproekt fund).

Instruction of the dean of the law faculty of Leningrad State University
In other words, the Administration of the President (in 2011 it was Medvedev) sold, and in fact - donated a huge plot of land on Rublyovka to a company headed by Medvedev's classmate Dolgushevsky.

Immediately after the transaction, the owner of the company was replaced by subsidiaries of the Dar fund, controlled by Medvedev. This episode alone is enough for the immediate resignation of Dmitry Anatolyevich.

Well, now let's look at the land seized by Medvedev's office. What was the purpose of this whole illegal deal?

On the territory of 20 hectares we see a huge house - about 3000 square meters. Something similar to a sports complex, outbuildings, and of course, a helipad. All this belongs to Garant Club LLC.

Please note that the buildings are not registered. You can see them in the photographs, but according to the documents, there is an open field. This means that if the houses were built before 2012, they were also included in the total cost, which amounted to 18 million rubles. [...]

Chapter Eight
in which Dmitry Medvedev cannot choose a dacha by the sea

In addition to taking land on Rublyovka, Medvedev's octopus made several more attempts to seize state property. We have two examples of openly criminal schemes that Medvedev's people pulled off. Coincidence or not - both stories took place in the Krasnodar Territory with the participation of the Office of the President.

We will talk about the unrealized projects of the "Dar" fund and structures close to it. In both cases, classical fraudulent schemes were used - participation in state competitions of two related companies. [...]

The first case is almost identical to the story of the seizure of land in Maslovo on Rublyovka. It happened in the village of Olginka, Krasnodar Territory. Previously, there was a rest house of the Administration of the President "Tuapse". A huge unused boarding house right on the seashore - a very beautiful and picturesque place.

First, the Office of the President put up for sale buildings: the main building, a dining room, and other buildings. The land of 24.4 hectares, apparently, was going to be alienated after the new owners acquired the buildings.

There were two applicants for the property of the UDP: Nautilus LLC and Topgarden CJSC.

This is Alexei Chetvertkov, a graduate of the law faculty of Leningrad State University (on the diagram). We already met Chetvertkov, the director of Sotsgosproekt.

But for whom was this scheme conceived? We are looking at the winner of the competition OOO "Nautilus".

As a result, with the purchase of the site on which the boarding house is located, it seems that something went wrong. Land in the coastal forest protection zone cannot be sold at all, but it is likely that it is on lease. However, it is also possible that the ownership of this site was transferred to a new owner, but the documents about this were not received by Rosreestr. One way or another, there is no construction on the territory of the former boarding house yet. Nevertheless, the case in Olginka is an obvious example of illegal seizure state property with the help of prior collusion and the participation of shell companies.

Medvedev's companies tried to repeat the same scheme with one more real estate - also in the Krasnodar Territory. This is a well-known case that has gained wide publicity thanks to environmentalists.

On June 23, 2008, the results of the auction were summed up, at which the right to lease 119.8 hectares of land for 49 years in the area of ​​the Durso Peninsula, next to the Utrish nature reserve, was played out.

There were only two participants in the auction: the Dar Foundation for Regional Non-Commercial Projects and a certain Moscow firm LLC Russian Broker.

Please note that the previous owner of the Russian Broker was Natalya Kharitonova - former director agrocomplex "Mansurovo".

On the territory of the reserve were going to build another palace. The plans were grandiose. The project documentation has also been preserved - in Utrish they intended to build a "sports and recreation complex", they have already begun to cut a road to it. According to the plan, this complex, in addition to many buildings, included a helipad.

The project was supposed to be signed by Kozhin (at that time the head of the presidential administration) and Murov (director of the FSO). In the forest plan of the Krasnodar Territory, the Presidential Administration was generally indicated as the initiator of the construction.

Due to unknown circumstances, the construction of the palace in Utrish was never started. However, the right to use the land is assigned to the "Dar" fund until 2057. "Dar" is in no hurry to part with the Utrish lands and continues to pay annual rent to this day.

