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Presentation on the topic of the concept of organizational behavior. Presentation on the topic "organizational behavior". Age mental characteristics

Organizational behavior
For undergraduate program
Lecturer: Kamenev Ivan Georgievich
Department of Human Resource Management; PhD in Economics
Program developer: Baranova Inna Petrovna
Associate Professor of the Department of Human Resource Management, Candidate of Sociological Sciences


Organizational behavior
Topic 1. Theoretical and methodological aspects
discipline "Organizational behavior".
Topic 2. Personality in the organization system.
Topic 3. Features of the group and its relationship with
behavioral environment.
Topic 4. Motivation of behavior and performance
Topic 5. Organizational culture in the system
organizational behavior.

Main literature:
1. Labor Code Russian Federation. -
2. Baranova I.P. Organizational Behavior: A Study Guide.
– M.: Market DS, MFPA, 2010. – p. – (University series).
3. Kartashova L.V. Organizational behavior: textbook / L.V.
Kartashova, T.V. Nikonova, T.O. Solomanidina. – M.: INFRA-M,
2012. - 383p.
4. Basenko V. P., Zhukov B. M., Romanov A. A. Organizational
behavior: modern aspects labor relations. Educational
allowance. Direct Media 2013 381s. Chapter 1.// [Electronic resource].
URL: (open resource


Additional literature:
ILO Declaration on social justice for a fair globalization.-
MBT. - June 2008 - h

Alaverdov A.R. Management of human resources of the organization. 2nd edition
revised and expanded. MFPU "Synergy" 2012
Aliyev V.G., Dokholyan S.V. Organizational behavior. Textbook 2nd edition
revised and expanded. Infra-M, 2010
Kuroyedova E.O., Stoyanovskaya I.B. Motivation labor activity: Internet course. - M .:
MFPU "Synergy", 2010
Kibanov A.Ya. Personnel Management. – M.: Exam, 2009.
Kuroyedova E.O. Psychological foundations of labor activity motivation // Materials
annual scientific session "The role of business in the transformation of Russian society". - M.:
Moscow Financial and Industrial Academy; MarketDS, 2006.V.2- p.120-131
Reznik S.D., Igoshina I.A. Organizational behavior. Textbook. Infra-M, 2009
Samoukina N.V. Effective motivation staff at minimal cost: Compilation
practical tools. - M.: EKSMO, 2010

Course content
Case solving
Didactic game

Topic 1.

Theoretical and methodological
aspects of discipline
"Organizational behavior".


TOPIC 1. Theoretical and methodological aspects of the discipline
"Organizational behavior".
1.1. The concept and essence of organizational
1.2. Theories of human behavior in the organization.
1.3. Relationship business environment organizations and
1.4. Analyzing organizations and constructing them

The concept of organizational behavior

TOPIC 1. Theoretical and methodological aspects of the discipline "Organizational behavior".
concept organizational behavior
Organizational behavior - area
knowledge, discipline that studies behavior
people and groups in organizations to
management methods to achieve
organizational goals;
deals with the formation of behavioral
models, development of management skills

Topic 1. The concept and essence of organizational behavior.
behavior is a system
interconnected reactions,
carried out by living organisms
d / adaptation to the environment.
organization is a form of sustainable
association of people pursuing
common group goals and
satisfying the interests and
needs related to their
collective existence

The objectives of the discipline "organizational behavior":

Topic1. The concept and essence of organizational behavior.
The objectives of the discipline "organizational behavior":
a systematic description of the behavior of people in
various situations in the course of work.
- explanation of the reasons for the actions of individuals and groups
under certain conditions.
- predicting employee behavior in
the future.
- mastering behavior management skills
people in the process of work.

Topic 1. The relationship between the business environment of an organization and a person .. 3 levels of organizational behavior

Topic 1. The relationship between the business environment of an organization and a person ..
3 levels of organizational behavior
1) Individual.
The study of the characteristics of individuals,
allowing to identify factors that affect the effectiveness of the work of the individual, her motivation and
2) Group.
Group - 2 or more people interacting with each other
with a friend to achieve their goals.
A team is a group of people who work for
achieving common goals.
3) Organizational.
At this level, there are many
individual working groups whose activities
must be coordinated to achieve common

Topic 1. Relationship between the business environment of an organization and a person. Management of people in the organization and the effectiveness of its work.

