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Sergei Muzalev. Muzalev Sergey Gennadievich Unionized Milk Producers

These days, reports are coming in from the field that here and there the month-and-a-half election race is derailing into a scandalous false start. As The Moscow Post reported the day before, another such scandal erupted in the Lipetsk region.

Sergei Muzalev, candidate for deputy of the Preobrazhensky Village Council, was at the center of the scandal [directly related with the brother of the ex-Minister of Union of Artists Skrynnik - Ruspres], against whom investigations are ongoing in a number of criminal cases. But this did not prevent the leadership of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation to take him under guardianship and begin to correct the image in the eyes of voters.

Muzalev gained fame as the director of the regional state enterprise"Lipetsk". It was formed in 2010 to support agricultural producers experiencing financial difficulties. But instead of correcting the situation in crisis farms, the head of the enterprise brought them to near bankruptcy. And the fault was not inflated interest rates on loans, not the lack of regional subsidies and guarantees under bank loans(they just were), but directly the leadership of the OGUP "Lipetsk".

The management of the OGUP was very active in attracting credit funds under guarantees of the regional budget, pledge of property, both enterprises of the region and farms managed by them. And the money, starting to work in numerous LLCs and cooperatives, of which there were always many around Muzalev and OGUP, as a rule, was dissolved there. In the same place, any more or less liquid property of a state enterprise was "dissolved" - current, warehouses, real estate (office, residential), agricultural machinery and, the most "sweet" for plunderers - land.

The administration of the region was not aware of what was happening. Muzalev skillfully falsified reports and convinced officials of the effectiveness of his activities. Upstairs, for the time being, they were convinced that Lipetskoye was coping with the functions assigned to it. But in March 2015, Governor Oleg Korolev finally found out the truth, terminated the contract with Muzalev and instructed the relevant departments of the administration to conduct an audit economic activity enterprises.

In turn, Muzalev did everything in his power to make it difficult to carry out this work and snatch everything that had not yet been stolen from the enterprise that had actually gone bankrupt. All economic documents on the activities of the OGUP for the entire period of its existence were destroyed or taken out and hidden, which in itself is an official crime. All OGUP employees have been fired. A number of actions were carried out, including illegal ones, as a result of which the state-owned Soglasie LLC lost, and the private JSC NP Izmalkovsky Elevator suddenly acquired the long-term right to lease 15,000 hectares of land.

During the checks, many secrets became clear and led to the initiation of a number of criminal cases against such an enterprising figure. Of course, the lack of economic documentation is a serious obstacle to the collection of evidence, but nevertheless, criminal cases were initiated and in September last year, Muzalev was detained and placed in custody. At first glance, it is inexplicable, but the local branch of the Communist Party came to his aid, which nominated him as a deputy of a rural settlement in the Izmalkovsky district. Then in the elections, he received only 36 votes. But that was enough for the election. By law, municipal deputies have the right to a special procedure for criminal proceedings. This is exactly what Muzalev wanted.

When Muzalev became a deputy, the criminal cases against him were transferred to the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Lipetsk Region to a certain investigator, who turned out to be a former colleague and close friend of Muzalev's first deputy, Markov Ivan Ivanovich. A fairly simple at first glance case during this period began to face serious difficulties of a procedural and procedural nature, led to the release of Muzalev from custody and almost fell apart. But it did not grow together, the case was eventually transferred to another investigator, it continues and will apparently be completed soon.

Subsequently, Muzalev turned to his favorite tactics, tried to give his case a political character. His friends also help him with this. In particular, the head of the Lipetsk branch of the Communist Party, State Duma deputy Nikolai Razvorotnev. He repeatedly spoke in support of Muzalev, including. and sending inquiries to law enforcement agencies. In April of this year, the Council of Deputies of the rural settlement of Preobrazhensky made Muzalev a voting member of the election commission, thereby maintaining his status as a “special subject” in criminal proceedings. Now CPRF again nominated Muzalev to the municipal deputies and even accepted him into their ranks.

Support helps the newly minted communist feel calm enough and with impunity. He still acts cynically and dodgy. He decides not to cultivate the land suddenly received by JSC employees of NP Izmalkovsky Elevator, but to resell it as soon as possible, neglecting both the interests of the people who own the shares of the Izmalkovsky Elevator enterprise and the interests and will of the land shareholders who once unconditionally trusted him . The search for a buyer led to the desired result. A new quirky player appears on the scene - "Istoki" LLC from the city Odintsovo Moscow region.