Whether something is built there or not, it is important to remember that Utrish Dar received the rights to the land in the reserve as a result of a criminal conspiracy. The same scheme was turned with the boarding house "Olginka". The fact that the land is empty should not be misleading: The Gift has another 40 years left to build anything there. Perhaps Dmitry Anatolyevich simply cannot yet decide which of the coastal areas he likes best. [...]

Chapter Nine
in which we tell how the "Dar" foundation built a house where you can drive right into the apartment in your Lamborghini

From the Krasnodar Territory we are transferred to St. Petersburg. Dmitry Anatolyevich did not forget his native city: here is another most important asset of the Medvedev empire. It belongs to the tsar-fund of this scheme, Daru, together with another very interesting firm, Zertum-Invest.

Both companies are closely linked to the prime minister. We have already talked about the Dar fund in great detail, let's now focus on Zertum-Invest.

In 2009, Zertum-Invest bought at an auction this historic house on the Neva embankment. The transaction amount is 740 million rubles.

The mansion of Count Kushelev-Bezborodko is a historical building of the 18th century on the embankment in the very center of St. Petersburg. Despite the fact that over the past century the building has housed everything from communal apartments to office space, it retained inside all the attributes of the pre-revolutionary St. Petersburg palace - fireplace rooms, seven-meter ceilings, stucco, caryatids, old artistic parquet.

For all this, Zertum-Invest paid 740 million rubles. The media became interested in the deal - firstly, the very low redemption value, and secondly, it was completely incomprehensible in whose interests the purchase was made. The only founder of Zertum-Invest at that time, a graduate of the law faculty of St. Petersburg State University, Philip Polyansky, refused to disclose any details. Where the 29-year-old lawyer got the funds to purchase and reconstruct the historic palace was unclear.

At that time, it did not become clear who the real buyer of this property was. But we have an answer to this question. This is the Gift Fund.

It was worth waiting only a few months, as everything was explained.

Look at the cadastral extract and pay attention to the change of ownership. There was "Zertum-Invest", and three months later, the "Dar" fund appears.

This is not a market deal, and the founder of Certum, Philip Polyansky (on the diagram), is by no means an accidental person. He is not just a graduate of St. Petersburg State University; Polyansky is a student of our old friend Ilya Eliseev. Eliseev took him to work. Before Zertum-Invest, Polyansky headed the Dar fund for several years.

Extract from Rosreestr
The building was originally purchased for the "Dar" fund, and the commercial structure called "Zertum-Invest" is another reincarnation of the same organization, managed by the same people.

It's not just the founder Polyansky. In addition to him, Svetlana Iskrova, also a student of Ilya Eliseev, who previously worked in the Mansurovo agricultural complex, appeared as a director at Tsertum-Invest. Zertum-Invest has common addresses with other firms participating in the Medvedev scheme. Well, the fact that "Certum-Invest" almost immediately re-registered the ownership of the mansion to the "Dar" fund indicates one thing: the participation of "Certum" in the auction was only an operation to cover up real buyers.

All these years, the "Dar" fund has been repairing the building. It was handed over in 2016. Don't expect a charity to build the best orphanage or hospital in the world. You remember, "The Gift" is a very specific philanthropist. He helps only one family - Dmitry Medvedev. And from now on, any existing or future members of his family will definitely have a place to live in the northern capital.

Now the Kushelev-Bezborodko mansion is an elite building with 29 apartments. It will not be easy to overestimate its elitism. In addition to traditional swimming pools, indoor spas, garages and security guards, some apartments have, for example, a car lift. [...]

Non-commercial fund "Dar" received the ownership of six apartments. Their total area is 1800 m². Other apartments again ended up in the possession of Zertum-Invest, which returned to the project. The commercial premises on the first floor of the mansion belong to FinConsultingK (financial and consulting company of the Dar Foundation), which we already know, which bought 20 hectares of Rublevskaya land from the Presidential Administration for next to nothing, and also provided land on a mortgage to the Mansurovo agricultural complex. [...]