Topic 1. Relationship between the business environment of an organization and a person.
Managing people in an organization and
the efficiency of her work.
An important feature of this discipline
is also that all problematic
issues are dealt with directly
correlations with management issues and
organization performance:
staff turnover;
job satisfaction.

org. environments
micro environment
Personality, small Psychosocial and Meso and macro
individual environment
meso environment
faces and small
Micro and macro environment
macro environment
Organizations and
and regulatory
base of industry
Micro and meso environment

Topic 1. Factors of organizational behavior.
The constituent blocks of the OP
Organizational culture
Organizational structure
Interaction with external
Properties and personality traits
Management processes
Making decisions
Organizational changes
Areas of manifestation
Physical and psychological
Individual development

Topic 1. Relationship between the business environment of an organization and a person Personnel structure


Topic1. The relationship between the business environment of an organization and a person Levels of management

Pyramid of Parsons

Performance indicators of an effective manager

average manager
32% of my working time
spending on traditional
managerial activity,
29% for interaction with
workers inside
organizations, 20%
directly to management
human resources and
19% - for maintenance
work contacts outside
effective manager
spending on traditional
management functions 19%
of their working time, 44%
- to interact with
workers inside
organization, 26% of the time he
gives management
human resources and
11% - maintaining workers
contacts outside

Thus, those managers who achieve the best results in the work of their subordinates, the bulk of their time (more than 70%)

In this way,
those managers who achieve the best
results in the work of their subordinates,
the bulk of their time (more than 70%)
spend on interacting with subordinates and
colleagues at work, staff motivation,
education and development.

Models of organizational behavior:
1. Authoritarian
4. Collegiate


Basis of classification
Types of organizations
By way of education
Forms of ownership
Attitude to profit
Relationships within the organization

Topic1. Analysis of organizations and designing their orientation. clan organization

place of work
brigade uniform

Topic1. Analyzing Organizations and Designing Their Orientation Adhocracy Organization

dynamic and
creative place
Growth and education
new resources
personal initiative and

Topic1. Analyzing Organizations and Designing Their Orientation Hierarchical Organizations

formalized and
The spectrum of long-term work
Stability and smooth running
Low costs
Rigid control system

Topic1. Analysis of organizations and construction of their orientation Market organization

Focusing only on
competition between
The desire to win
The key is penetration.
to market and occupation
market share
Tight control

Topic1. Analyzing organizations and constructing their focus

closed groups of people
Consolidation of resources
dominance of the powerful
and hierarchical structures
Double Behavior Model

Topic1. Analyzing Organizations and Designing Their Orientation Individualistic Organization

free and voluntary
association of people
The organization operates under
specific group of people
Decision making
minority principle
efficiency and degree

Topic1. Analyzing organizations and constructing their focus

Employee participation in
Responsibility for
coordination of activities
A large number of
Specificity org. culture

Topic 2

Personality in the system

TRAINING QUESTIONS OF THE TOPICS 2.1. Personality and organization 2.2. Communicative behavior in the organization 2.3. Factors of personality behavior in the social environment

TOPIC 2. Personality in the organization system
2.1. Personality and organization
2.2. Communicative behavior in an organization
2.3. Factors of personality behavior in social
2.4. Professional functional roles
2.5. Introduction of a person to the organization
2.6. Core set of behavioral stereotypes

2.1. Personality and organization

The study of individual human behavior
carried out taking into account the following factors:
- personal characteristic
- the situation in which the activity is carried out
- age
Personality - a human individual who is
subject of conscious activity, possessing
a set of socially significant features, properties and
qualities that he realizes in public life.
Individuality - a set of characteristic
features and properties that distinguish one
individual from another.

Personality theories

2.1. Personality and organization
Personality theories
Type theories
Theories of traits
Psychoanalytic theories
humanist theory

2.1. Personality and organization
Personal qualities that matter to
1) Locus of control.
2) Self-esteem.
3) The need to achieve belonging
4) Propensity to risk.
5) Authoritarianism.

2.1. Personality and organization
Personality determinants are groups
factors that determine
formation and development of personality.
The most studied determinants:

2.1. Personality and organization
Individual differences related to
study of OP can be divided into three
demographic characteristics
(for example, age and gender)
competence (e.g. aptitudes and
psychological characteristics (system
values, attitudes, character, attitude
to work)

Human value system (according to Alfred Adler)

2.1. Personality and organization
Human value system (according to Alfred Adler)
physical values
Working conditions
Manifestation of activity
A responsibility
intimate relationship
Making decisions
The ability to abstract

2.1. Personality and organization
Another classification of values ​​developed by a psychologist
Gordon Allport and colleagues. They divided
values ​​into six types:
theoretical interest in discovering the truth through
argumentation and systematic reflection;
economic interest in utility and practicality,
including wealth accumulation;
aesthetic interest in beauty, form and harmony;
social interest in people and love as
relationships between people;
political interest in holding power and influencing
of people;
religious interest in unity and understanding of the cosmos.