Having concluded a sublease agreement for disputed lands, Soglasie LLC declares the crop that has already risen to be its property, it begins measures to intimidate everything and everyone. For some reason, this private security company is for some reason entirely natives of the Chechen Republic.According to the latest data, its personnel in the territory of the Izmalkovsky district of the Lipetsk region has already reached 40 people.

Unprecedented pressure began on land owners. I must say that in the Izmalkovsky district, repeated meetings of the owners of land shares were held, at which people, having discovered that they had been previously misled, by an absolute majority voted in favor of concluding a land lease agreement with Soglasie LLC, which has been cultivating this land for 5 years. And about 30 people wrote an application to the court to invalidate previously concluded contracts. These are the people who came under pressure. They are threatened with joint and several liability for losses that may be incurred by Istokami in the future in the amount of, for some reason, 150 million rubles. For inexperienced Izmalkovo shareholders, such a threat is probably a very weighty argument, this has never been seen here.

Well, thirdly. Since Muzalev and those standing behind him are now very hampered by the "Sources" some of the criminal cases that have already been initiated for a number of their illegal actions, CEO LLC "Sources" by Mr. Zhivolup A.S. a complaint was prepared and sent to the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in order to artificially create obstacles to the investigation and pressure on investigators. However, all the cases created by Muzalev cannot be closed even with the help of "Sources".

Nikolay Maksimov

Lipetsk. 10/15/2013. site - Exclusive - OGUP "Lipetsk" was created specifically to deal with the improvement of agricultural enterprises that find themselves in a difficult financial situation. During its existence, Lipetskoye saved several farms in the region from collapse, providing people with work. Some time ago, OGUP "Lipetskoye" got a new function - it started organizing people's enterprises in the Lipetsk region. Sergei Muzalev, general director of the OGUP Lipetskoye, tells Abireg about the people's enterprises and their benefits for the villagers.

- Sergey Gennadyevich, you already have experience in creating people's enterprises.

Yes, we, for example, helped create the people's enterprise CJSC Express-Lipetsk. It's folk transport company which deals with passenger traffic on intraregional flights, opened flights to Kursk and Bryansk and the first in the region international flight Lipetsk - Kharkov. All flights are profitable, the company's employees earn good money, and everyone is a shareholder. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this enterprise shows that the people like this form of ownership. It meets both the material and moral needs of the working man. When Express-Lipetsk CJSC was just created, only nine people worked there, now it has more than 50 shareholders.

Why weren't such enterprises created earlier, because the law that allows them to be created was adopted back in 1998?

Unfortunately, the state was, and still is, not enthusiastic about this project, and it is very difficult to create people's enterprises without the help of the state. We can now do this in our region, because we have adopted a program for the development of people's enterprises at the initiative of the head of the region. Until 2014, more than 80 million rubles were allocated for it from the regional budget. A regional fund for supporting small and medium-sized businesses has been opened for people's enterprises. The budget compensates for the costs of acquiring fixed assets, compensates for the payment of the first lease payment, if the company takes equipment on lease. In general, in our region, before creating people's enterprises, we created legal and material conditions for their organization.

You are dealing with agricultural enterprises. Until now, for the normal life of the economy, they were looking for a rich investor. What is better for the village collective ownership of the means of production?

I think this is the best form of ownership for the village. Yes, investors come to us, invest in farms, and in most cases this is good for the village. People have a job, a livelihood, they begin to plan their future. But somewhere in the depths of their souls, everyone understands that the investor earns money that leaves the village. This is the normal nature of economic reality, when a person has a business in order to earn money on it. But the bad thing is that the owner, if he does not live in the village where he has a business, is not interested in the development of the territory - it is not profitable for him to build kindergartens, schools, sport complexes. And here, with the same money, the shareholders will develop their enterprise, build social facilities, build their own houses in their village, teach their children, who will later return and work in the field, at school, at the local clinic. That is, wealth will accumulate where it is produced and serve those who create it.

- But how does this direction of work correlate with the main activity of the OGUP - anti-crisis management?

This is the next stage of stabilization work. production processes in farms whose owners have not coped with the consequences economic crisis. If in the beginning we were solving specific, important, but rather narrow tasks - to pay salaries to people, pay taxes, bring equipment to the fields, fill livestock complexes, now, fortunately, we can afford to think about the future. And we are concerned about more global tasks. Production has been launched, farms are full, but who will lead the revived enterprises? And who will work there tomorrow, in five or ten years? Hence our interest in collective forms of ownership, in social projects which we are actively involved in.