The market value of the Dar Foundation's property in this house is easy to assess. According to the website of the agency that sells apartments in this building, the average price per square meter in it is approximately 520 thousand rubles. We multiply by 1830 m² belonging to the "Dar", and we see that the cost is equal to almost a billion rubles.

Separate surprise is caused by the fact that some apartments of "Dara" are put up for sale. The "Dar" Foundation, we remind you, is a non-profit foundation. Sale of apartments on market conditions generally does not fit into the statutory activities of such an organization. [...]

Chapter Ten
in which we find out how Medvedev invests in startups

We have one more proof of Medvedev's own involvement in this monstrous scheme involving dozens of legal entities. [...]

Our proof is all connected with the same firm "Zertum-Invest", which bought the St. Petersburg palace of Kushelev-Bezborodko at an auction. In the course of our investigation, we found a small news item that AFK Sistema and Zertum-invest invested in WayRay (on the diagram).

Considering that there is practically no news about Zertum-Invest, this message, of course, attracted our attention. WayRay is a Russian startup that makes augmented reality navigation systems. How can a St. Petersburg developer, a buyer of a historic mansion on the Neva, cross paths with an IT startup?

This is one of those situations where the most incredible and absurd version turns out to be true.

"RIA-news", 10/31/2013

TASS, 10/31/2013
Medvedev liked the gadget at the conference, and the company controlled by him immediately invested in the manufacturing company. This once again confirms the fact that Zertum-Invest is closely connected with the prime minister and acts in his personal interests. [...]

Chapter Eleven
in which we finally discover Medvedev's offshore and find out what he hides there

Finally, we saved up something interesting. Reading our investigation, you might think that although Medvedev is corrupt, he is patriotic: he has no offshore companies, and he builds palaces in Russia, not abroad. This is a misconception, and now we will show you why.

A year ago, that is, approximately when the reconstruction of the Kushelev-Bezborodko estate was completed, sole founder"Zertum-Invest" Philip Polyansky (who is also a student of Eliseev and a former director of the "Dar" fund) transferred a 30% stake in this company to a Cypriot offshore company.

SPARK data
Offshore Solarest is fully owned by the nominal company Waidelotte Nominees (on the diagram). This usually ends the investigation. Denominations for that and denominations - they receive money for hiding the real owners. The real owners are known only to them, and the documents are kept in a secret safe somewhere in Nicosia.

However, the Cypriot nominal owner of the Solarest offshore still attracted our attention: this is not a large or well-known company, they do not have a website, they do not advertise their services and are managed by two Russian directors. Such a denomination gives the impression of a "pocket" company, specially established to register several specific companies in an offshore zone.

Waidelotte also operates another offshore company, Furcina Limited. When we looked at who owns this company 100%, we were almost not surprised.

Ilya Eliseev is still the same member of the board of directors of Gazprombank, a fellow student, manager of all funds and Medvedev's main confidant.

At the offshore Eliseev in Russia, we found a subsidiary of Investment Commonwealth LLC. She, without a doubt, is part of the structure of the Medvedev empire of funds. For example, the website of this LLC is registered to the same person as the websites of the Gradislava and Sotsgosproekt funds are registered. data
The main activity of Investment Commonwealth LLC, according to the statutory documents, is the "rent and leasing of water vehicles and equipment." It sounds promising.

We began to study the licenses issued to this LLC and, among other things, found a certificate for a Princess 85 MY yacht. Such a yacht costs about 5 million dollars (at the rate of 2009 about 150 million rubles) and looks like this:

Finding out the name of the yacht is not difficult - in 2009, Roskomnadzor issued two licenses for radio stations to the Investment Commonwealth and indicated on which ship they would be used.

The yacht is called "Photinia", the license is valid from December 2009.