2.1. Personality and organization
In 1990, researchers identified several more
specific values, directly
concerning working people:
performance (perseverance) - to complete what has been started and
work hard to overcome life's
help and care - care and help
other people;
honesty - telling the truth and doing what
you think is right;
fairness - to be impartial

2.1. Personality and organization
Highlight the values ​​of well-being, under which
understand the values ​​that are essential
condition for maintaining physical and mental
people's activity.
The well-known sociologist Professor S. S. Frolov refers to them
the following values:
well-being (includes health and safety),
wealth (possession of various material
goods and services)
skill (professionalism in certain types of
education (knowledge, information potential and
cultural connections),
respect (includes status, prestige, fame and

The criteria for clarity of personal values ​​are:

2.1. Personality and organization
The criteria for clarity of personal values ​​are:
regular reflections on what is important and unimportant, good and
understanding the meaning of life;
the ability to question your established
openness of consciousness to new experience;
the desire to understand the views and positions of other people;
open expression of one's views and readiness for discussion;
sequence of behavior, correspondence of words and deeds;
serious attitude to questions of values;
manifestation of firmness and firmness on fundamental issues;
responsibility and activity.


2.1. Personality and organization
Installation is always ready
individuals feel and behave
in a certain way with respect to
something or someone.

2.1. Personality and organization
Most modern researchers distinguish the following
installation components:
affective component (feelings, emotions: love and hate,
sympathy and antipathy) forms an attitude towards the object,
prejudice (negative feelings), attractiveness
(positive feelings) and neutral emotions. It's pivotal
installation component;
cognitive (informational, stereotypical) component
(perception, knowledge, belief, opinion about the object) forms
certain stereotype, model. It can be reflected, for example,
factors of strength, activity;
conative component (active, behavioral, requiring
application of volitional efforts) determines the way to include
behavior in the process of activity. This component includes
motives and goals of behavior, a tendency to certain actions.
This is a directly observable component that may not
coincide with verbally expressed willingness to behave
in a certain way in relation to a specific object,
subject or event.

Settings Properties

2.1. Personality and organization
Settings Properties
relative stability

Setting functions

2.1. Personality and organization
Setting functions
Ego-defensive function through protective
mechanisms of rationalization or projection
allows the subject:
a) deal with their internal conflict and
protect your self-image, your self-concept;
b) resist negative information about
to himself or objects significant to him
(for example, a minority group);
c) maintain high (low) self-esteem;
d) defend against (or use) criticism
against criticism).

Setting functions

2.1. Personality and organization
Setting functions
Value-expressive function and function
self-realization includes emotional
satisfaction and self-affirmation and is associated with
the most comfortable identity for the individual,
being also a means of subjective
This feature allows a person to determine:
a) their value orientations;
b) what type of personality does he belong to;
c) what it is;
d) what he likes and what he dislikes;
e) his attitude towards other people;
f) attitude to social phenomena.

Setting functions

2.1. Personality and organization
Setting functions
Instrumental, adaptive or utilitarian
function helps a person:
a) achieve desired goals (for example, rewards) and avoid
unwanted outcomes (eg punishment);
b) on the basis of previous experience, develop
understanding of the relationship between these goals and how they
c) adapt to the environment, which is the basis
for his behavior at work in the future.
People express positive attitudes towards those
objects that satisfy their desires, and negative
installations - in relation to those objects that
associated with frustration or negative reinforcement.

Setting functions

2.1. Personality and organization
Setting functions
Function of systematization and organization of knowledge
(knowledge) or saving helps a person
find those norms and points of reference, in accordance
with which he simplifies (schematizes),
organizes, tries to understand and structure
their subjective ideas about
surrounding chaotic world, i.e.
constructs his own picture (image,
your vision) of the environment.

Changing settings

2.1. Personality and organization
Changing settings
Most effective ways changes
personality settings:
providing new information
exposure to fear
elimination of discrepancy between
attitude and behavior
the influence of friends or colleagues
attraction to cooperation
appropriate compensation

2.1. Personality and organization
Barriers to change installation:
1) escalation of commitment, the presence
sustainable preference
certain course of action
the desire to change something;
2) the employee’s lack of sufficient
information (including feedback)
in the form of an assessment of the consequences of his behavior
leader) who can serve
reason for changing the setting.

2.1. Personality and organization

By the nature of work and labor activity:

entrepreneurial, bureaucratic,
leadership (boss) and
owner behavior.
By type of groups:

in small groups (from 2 to 30 people) formal and informal;
in large groups- formal and
massive (in a crowd).

2.2. Types of human behavior in an organization

The most important characteristics of behavior
worker in the social environment are:
job satisfaction
organization's commitment
involvement in work
form of joint activity
(competition, cooperation,

Job satisfaction is good
positive emotional state
arising from the evaluation of one's work
or industrial experience, which
is the result of perception
employees of how well
work provides important, from their point of view
vision, needs.

Main Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction

2.3. Factors of personality behavior in the social environment
The main factors influencing the feeling
job satisfaction
Actually work.
Personal interest in work as such.
Opportunities for promotion.
Leadership style.
Colleagues, co-workers.
Working conditions.

2.3. Factors of personality behavior in the social environment

Organization Commitment - Degree
psychological identification with
the organization we work for.
The commitment of employees to their
organization is psychological
a state that defines expectations,
attitudes of workers, their features
work behavior and how they
perceive the organization.