- In which farms under your management, such work is carried out?

We are now actively developing this direction in the Izmalkovsky district, where Soglasie LLC is located. With the assistance of our enterprise, cooperation is actively developing here. "Consent" is already a member of three cooperatives - supply and marketing "Izmalkovsky", processing "Village gifts" and the largest - agricultural credit consumer cooperative"Development". Today it consists of 250 people, mostly employees of "Consent". It also took part in the formation of the monetary fund. In the near future, we plan to organize here another cooperative on the basis of a vegetable storehouse, the construction of which is carried out by the company AgroRegion attracted by us. It will be filled with vegetables. own production, as well as crops grown by the owners of farm and personal subsidiary farms. All this opens up new prospects for diversifying the economy in the region and creating new jobs. We do not attract an investor to the Izmalkovsky district. It is quite possible that the employees of "Consent" will take the initiative into their own hands and decide to become a people's enterprise.

- And what about other projects?

In total, we worked on six projects. The first one - KoloSS LLC - was transferred to a new owner and is successfully operating today. The rest are still under our supervision. In addition to Consent, these are Agroconsulting LLC in the Dobrovsky district, Lipetskaya Niva LLC in the Lipetsk and Zadonsk districts, and Dobrinskaya Niva (Dobrinsky district). For each farm, we developed an individual business plan and restarted production. Salaries and taxes are paid here. The equipment is working, the land is being cultivated, dairy complexes have been launched. And the agricultural enterprises themselves today are among the best in the Lipetsk region. And this is an important, but, I'm sure, not the final result.

Nikolai RAZVOROTNEV. Member of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, First Secretary of the Lipetsk Regional Committee of the Communist Party.

Pravda has already written about how, on the eve of the elections, the ruling party puts pressure on real competitors. The article by Nikolai Kozhanov was called Justice in Lipetsk (Pravda, No. 140, 2015). The case was, indeed, unique for the Lipetsk region: for 113 mandates of deputies of the representative bodies of the Izmalkovsky district, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation nominated 93 candidates. More than 50 reached registration, and the election was won by the general director of the people's enterprise Izmalkovsky elevator Sergey Gennadievich Muzalev, who at that moment was in a pre-trial detention center due to a hastily initiated criminal case against him.

The OBVIOUS FAILURE of far-fetched accusations against the general director of NP Izmalkovsky Elevator did not stop the attempts of raider seizure of the enterprise.

On the morning of February 17, the work of the elevator was paralyzed by the actions of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Lipetsk Region, who confiscated office equipment and documentation as part of a certain criminal case, the details of which were not reported to the management of the enterprise. It got to the point that the guards sealed the service toilet and put a bucket in the corridor for needs. The general director S.G. Muzalev is sure that under the cover of the security forces there was another attempt to raid the elevator in favor of a certain Limak company.

It also says a lot that during the search, representatives of the media were removed from the premises of the office, who tried to find out the circumstances of the case. A police officer tried to take the journalist's camera away when he saw him taking pictures. The general director of the enterprise was protected from communication with the press by several strong men in civilian clothes.

“This is already the fourth search since the autumn of last year,” the executive director of the enterprise, L.N. Denisov. “Today, all documents are being seized. They do it without description. How will they return then? Everything is done with intent. We saw service certificates for only two employees, the rest seem to be with them. They even seized documents for equipment. Some employees had their personal phones taken away so that there would be no filming. Everything is being done to paralyze the work of the people's enterprise.

While the searches were going on, another truck drove into the gate of the elevator to unload. The enterprise continued to work - the grain will not wait.

Only in the evening, after the police had removed everything confiscated from the elevator, did S.G., the general director of the people's enterprise, give his comments. Muzalev:

- At our enterprise, investigative actions were taken against Nina Nikulnikova, general director of Invest-Agro LLC. She is charged under the first part of Article 201 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for criminal liability for abuse of power. The fact is that in January last year, 1,600 shareholders of five village councils of the Izmalkovsky district at meetings decided to terminate the lease agreements for their land with Invest-Agro and conclude them with our people's enterprise. Some people didn't like it very much. And now the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Lipetsk Region, pursuing Nikulnikova, for some reason decided to seize all the documentation from us, which greatly complicated the operation of the elevator. Repeated threats against us by Nikolai Tagintsev, the deputy head of the region in charge of agriculture, and the head of the regional department are becoming a reality. Agriculture Oleg Dolgikh in order to force the transfer of control over the elevator to the Limak company. At first, we were tortured by inspections of controlling organizations, now the police are coming to us ...