We immediately begin to look for this yacht in the Russian expanses. We find a photograph of 2014 and see on it this very ship, moored - where would you think? In Plyos, on the pier of the Milovka estate, that very secret dacha of Medvedev!

But that's not all. We found another yacht through customs documents at LLC Investment Commonwealth. It is brand new and much more expensive.

We are convinced that both these yachts total cost 16 million dollars, issued on the offshore of Medvedev's best friend Ilya Eliseev, in different time belonged to the prime minister. This idea leads us to the name of both yachts - "Photinia".

Photinia is a church version of the name Svetlana. In Orthodoxy, the name Svetlana was considered forbidden for a long time and at baptism it was changed to Fotiny. So both yachts are named after Svetlana. An amazing coincidence!

We decided to study the history of the new yacht in more detail and asked specialized company an archive of ship movements to find out where she sailed.

The start of operation of the yacht can be considered June 17, 2015. This is exactly one week from the moment of customs clearance. On this day, AIS was turned on at the yacht. From that moment to this day, the yacht sailed to Plyos four times: in July and September 2015, and also in July and September 2016. September visits coincide with Medvedev's birthday - he has it on September 14, and in July, apparently, the prime minister simply opens the summer season.

Several times the yacht made walks in the vicinity of St. Petersburg and Moscow. In St. Petersburg, she is based at the Central Yacht Club and stands at this point, in Moscow she is moored at the Central Sports Club of the Navy.

To prove that Medvedev regularly uses this yacht is quite simple. Love for likes on Instagram once again let Dmitry Anatolyevich down.

Let's look at him photograph dated June 26, 2016. Experienced Petersburgers will immediately recognize what is shown in the photo. This is the annual holiday of graduates "Scarlet Sails"), a very beautiful event. The key moment of the holiday is the passage of a ship with scarlet sails along the Neva, accompanied by fireworks. By an incredible coincidence, it was in this place and at this time that the yacht "Photinia" appeared.

We could not believe our eyes: here is the decree of the government of St. Petersburg, according to which the movement of ships in this place is closed at this time.

The closure is fully justified: there are fireworks, powerful pyrotechnics are working. It is allowed to observe all this only from the shore.

There can't be one special exception for one particular yacht, right? let's watch the video from the event and immediately see a mysterious silhouette that catches the eye.

Similarly, Medvedev watched the Scarlet Sails from Fotinia in 2015. [...]

Chapter Twelve
in which we talk about Medvedev's Italian vineyard

Yachts are not the only acquisition of Medvedev, recorded on the offshore Furcina LTD. Through this company, we found another extremely interesting object - in Italy.

In the Cypriot registry, everyone can get the annual report of this Furcina. The report contains an interesting detail: in 2012, this offshore bought 100% of the Italian company FATTORIA DELLA AIOLA S.r.l., which owns and manages its own vineyards and wine production in Tuscany.

The purchase amount is almost 10 million dollars. For this amount, the offshore company got 1 million square meters of Tuscan vineyards, olive groves and forests. As well as several thousand square meters industrial premises and even an old villa with 30 rooms.

Consider this great purchase.

The winery has its own website with a Russian version. In the "History of the Company" section, it is directly written that in 2012 the company was bought out by Russian entrepreneurs and began a large-scale renovation.

The vineyards were purchased in June 2012.

Three months before that, in March 2012, Svetlana Medvedeva, by a strange coincidence rested in an italian hotel Grand Hotel La Pace, also in Tuscany. The hotel, according to eyewitnesses, was closed to all other visitors. Medvedev herself confirmed the fact of the trip and stated that she was "resting on her own."

It is not very clear what "their" she means. Svetlana Vladimirovna Medvedeva earned from 2008 to 2015 0 (zero) rubles.

The fact that in 2012 the wife of President Medvedev looked after a winery in Tuscany is just a hypothesis. However, one irrefutable fact testifies in favor of the legal ties between the Tuscan vineyard and Medvedev's firms. The Russian director Sergey Stupnitsky was appointed the chief manager of the winery (on the diagram).