2.3. Factors of personality behavior in the social environment

The commitment of the employees of the organization is expressed through:
improving work efficiency, including
productivity, efficient use
working time and other resources;
increasing employee satisfaction with conditions and
results of work;
ability to manage the organization as a single
body through rules and regulations,
supporting values;
establishing optimal levels of trust and
mutual understanding between management and staff;
attracting and retaining talent in the organization,
workers from high level professionalism,
who have the opportunity to choose the place and conditions
his work.

2.3. Factors of personality behavior in the social environment

An organization's commitment is made up of
the following components:
a) adoption of organizational values ​​and
b) readiness to make efforts for the sake of
c) a strong desire to remain a member
organization team.

Types of organizational commitment

2.3. Factors of personality behavior in the social environment
Types of organizational commitment
affective or emotional
commitment -
Behavioral Commitment
Regulatory commitment

2.3. Factors of personality behavior in the social environment

Individual characteristics of employees that affect
degree of their commitment to the organization:
motives for choosing a job (the main motive is the content of the job, not
labor motivation and labor values ​​(coincidence of expectations
concerning the satisfaction of basic needs);
features of work ethics (orientation to work as the main
sphere of self-realization, responsibility for the results of
level of education (the higher the level of education, the lower
age (the older the person, the higher his commitment to
marital status (family people are more committed to the organization);
remoteness of the place of residence from the place of work (the farther, the
less willingness to commit).

2.3. Factors of personality behavior in the social environment

Organizational Factors Affecting Degree
organization's commitment:
opportunities that are created in the organization for
meet the basic needs of staff
(working conditions, wages, opportunities for
manifestation of responsibility and initiative, etc.);
work stress level (how much work
associated with fatigue, negative emotions,
nervous tension);
the degree of awareness of employees about the problems
the degree of involvement in solving the problems of the organization.

Barriers to Building Commitment

2.3. Factors of personality behavior in the social environment
Barriers to Building Commitment
Poor employee awareness.
Unresolved social problems, social
insecurity of workers, uncertainty about the future.
Inefficient labor incentive system (delay
wages, low wage etc.).
Insufficient attention of managers to subordinates and to their
Low level of development of business, moral and personal qualities
Unfavorable working conditions.
Lack of professional perspective, opportunities for
growth of professional self-realization.
Deficiencies in management and organization of work (fuzzy
planning, irregular work, etc.).
Mismatch of qualifications of workers and complexity
the work they perform.
Poor moral climate in the team

Involvement in the work and commitment to the organization

2.3. Factors of personality behavior in the social environment
work engagement and
organization's commitment
Engagement in work means
the desire of the individual to work hard and
put in effort beyond what is expected
from an ordinary worker.
It is believed that a person devoted to work,
must be loyal, and the person
involved in the work, must harmoniously
fit into the environment

2.3. Factors of personality behavior in the social environment

To personal factors include age,
professional development needs and
development, as well as belief in the traditional work
Job characteristics, most
relevant passions are the presence
incentives, autonomy, diversity,
opportunity to experience the end result
feedback and engagement.
Employment also depends on
social factors: work in groups or in
teams, participation in decision-making.

2.4. Professional and functional roles of employees.
By type of goals and types of behavior in the organization:
– Functional work behavior -
conscientious performance of labor
– Target economic behavior - aspiration
reach a certain level of economic
– Reactive labor behavior -
regulated behavior as a response to
management or team requirements.
– Stratification behavior - aspiration
change status, stratum.
– Innovative behavior - search for non-standard
solutions, ways.
- Strategic.

2.4. Professional and functional roles of employees.
Perceptual behavior - desire
cope with information overload
categorization score.
Inductive behavior - perception and evaluation
based on the value of own actions
Utilitarian behavior - the desire to solve
practical problem with maximum
Script Behavior
Modeling behavior

2.4. Professional and functional roles of employees.
- Adaptive behavior. AT
situations of change a person can be
conformist, i.e. act and think like
considered correct by the majority of the group or
– Ceremonial-subordination behavior -
behavior in accordance with accepted ceremonies,
rituals and existing subordination.
– Characterological behavior - behavior in
according to their character and mood.
– Tactical
– Protective behavior
- Habitual behavior

Human Entry
to the organization is
special, complex and
important process
socialization, from
whose success
development as a member
organizations, and
the organization itself.

2.5. The introduction of the individual into the organization.

Conditions for successful entry into the organization
study of the system of values, rules, norms and
behavioral stereotypes characteristic of
this organization.
studying the key stages of interaction
a person with an organizational environment, i.e.
those values, without the knowledge of which can
arise irresolvable conflicts between
person and environment.

2.6. stereotypes

Social stereotype - sustainable
simplified image of a social object
(persons, groups, events, etc.) in
public (group, mass, etc.)

2.6. stereotypes

Social stereotype "saves thinking"
through depersonalization and formalization
They predetermine the perception
specific work situation, because we
comprehend the social environment around us
reality not directly, but
indirectly, through the prism of the existing
our minds or assimilated from outside
social stereotypes.