According to Sergei Muzalev, the price of the elevator is 50 million rubles. Plus the shares of the villagers, which together make up 12,800 hectares of land. It turns out a really good jackpot, in the struggle for which the authorities do not shy away from any means.

By the way, the very next day after the invasion, on February 18, at the regular session of the regional Council, Oleg Dolgikh suggested that the deputies transfer without competition to firms unknown in the region the property of all enterprises that were part of Lipetsk State Unitary Enterprise: AGROKONSALTING LLC, Soglasie LLC, AGRORESURS LLC and 21.25 shares national enterprise Izmalkovsky elevator. At the same time, all their property was sold for a price 10 times less than its estimated value. (In March 2015, the assets of the enterprise were estimated at almost 1.5 billion rubles.)

At the same time, OGUP Lipetsk itself was created in 2010 on the initiative of the head of the regional administration O.P. Queen. At that time, 150 million rubles were poured into its authorized capital from the regional budget to cover the losses in the amount of 8.5 billion rubles received by the region's farms from the activities of their previous owners. During the disposition of shares subsidiaries Lipetskoye carried out a number of successful measures to restructure accounts payable, as a result of which the volume of debts to counterparties was reduced by more than 5 billion rubles. And at this stage, the stage of the beginning of the growth of farms that were previously dying of insanity (for example, the dairy herd in Soglasie LLC now gives 18% of all milk received in the region), the regional administration decides to sell Lipetskoye OGUP!

Here is how the deputy chairman of the Communist Party faction in the regional Council S.V. commented on the situation at the session of the regional council Tokarev:

- The authorities talk a lot about supporting cooperation and people's enterprises, but they give away the property of Lipetsk State Unitary Enterprise, which owns almost a quarter of the shares of the people's enterprise Izmalkovsky elevator, for a pittance! And where will the 750 jobs created at Lipetsk State Unitary Enterprise during its work go? What will be the fate of several socially oriented projects? Someone can guarantee the deputies of the regional Council that the new owners, who, I emphasize, without bidding, that is, not on market conditions want to transfer several successfully operating agricultural enterprises at once, will they keep these jobs? Someone guarantees that livestock will not be slaughtered, machinery and equipment will not become scrap metal? We, the Communist Party faction, will vote against such a decision.

The arguments of the communist deputy were not heard. As a result, with eight against and one abstaining deputy, Lipetsk went under the hammer for a penny ...

At the end of the session, Deputy S.V. Tokarev asked the law enforcement agencies to once again pay attention to the events that are unfolding around the NP Izmalkovsky elevator.

On the night of March 16-17, in Izmalkovo, near a private house, unidentified persons fired at the office car of the enterprise's general director from firearms. Sergey Muzalev, fortunately, was not in the car at that moment. The car received five holes. Law enforcement agencies are investigating.

So, there is another attempt to intimidate S.G. Muzalev - a deputy of the Preobrazhensky village council, elected from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, a person who takes an active socio-political position, firmly defending the interests of his voters and the rights labor collective which he manages.

And soon such a cunning maneuver was carried out. On April 5, at an extraordinary session of the Preobrazhensky Village Council of the Izmalkovsky District, a decision was made ... on self-dissolution: six out of nine deputies wrote statements that they were resigning from themselves as people's deputies.

This is the same village council that was elected by the residents of Preobrazhenye only in September 2015! This is the same village council, which included a deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation S.G. Muzalev! The village council, which by this decision created an unprecedented situation in the region: the elected body dissolves itself without warning ...

“This is not the first time they have been elected deputies from United Russia, except for your representative,” said Natalya, a villager. “We didn’t see the fruits of their work, so now we haven’t noticed any changes. But the deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Sergei Gennadievich Muzalev, unlike them, began to actively show himself, met with people, responded to our requests. This is probably why they removed their powers so that they could put a spoke in his wheels and not show their idleness.

True, the head of the village administration has a different opinion about the unique self-dissolution of deputies elected in September last year. There was, they say, moral pressure from the villagers, so the deputies were forced to resign. And even some kind of gathering seemed to have gathered, where everything was decided. But the villagers fundamentally disagree with this version: Yes, let them continue to be listed as deputies: there was neither benefit nor harm from them. And Muzalev would work ...