This is the same Sergey Stupnitsky, who previously was the director of the already known to us "Rocky Coast" - vineyards near Anapa.

Chapter Thirteen
in which we will tell you how Medvedev's corruption system works and where the money comes from

Luxury residences, vineyards, agricultural complexes - all this requires money. Where do they come from? Who maintains all these facilities? These are the most interesting questions, but it is usually impossible to find answers to them. Nevertheless, having studied hundreds of pages of reports and dozens of court cases, we were able to at least partially restore the scheme for financing and managing Medvedev's property.

The first and main question. Where does the money come from?

There are several sources.

Firstly, these are commodity oligarchs. Shareholders of Novatek Leonid Mikhelson and Leonid Simanovsky contributed 33 billion rubles to the authorized capital of the Dar fund.

Another commodity oligarch - Alisher Usmanov - contributed in kind: an estate in Znamenskoye on Rublevka. His investment is 5 billion rubles.

Total 38 billion rubles in the truest sense of the donated money.

Secondly, these are loans.

One of the main financial instruments Medvedev is the managing company of the Dar fund. Gigantic sums pass through the Dar Management Company, which it then redistributes between the elements of the entire scheme described in our investigation.

This firm is 100% owned by the Dar Foundation and is managed by the nominee Vitaly Golovachev (who also owns Sotsgosproekt and the Winter Olympic Sports Support Fund).

Where does the MC "Dar" get these huge sums from? The answer was revealed in the early reporting of Gazprombank. Not later than 2007, Gazprombank issued a loan to Dar MC in the amount of 11 billion rubles ($463 million). Just imagine, half a billion dollars has been issued management company non-profit foundation! This is such a large amount that for two years the Dar Management Company became the largest borrower of Gazprombank, overtaking such companies as UMMC and Stroygazconsulting in terms of loan size.

Data from the Irish Stock Exchange website
Such support from Gazprombank is explained very simply. The main confidant of Medvedev, Ilya Eliseev, is the deputy chairman of the board of this bank.

Large loans were also received by the Zertum-Invest company, which bought and rebuilt the palace of Count Kushelev-Bezborodko in St. Petersburg. A subsidiary of Bashneft, JSC UPC, issued 1.7 billion rubles to Zertum-Invest.

The financial consulting company of the Dar Foundation (FinConsultingK or FKK), familiar to us from the mortgage of land in Mansurovo and from the seized possessions in the village of Maslovo on Rublevka, also got money from Bashneft (ONK), but less - in the region of 1 billion rubles.

In the financial statements of other Medvedev firms, we see a few more loans. Unfortunately, the creditor is unknown for them, but we do know the amounts. For example, the accounts payable of the Mansurovo agricultural complex is 4.9 billion rubles. The FCC also has plenty of loans - 12.5 billion.

Put together loans - 31 billion.

Together with the money received from the oligarchs, the volume of funds circulating between Medvedev's funds and companies is almost 70 billion rubles.

The next question is how is this money spent?

Where they are spent, we already know - for real estate, yachts and other entertainments of Dmitry Anatolyevich. But how exactly is this done? Such amounts cannot be carried in a suitcase. With a few examples, we roughly reconstruct financing schemes.

Here, for example, are the materials of the trial, where three formally unrelated companies appear together - Certum-Invest LLC, Dar Management Company (under the new name Orion) and FinConsultingK. Companies sell and assign each other the rights to claim debt. The schema looks like this:

Thus, the rights of claim on the debt and interest migrate from Zertum-Invest to the subsidiary of the Dar fund. And this is not the only example where these companies "work" together in this way.

But best of all, the financial interdependence of different companies from our scheme is visible on the example of the Eliseevsky offshore Furcina.

The offshore published a detailed financial statements for 2013, and this document revealed a lot about the financing of the Medvedev empire.