2.6. stereotypes

Every social stereotype includes
description, prescription and assessment of the situation, although
and in different proportions, which is quite consistent
components of the human "I".
Stereotypes are very persistent and often
passed down from generation to generation
generation, even if far from reality.
The farther we are from the social object, the
more under the influence
collective experience and, consequently, themes
sharper and rougher social stereotype. LEARNING QUESTIONS TOPIC 3. Features of the group and its relationship with the behavioral environment.
3.1. Group types
3.2. Group characteristics
3.3. Formation of group behavior in
3.4. Group norms and values
3.5. Interaction between individual and group
3.6. Collective and team

The concept of a group

3.1. Group types
The concept of a group
The group is relatively isolated
association of a certain number
people (two or more) interacting,
interdependent and mutually influencing each other
to each other to achieve specific
goals with different responsibilities
mutually dependent, coordinating
joint activities and
see themselves as part of a single

3.1. Group types
Classification sign
Group types
Group size
Sphere of joint activity
State of the art
highly developed
Degree of formalization (principle
Purposes of Existence
Target (project)
By interest
Period of operation
The nature of the individual's entry into the group

3.1. Group types
Large groups are social communities of people,
existing throughout society
(countries) and allocated on the basis of various
types social connections, not assuming
required personal contact. They include,
e.g. classes, nations, social
organizations, age groups.
Small groups - few in composition
group of people united by a joint
activities and those in
direct personal communication and

3.1. Group types
Management groups - groups
employees performing functions
management. The main thing in such groups -
joint, collective acceptance
Production groups - groups
employees, directly
engaged in manufacturing
activities, jointly performing
specific production order.

3.1. Group types
Highly developed groups - groups, long
created, they are distinguished by unity of purpose and
common interests, stable system
relations between its members, high
cohesion, etc.
Underdeveloped groups - groups
characterized by insufficient
development or lack
psychological community that has developed
structure, clear distribution
responsibilities, low cohesion.

3.1. Group types
Formal groups - groups created by
decision of management in the structure of the organization
to perform certain tasks,
activities contribute to the achievement of goals
organizations. They function in accordance
with pre-established official
approved regulations, instructions,
Informal groups - groups created
members of the organization in accordance with their
mutual likes and dislikes, common
interests, the same hobbies,
habits to satisfy social
needs and communication of people.

3.1. Group types
Target (project) groups - groups created for
achieving a certain goal. Upon reaching the goal
the group may be disbanded or assigned to
working on a new project.
Functional groups - groups focused on
long-term performance of a particular function.
Interest and Friendship Groups
(friendly), - unite interesting to each other
people who have common hobbies and support
friendly relations. Arising at work, they often
go beyond work activities. Groups by
interests and friendly groups are
types of informal groups.

3.1. Group types
Permanent groups - groups, members
which perform certain tasks
part of their official duties;
give the organization sustainability.
Temporary groups are groups that
formed to fulfill
short-term one-time tasks.

3.1. Group types
Reference groups are groups to which
man would like to belong with whom he
identifies himself, on which he focuses in
their interests, likes and dislikes - their
also called standards. With their help
a person compares his behavior with the behavior
others and appreciates it.
Non-reference groups (belonging groups)
groups in which people actually belong,
are studying or working.

Group characteristics

3.2. Group characteristics
Group characteristics
Main characteristics
Group process
The size
Tasks to be solved

3.2. Group characteristics
The main characteristics depend on the group,
determined by the nature of the relationship and
interactions between employees.
They are formed during the development of the group.
Situational characteristics depend on conditions
functioning of groups defined
organization. They provide significant
impact on the work of groups and can either
contribute to its improvement, development
group and intergroup cooperation, or
slow down these processes.

3.2. Group characteristics
The structure of a group is a diagram of the relationships within a group between
its members (depending on their position and position).
Members of the group determine the prestige of each position, its status and
value in the group.
Group structure may be based on qualifications
characteristics and gender composition.
Status - the position of the employee in the group in accordance with
position (formal, official status), a
also the position in the group, which is given to the employee by her other
members (informal, informal status).
Roles. Each member of the group performs different roles in it.
Roles - existing in the group and individual consciousness
a system of expectations about an individual's behavior

3.2. Group characteristics
Roles can be:
assumed (expected) is a model
behavior expected of group members and
defined by work;
perceived - a model of behavior in terms of
the employee himself, occupying a certain
job title;
prescribed - the actual behavior of the member
All these roles can be called functional, since they
associated with the performance of duties in accordance with
position and formally fixed.
However, along with this, the group develops
informal distribution of roles, recognized as
usually all of its members.