According to Sergey Muzalev, the decision to dissolve himself was made by his colleagues for the sole reason - the unwillingness of the authorities to see him, a supporter of the Communist Party, as a member of this local government.

- An extraordinary session of the village council was convened in violation of existing norms. All deputies, except for me, are members of United Russia. The villagers, of course, are indignant: after all, they elected deputies for work, and not for self-dissolution.

The new composition of the Preobrazhensky Village Council will be elected on the Single Voting Day on September 18 this year. Muzalev believes that for sure all the deputies of the self-dissolved village council will again run for this self-government body. True, it is not known what they will say to voters this time. But something else is known: the budget of the rural settlement was drawn up before half of this year. Consequently, for more than half a year, the inhabitants of Preobrazhenye will have to forget about the help of the district and regional budgets with all the ensuing consequences.

Muzalev himself is also determined to run for new composition Preobrazhensky village council, if by that time it does not fall under court. He has repeatedly declared his innocence of the crime he is accused of and is sure that he was the victim of reprisals by corrupt officials who want to take over the successful people's enterprise he heads.

Disagreeing with the decision of the exhausted deputies, S.G. Muzalev decided to challenge their decision through the court. But it was not there. The court found a lot of violations, but ... actually admitted its impotence. The court ruling reads literally the following: The reason for making these statements was the indignation of the inhabitants of the rural settlement at the inaction of the Council of Deputies regarding issues significant in the rural settlement. At the same time, the court does not care at all that the budget of the settlement was drawn up before July, and then simply - zero! But, as the judge clarified, there is no the legislative framework, which determines the need to adopt a regional law on the dissolution of the Council of Deputies of a rural settlement.

And if there is no law, then the strange initiative of the deputies, they say, does not contradict anything ...

This is how we deal with justice. And ahead - new elections. And although the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin repeats that the pre-election competition must be fair and transparent, take place within the framework of the law, and that no one doubts the effectiveness and objectivity of the work of election commissions, the reality in our region, alas, so far indicates the opposite. One has only to watch, for example, video footage from one of the city portals (which, however, was deleted after 30 minutes), where the head of the Lipetsk Regional Electoral Commission, Yu.I. Altukhov orders by phone the number of votes needed.

So, Yuri Altukhov is sitting in his office and talking to someone on the phone, giving instructions that ten thousand votes is not enough. Then he turns to his employee and says that 34-35 thousand votes should be included in the final protocol.

A deputy's request and a disk with this video were sent to the new head of the CEC of the Russian Federation, E.A. Pamfilova. From there came the answer that the materials were sent further - to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation. I would like to believe that with another head of the regional election commission, the entire September election campaign will be different. You look, and they will finally leave Sergey Muzalev behind ...

In conclusion, I would like to note that, in contrast to this whole murky story with attempts on the Izmalkovsky elevator and its leader, there is one bright event. The general director of the enterprise, Sergey Gennadievich Muzalev, wrote an application for joining the ranks of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and expressed a desire to go to the elections from our party to the regional Council of Deputies. So let's fight!

Interesting article?

How Sergei Muzalev, as a deputy under the wing of the Communist Party, fights off criminal cases

Nikolay Maksimov

These days, reports are coming in from the field that here and there the month-and-a-half election race is derailing into a scandalous false start. As The Moscow Post reported the day before, another such scandal erupted in the Lipetsk region.

At the center of the scandal was Sergei Muzalev, a candidate for deputy of the Preobrazhensky Village Council, against whom an investigation is ongoing in a number of criminal cases. But this did not prevent the leadership of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation to take him under guardianship and begin to correct the image in the eyes of voters.

Muzalev gained fame as the director of the regional state enterprise "Lipetsk". It was formed in 2010 to support agricultural producers experiencing financial difficulties. But instead of correcting the situation in crisis farms, the head of the enterprise brought them to near bankruptcy. And the fault was not inflated interest rates on loans, not the lack of regional subsidies and guarantees for bank loans (they just were), but directly the management of Lipetsk State Unitary Enterprise.

The management of the OGUP was very active in attracting credit funds under the guarantees of the regional budget, pledge of property, both enterprises of the region and farms managed by them. And the money, starting to work in numerous LLCs and cooperatives, of which there were always many around Muzalev and OGUP, as a rule, was dissolved there. In the same place, any more or less liquid property of a state enterprise was "dissolved" - current, warehouses, real estate (office, residential), agricultural machinery and, the most "sweet" for plunderers - land.