Here, for example, is the section "Long-term loans". That is, the answer to the question, where does the money come from to offshore Eliseev.

The lion's share of these loans, $53 million, went to the Cypriot offshore company from FinConsultingK LLC - we know it as FinCosaltingK or the Financial Consulting Company of the Dar Fund.

The source of a similar loan for the previous year is the Fund Management Company "Dar" (renamed LLC "Orion" and reported under this name), a company that receives ultra-generous loans from Gazprombank.

What else you should definitely pay attention to is the heading of the section about loans:

Extract from Furcina ltd 2013 annual report
Lenders MC "Dar" ("Orion") and "FinConsultingK" are called "related undertakings", that is, "related enterprises". This means that they are offshore controlled by the same people or act in their interests. Thus, if the management companies Dar and FKK are connected with Medvedev (and they are connected and act in his interests), then the offshore is also legally connected with him.

Here, for example, are investments in the Investment Commonwealth LLC company, the office for which the yachts are registered. The amount is $5 million for 2013. This is the first Princess 85MY yacht, the photo of which we showed in Plyos.

Extract from Furcina ltd 2013 annual report
This is the cycle of money. The management company "Dar" receives a loan from Gazprombank, transfers money to the Financial and Consulting Company of the "Dar" fund, which transfers it further - to an offshore, and the offshore is already spending on the purchase of yachts and vineyards.

It is worth noting here that the offshore owner Ilya Eliseev finds himself in an extremely delicate situation. After all, the money at the beginning of the chain was issued by Gazprombank, where he works as deputy chairman of the board, and at the end ended up with an offshore company, which Eliseev owns 100%.

Who maintains Medvedev's property?

Another interesting question is how such a colossus is controlled. Dozens of legal entities, completely different assets from dachas to start-ups, geographic spread across six regions.

We found a company that centrally manages Medvedev's property. And we are not talking about financial aspects, but about household ones. This firm is the management company "Meritage" (in the diagram).

It is enough to carefully study the vacancies that Meritage places on the Internet to see how Medvedev's companies, seemingly unrelated at first glance, are intertwined through it.

For example, "Meritage" is looking for a cheese maker to create a cheese factory "in a country house" in Plyos. The place of work is indicated exactly, and in the job description there is a funny hint: work “in conditions with incomplete information”.

The same management company "Meritage" is looking for an accountant and a system administrator in an agricultural complex in the Kursk region. It's about about Mansurovo.

Another vacancy from the list. Medical staff at the diagnostic center in mall Crocus City in Moscow. There is only one diagnostic center in Crocus. It is called "White Rose" and was opened by the Svetlana Medvedeva Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives.

Meritage posted a lot of vacancies, and all of them are somehow connected with Medvedev's residences, investments and firms.

But the job is not limited to jobs.

See how Medvedev's managers have inherited the creation of the websites of their controlled companies. The employees of the management company "Meritage", apparently, were entrusted with the duty to register domains and corporate email addresses for funds and firms controlled by Medvedev. Addresses and sites must be different, otherwise what is the conspiracy? However, the authors of this idea did not take into account the fact that the same people will register these multiple domains and the contacts of these people will be visible in the domain information.

For example, Oleg Kudryavtsev, employee of Meritage Management Company, owner of a corporate email [email protected], also acts as a contact person for domains:

1. - the domain of the Gradislava Foundation, the owner of a dacha in Plyos;
2. - the domain of the Sotsgosproject fund, the owner of the estate on Rublevka and vineyards in Anapa;
3. - the domain of LLC "Investment Commonwealth", the owner of the yacht "Fotinia". data
That is, the domains of the fund-owner of the residence in Plyos, the fund-owner of the estate on Rublevka, donated by Usmanov, and the website of the company to which the Fotinia yacht is registered, are managed by the same person, Oleg Kudryavtsev, an employee of Meritage Management Company.