American researcher Meredith Belbin identifies the following possible roles for group members:

3.2. Group characteristics
American explorer Meredith Belbin
highlights the following possible roles for members
idea's generator
seeker (resource scout)
mathematician (evaluator of ideas, critic)
team player

An analysis of approaches to understanding role functions in a group allows us to draw a number of conclusions

3.2. Group characteristics
Analysis of approaches to understanding role functions in
group allows to draw a number of conclusions
Effective group work requires
only ideas, initiative, specific proposals,
well-founded decisions and clear execution of the adopted
solutions, but also emotional support, kind
relationships, humor and good moral and psychological
team atmosphere.

1. Fundamentals of the theory of organizational behavior 2. Person in the organization 3. The process of perception and impression management 4. Conflicts in the organization 5. Business negotiations 6. Life cycle organizations 7. Management organizational changes 8. Organizational culture

RECOMMENDED LITERATURE Main literature Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I. Management: Textbook. M.: Gardarika, Newstrom DV, Davis K. Organizational behavior. SPb., Lutens F. Organizational behavior. M., 1999.

Additional literature: 1. Ashirov D.A. Organizational Behavior: Textbook. M., Kartashova L.N., Nikonova T.V., Solomanidina T.O. Organizational Behavior: Textbook. M., Kochetkova A.I. Introduction to organizational behavior. M., Organizational behavior: Textbook for universities / Ed. G.R. Latfullina, O.N. Thunderous. - St. Petersburg, Sergeev A.M. Organizational Behavior: Those who have chosen the profession of manager: Uch. Allowance. - M., 2005.

OBJECTIVES OF SCIENCE EP: Systematized description of people's behavior in various situations that arise in the labor process Explaining the reasons for the actions of individuals in certain conditions Predicting the behavior of workers in the future Mastering the skills of managing people's behavior in the labor process and improving them

Results Oriented Approach EP programs are assessed by their results The role of the EP in work systems: 1. Knowledge skills = abilities 2. Position situation = motivation 3. Ability motivation = potential outcomes of the individual 4. Outcomes resources capabilities = organizational outcomes of the individual

System of organizational behavior Leadership, communications, group dynamics Organizational culture Formal organization Informal organization Philosophy, values, vision, goals, tasks of management Social environment Quality of working life Motivation Outcomes: organization performance and employee satisfaction personal growth and development

Basis of the model Power Orientation of management Powers Orientation of workers Subordination Psychological result for the employee Dependence on the immediate supervisor Satisfying the needs of the employee Existence needs Participation of employees in the labor process Minimum Authoritarian model of EP

Model Basis Economic Resources Management Orientation Money Orientation of Workers Safety and Benefits Psychological Outcome for Worker Dependence on Organization Satisfying Worker Needs Safety Needs Worker Participation in the Work Process Passive Collaboration Custody Model

Basis of the model Management Orientation of management Support Orientation of employees Fulfillment of work tasks Psychological outcome for the employee Participation in management Satisfying the needs of the employee Status and recognition needs Employee participation in the work process Awakened incentives Supportive model of EP

Model basis Partnership Orientation of management Teamwork Orientation of employees Responsible behavior Psychological result for an employee Self-discipline Satisfying the needs of an employee Self-realization needs Participation of employees in the labor process Moderate enthusiasm Collegial model of EP

ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR 1. The concepts of "organization" and "organizational behavior". 2. History of the study of organizational behavior of people. 3. Problems solved by specialists in organizational behavior at the present stage. 4. Features Russian business and behavior of people in the organization.

1. The concepts of "organization" and "organizational behavior" Meanings of the word "organization" Meanings of the word "organization" The word "organization" has several meanings in Russian: Organization as an object - an association of people (place of work, institution). An organization as an object is an association of people (place of work, institution). Organization as a process - activity (manager organizes people). Organization as a process - activity (manager organizes people). Organization as a property - the degree of order (good-bad organization). Organization as a property - the degree of order (good-bad organization).

Applied to organizational behavior we are talking about an organization as an association of people, a place of work, which is specified in the following definition of an organization. An organization is a differentiated and mutually ordered association of individuals and groups that jointly realize certain goals and act on the basis of certain procedures and rules. An organization is a differentiated and mutually ordered association of individuals and groups that jointly realize certain goals and act on the basis of certain procedures and rules. An organization is a group of people working together in an industry to achieve a common goal. An organization is a group of people working together in an industry to achieve a common goal. The organization has both material resources(technology, capital, information) and human (people doing the required work).

The concept of "organizational behavior" was first used by the American psychologist Fritz Roethlisberger in the late 1950s. The term took root in the early 60s. XX century, when several scientific disciplines united, explaining the processes that occur in the organization itself, as well as between its internal and external environment. The origins of organizational behavior as a scientific discipline are: production engineering, sociology of labor, social Psychology, management theory, political science, law, organization theory and other sciences. The concept of "organizational behavior" was first used by the American psychologist Fritz Roethlisberger in the late 1950s. The term took root in the early 60s. XX century, when several scientific disciplines united, explaining the processes that occur in the organization itself, as well as between its internal and external environment. The origins of organizational behavior as a scientific discipline are: industrial engineering, labor sociology, social psychology, management theory, political science, law, organization theory and other sciences.