The administration of the region was not aware of what was happening. Muzalev skillfully falsified reports and convinced officials of the effectiveness of his activities. Upstairs, for the time being, they were convinced that Lipetskoye was coping with the functions assigned to it. But in March 2015, Governor Oleg Korolev finally found out the truth, terminated the contract with Muzalev and instructed the relevant departments of the administration to inspect the economic activities of the enterprise.

In turn, Muzalev did everything in his power to make it difficult to carry out this work and snatch everything that had not yet been stolen from the enterprise that had actually gone bankrupt. All economic documents on the activities of the OGUP for the entire period of its existence were destroyed or taken out and hidden, which in itself is an official crime. All OGUP employees have been fired. A number of actions were carried out, including illegal ones, as a result of which the state-owned Soglasie LLC lost, and the private JSC NP Izmalkovsky Elevator suddenly acquired the long-term right to lease 15,000 hectares of land.

During the checks, many secrets became clear and led to the initiation of a number of criminal cases against such an enterprising figure. Of course, the lack of economic documentation is a serious obstacle to the collection of evidence, but nevertheless, criminal cases were initiated and in September last year, Muzalev was detained and placed in custody. At first glance, it is inexplicable, but the local branch of the Communist Party came to his aid, which nominated him as a deputy of a rural settlement in the Izmalkovsky district. Then in the elections, he received only 36 votes. But that was enough for the election. By law, municipal deputies have the right to a special procedure for criminal proceedings. This is exactly what Muzalev wanted.

When Muzalev became a deputy, the criminal cases against him were transferred to the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Lipetsk Region to a certain investigator, who turned out to be a former colleague and close friend of Muzalev's first deputy, Markov Ivan Ivanovich. A fairly simple at first glance case during this period began to face serious difficulties of a procedural and procedural nature, led to the release of Muzalev from custody and almost fell apart. But it did not grow together, the case was eventually transferred to another investigator, it continues and will apparently be completed soon.

Subsequently, Muzalev turned to his favorite tactics, tried to give his case a political character. His friends also help him with this. In particular, the head of the Lipetsk branch of the Communist Party, State Duma deputy Nikolai Razvorotnev. He repeatedly spoke in support of Muzalev, including. and sending inquiries to law enforcement agencies. In April of this year, the Council of Deputies of the rural settlement of Preobrazhensky made Muzalev a voting member of the election commission, thereby maintaining his status as a “special subject” in criminal proceedings. Now the Communist Party of the Russian Federation again nominated Muzalev to the municipal deputies and even accepted him into its ranks.

Support helps the newly minted communist feel calm enough and with impunity. He still acts cynically and dodgy. He decides not to cultivate the land suddenly received by JSC employees of NP Izmalkovsky Elevator, but to resell it as soon as possible, neglecting both the interests of the people who own the shares of the Izmalkovsky Elevator enterprise and the interests and will of the land shareholders who once unconditionally trusted him . The search for a buyer led to the desired result. A new quirky player appears on the scene - LLC "Istoki" from the city of Odintsovo, Moscow Region.

Having concluded a sublease agreement for disputed lands, Soglasie LLC declares the crop that has already risen to be its property, it begins measures to intimidate everything and everyone. This private security company for some reason are entirely natives of the Chechen Republic.According to the latest data, its personnel in the territory of the Izmalkovsky district of the Lipetsk region has already reached 40 people.

Unprecedented pressure began on land owners. I must say that in the Izmalkovsky district, repeated meetings of the owners of land shares were held, at which people, having discovered that they had been previously misled, by an absolute majority voted in favor of concluding a land lease agreement with Soglasie LLC, which has been cultivating this land for 5 years. And about 30 people wrote an application to the court to invalidate previously concluded contracts. These are the people who came under pressure. They are threatened with joint and several liability for losses that may be incurred by Istokami in the future in the amount of, for some reason, 150 million rubles. For inexperienced Izmalkovo shareholders, such a threat is probably a very weighty argument, this has never been seen here.

Well, thirdly. Since Muzalev and those standing behind him are now very hampered by some criminal cases that have already been initiated on a number of their illegal actions, by the general director of Istok LLC, Mr. Zhivolup A.S. a complaint was prepared and sent to the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in order to artificially create obstacles to the investigation and pressure on investigators. However, all the cases created by Muzalev cannot be closed even with the help of "Sources".

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