Or here is another employee with the address [email protected]- contact person for domain registration:

1. - the domain of the management company "Meritage";
2. - the domain of the "Dar" fund;
3. - domain of the FSCI fund, president - Svetlana Medvedeva;
4. - the domain of the company "Certum-Invest", which owns the palace of Count Kushelev-Bezborodko in St. Petersburg and invests in start-ups;
5. - the domain of "Rocky Coast", the owner of the Anapa vineyards (the former name was CJSC "Azimut");
6. - the domain of LLC "Russian Broker", which, together with the "Dar" fund, participated in the competition for the lease of land in Utrish.

This means that Oleg Kudryavtsev or the person with the email [email protected] not just decided to register domains, indicating the owner of the Gradislava fund or Sotsgosproject, they provided documents for these companies and had the right to act on their behalf.

This story with domains and personnel alone would be enough to conclude that all the companies in our scheme are run by the same people. [...]

[IA "RBC", 03.03.2017, "The Kremlin responded to the FBK investigation on Medvedev's real estate" : Press Secretary Russian President Dmitry Peskov answered the question of whether the head of state Vladimir Putin was familiar with the investigation of the Anti-Corruption Foundation of Alexei Navalny about the "secret real estate" of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, RBC correspondent reports.
“The details are not known. The media reports have been seen. These are not the first examples of the work of this famous convicted citizen. There is nothing to add to what was said by the press secretary of the prime minister,” he said.
The day before, commenting on the investigation, the press secretary of the head of the Cabinet of Ministers, Natalya Timakova, said that the material was clearly pre-election in nature. “Navalny’s material has a pronounced pre-election character, as he himself says at the end of the video. It is pointless to comment on the propaganda attacks of the oppositional and convicted character, who said that he is already conducting some kind of election campaign and is fighting the authorities,” she said. - Inset]

[Meduza, 03/02/2017, "We found 80 percent of the schemes in 20 percent of the time spent" : Meduza journalist Andrey Kozenko talked to one of its authors, Georgy Alburov from FBK, about the progress of the investigation. […]
- Part of the property you are talking about is registered for charitable foundations. Have you seen their reports? Who do they help at all?
- This is an interesting question in the sense that we do not know - they do not publish their statements. They do not submit reports to the Ministry of Justice, as required by law. Our fund rents, but they don't. This is a direct violation of the law. They can be found on the website of the tax office, but it is difficult to draw correct conclusions from the information from there. For example, they put up a cadastral valuation for real estate, and the estate on Rublyovka, with a market value of two billion rubles, is valued much lower.
- What is your first reaction to the investigation?
- I read the reaction of [Prime Minister's press secretary Natalya] Timakova... You know, all my life I was sure that she is a rather restrained person, from whom you cannot hear words like "I will not comment on the words of this opposition criminal-politician." To what state it was necessary to bring her so that she uttered such words. But our investigation did it - very nicely. I hope there will be more comments on the matter, including from law enforcement agencies. - Inset]

[IA "RBC", 03.03.2017, "The defendant in the FBK investigation denied communication with Prime Minister Medvedev": One of the defendants in the investigation of the Anti-Corruption Foundation Alexei Navalny about the "secret real estate" of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, a member of the board of directors of Gazprombank, Ilya Eliseev, said that the investigation has no basis in fact.
"Commercial and non-profit organizations in which I act as a shareholder, founder or manager, are engaged in economic and other activities permitted by law in my interests or for charitable purposes. With none of the politicians or civil servants, these legal entities are not connected, ”Vedomosti newspaper quotes Eliseev’s statement. […]
CEO of Seim-Agro JSC Andrey Medvedev, who, according to FBK, is Dmitry Medvedev's cousin, told RBC that the Navalny Foundation's investigation is "fiction and folklore." According to him, "he did not receive any help or interference from the said person [Dmitry Medvedev]." “If it were really so, like a true patriot of our state, I would be truly saddened. Such accusations are baseless. This is fiction and folklore,” Andrey Medvedev said. - Inset]

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