Examples of defining organizational behavior Organizational behavior is the behavior of employees involved in certain management processes having their own cycles, rhythms, pace, structure of relationships, organizational framework and requirements for employees. (Krasovsky Yu.D.)

Organizational behavior as a science studies the factors that influence the behavior of people in an organization and the very behavior of people, groups and organizations in order to optimize their activities and successfully achieve their goals. Organizational behavior as a science studies the factors that influence the behavior of people in an organization and the very behavior of people, groups and organizations in order to optimize their activities and successfully achieve their goals. Organizational behavior as an applied industry provides: Organizational behavior as an applied industry provides: - understanding of the mechanisms underlying the behavior of people in an organization, - predicting people's behavior, - stimulating employee behavior that contributes to the successful achievement of the goals of the organization, - modification (change, correction) of the problem behavior.

As a separate science, with its object and subject of research, it has taken its place in Harvard Business School in 1962. In 1970, this direction began to develop in England at the London Business School and in 1974 in Scotland at the University of Glasgow. In Russia in educational plans training of specialists was introduced in the 90s. 20th century As a separate science, with its own object and subject of study, it took its place at the Harvard Business School in 1962. In 1970, this direction began to develop in England at the London Business School and in 1974 in Scotland at the University of Glasgow. In Russia, the curricula for training specialists were introduced in the 90s. 20th century Wood J. Mastering management: Organizational behavior // Financial Times, supplement (part 2 of 20) Wood J. Mastering management: Organizational behavior // Financial Times, supplement (part 2 of 20)

The implementation of these aspects of organizational behavior is carried out in relation to all management functions, including: - Planning - the definition of goals and actions necessary to achieve them; - Organization - distribution of tasks and resources for their implementation); - Motivation - awakening the desire for hard work and successful completion of tasks; - Coordination - harmonization of actions; - Control - checking the execution and making the necessary changes

2. History of studies of organizational behavior of people In the middle of the 1111th century. began in England and Scotland industrial Revolution, which led to a change in both the appearance of factories and factories, and society itself. In the middle of the ХУ111 c. In England and Scotland, the industrial revolution began, which led to a change in both the appearance of factories and factories, and society itself. As a result of the widespread introduction of steam engines and the creation of other more complex machines and equipment, the way of producing goods has changed significantly, especially in the weaving and clothing industries. For example, raw cotton and wool, which in the past were processed into yarn by families or entire villages, were now sent to factories where workers, using special machines, made fabric from yarn. Hundreds even thousands of unskilled or semi-skilled workers worked on complex machines. As a result of the widespread introduction of steam engines and the creation of other more complex machines and equipment, the way of producing goods has changed significantly, especially in the weaving and clothing industries. For example, raw cotton and wool, which in the past were processed into yarn by families or entire villages, were now sent to factories where workers, using special machines, made fabric from yarn. Hundreds even thousands of unskilled or semi-skilled workers worked on complex machines.

Managers, foremen of workshops and factories, having engineering and technical training, were not ready to solve social problems that arise when people work together in large groups. The search for new methods of managing organizational resources began. Managers, foremen of workshops and factories with engineering and technical training, were not ready to solve the social problems that arise when people work together in large groups. The search for new methods of managing organizational resources began. Thus, an objective need arose for the emergence of scientific management, in the development of which modern researchers distinguish the following schools: Thus, an objective need arose for the emergence of scientific management, in the development of which modern researchers distinguish the following schools:

School of Scientific Management: Scientific Management F.Taylor (); Ideas H. Emerson (); The ideas of G. Ford () and others. The main attention was paid to the technical and organizational problems of management. Representatives of this school are characterized by a mechanistic understanding of man.

Classical school of management Organizational principles of A. Fayol (); Organizational principles of A. Fayol (); Bureaucratic theory of organization M. Weber (). Bureaucratic theory of organization M. Weber (). Organizational theory L. Gyulik- L. Urvik (). Organizational theory L. Gyulik- L. Urvik ().

Limitations of classical organizational theories These theories are characterized by a simplified, mechanistic view of the nature of human behavior in an organization. Today it is no longer a secret that management is based on knowledge of psychology and that taking into account the human factor (goals, values, type of temperament and character, relationships in the team, attitude to the organization, etc.) is extremely important in management. Today it is clear that the success of the company is 80% determined by the effectiveness of personnel management and only 20% by technology and finance. This is especially evident in the event of certain problems.

School of Human Relations Hugo Munstenberg () - created the world's first school of industrial psychologists: one of the founders of psychotechnics; Hugo Münstenberg () - created the world's first school of industrial psychologists: one of the founders of psychotechnics; Mary Parker Follet () - put forward the idea of ​​​​harmony of labor and capital, which could be achieved with the right motivation and taking into account the interests of all stakeholders (ideas of a leader-leader; participation of employees in management, etc.). Mary Parker Follet () - put forward the idea of ​​​​harmony of labor and capital, which could be achieved with the right motivation and taking into account the interests of all stakeholders (ideas of a leader-leader; participation of employees in management, etc.). Elton Mayo () - empirically investigated the influence of socio-psychological factors (leadership style, interpersonal relations in the work group, the attention of researchers, etc.) on labor productivity. Elton Mayo () - empirically investigated the influence of socio-psychological factors (leadership style, interpersonal relations in the work group, the attention of researchers, etc.) on labor productivity. Theories of K. Argyris, R. Likert, W. Bennis and others. Theories of K. Argyris, R. Likert, W. Bennis and others.

Elton Mayo () is an American psychologist. His experiments in Hawthorne (near Chicago) at the enterprises of the Western Electric Company continued from 1927 to 1939. Elton Mayo's research drew the attention of researchers to the psychological factors of management: the authority of the manager; relationships within the team, features of employee motivation, etc. Elton Mayo () is an American psychologist. His experiments in Hawthorne (near Chicago) at the enterprises of the Western Electric Company continued from 1927 to 1939. Elton Mayo's research drew the attention of researchers to the psychological factors of management: the authority of the manager; relationships within the team, especially the motivation of employees, etc. D. McGregor () - developed "theory X" and "theory Y", reflecting two types of views on employees. F. Herzberg - created a theory of two factors that affect a person's satisfaction with their actions. D. McGregor () - developed "theory X" and "theory Y", reflecting two types of views on workers. F. Herzberg - created a theory of two factors that affect a person's satisfaction with their actions.

Domestic science N.A. Vitke (After analyzing scientific literature United States, England, Germany and France on enterprise management, he was the first to try to apply the basic management provisions in post-revolutionary Russian reality to the conditions for the development of large-scale industrial production, introduced a number of important concepts into scientific circulation: “the human factor of production”; "collective labor activity"; "social organization of the enterprise"; "socio-psychological atmosphere"; organizational crisis). ON THE. Witke (After analyzing the scientific literature of the USA, England, Germany and France on enterprise management, he was the first to try to apply the main management provisions in post-revolutionary Russian reality to the conditions for the development of large-scale industrial production, introduced a number of important concepts into scientific circulation: “the human factor of production”; “collectively -labor activity"; "social organization of the enterprise"; "socio-psychological atmosphere"; "organizational crisis").

Shpilrein I.N. Head of the laboratory of industrial psychotechnics under the supervision of Central Institute labor. The following tasks were solved in psychotechnical research: - professional selection of future employees; professional advice for young people; professional orientation schoolchildren; professional education; prevention of occupational diseases; reducing fatigue in the process of work, designing equipment taking into account professional capabilities, and also studied the motivational factors for the behavior of workers. Head of the laboratory of industrial psychotechnics under the supervision of the Central Institute of Labor. The following tasks were solved in psychotechnical research: - professional selection of future employees; professional advice for young people; professional orientation of schoolchildren; professional education; prevention of occupational diseases; reducing fatigue in the process of work, designing equipment taking into account professional capabilities, as well as studying the factors motivating the behavior of workers

V.M. Bekhterev - the problems of managing production teams within the framework of the scientific organization of labor are being developed. In particular, they study: develop the problems of managing production teams within the framework of the scientific organization of labor. In particular, the following are studied: 1) comradely and administrative control; 1) comradely and administrative control; 2) the positive impact of competition on the efficiency of workers; 2) the positive impact of competition on the efficiency of workers; 3) the dependence of the solution of creative problems on the collective discussion of a particular problem; 3) the dependence of the solution of creative problems on the collective discussion of a particular problem; 4) reducing the level of fatigue of workers in the collective organization of work. 4) reducing the level of fatigue of workers in the collective organization of work.

Problems Solved by Organizational Behavior Specialists Today George and Jones name the following problems that organizational behaviorists are solving: How do you manage people so that the organization gains a competitive advantage? How to manage people so that the organization gains a competitive advantage? How to develop an ethical culture in an organization?; How to develop an ethical culture in an organization?; How to manage a heterogeneous composition of employees?; How to manage a heterogeneous composition of employees?; How to prevent sexual harassment at work?; How to prevent sexual harassment at work?; How to manage the behavior of employees when the organization begins to operate in other countries and goes global? How to manage the behavior of employees when the organization begins to operate in other countries and goes global?

Managing people to get competitive advantage(which consists in being ahead of rivals, other organizations offering similar goods and services) involves: increasing the efficiency of the enterprise (reducing the amount of resources used: people, raw materials and time required for the production of goods and services); increasing the efficiency of the enterprise (reducing the amount of resources used: people, raw materials and time required for the production of goods and services); improvement of product quality; improvement of product quality; increasing the innovative activity of employees; increasing the innovative activity of employees; increasing the responsiveness to consumer requests. increasing the responsiveness to consumer requests.

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