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Farewell letter to colleagues when leaving work

Consider the basic rules for writing a farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal. When leaving, remember that after solving organizational issues, you should not forget to say goodbye to the company, firm or any other institution where you worked with the staff.

You will show respect and good manners, thanking them for their attention, help, collective work, which accompanied you throughout the entire joint work.

In the West, farewell letters, examples of which you can find below, have been practiced for a long time, but in Russia it is only gaining momentum, as a rule, so far only in large companies.

Basic rules for writing a farewell letter

Firstly, it’s worth writing a letter if you can’t personally say goodbye to employees (a large corporation, little time or no desire to repeat the same thing to everyone, etc.).

Secondly, the letter is written not only when changing jobs, but also when moving to another department.

Classic farewell words to colleagues when they leave work

Dear employees!
As of August 15, I will be leaving the company in the position of Chief Marketing and Advertising Officer, which I have held for almost four years.
A new employee has been appointed to my position - Stepanov K.K. He can be contacted by contact phone: +7 024 184 23 51 or by mail: [email protected]
The decision was made long, hard and deliberately. It was accepted mutually with the top management.
After evaluating everything, the choice was made to go further, to discover new facets of education, strength and opportunities. Now I want to try myself in a new role in life - to become a mother and start my own business.
I want to express my gratitude to the company that once believed in me and gave me the opportunity to prove myself and gain all those professional skills, knowledge and skills that I can use further. Having gained self-confidence, I now know for sure that I can continue on alone.
Separately, I want to thank the employees of the marketing and advertising department for their professionalism, high-quality work and solidarity. What you taught me, I will keep and supplement with new knowledge. Working with you, I got the opportunity to realize my strengths and the possibility of further growth. Among you I have found new, true friends. I was glad to be your leaders and reach ever greater heights.
I am proud to have worked for ____ Company.
I wish the company ____ further prosperity and a great future. Each of you should strive for the best, bigger and higher.
Appreciate your team and company. Difficulties will be inevitable, but you will cope with all adversity.
If you have any questions, please contact me by phone or mail until August 15. I am happy to help each of you.
Sincerely, Belozerskaya Margarina Alexandrovna.

Cool Ways to Say Goodbye

If you want to surprise and positively sum up your work in a company, firm, or any other institution, then you can follow this path and send this letter to colleagues on the last working day.

I decided that during my work with you, I have no right to leave without saying goodbye to everyone personally. Therefore, first I want to thank and bow low to my boss - Kuznetsov Gennady Vasilyevich! Kind Gennady Vasilyevich shared with me the secrets of the advertising process and development, however, he opened up vital opportunities in me. So, I can now book a meeting room!
Thanks to Anna Alekseevna Vasilyeva, I actually got the opportunity to work in such a wonderful team after completing an internship course. I wanted to say thank you for your office, sometimes I sat there in your absence. I know you won't be angry.
Gordeeva Inna Sergeevna, thanks to you I have learned and now I can definitely solve any difficult problem. Now I know for sure that lunch is a delicate matter, and you can’t yawn!
Bortsov Dmitry Vasilyevich, you saved me with your smile during various working disputes and incidents.
Each of you deserves a high flight in your career. You will definitely cope with the working difficulties. I wish you only decent customers and human relations.
Do you think I forgot? Smirnova Daria, Astashov Nikolay, Kromov Alexey and Zabylova Victoria! I remember you as we start our internship together. I was very pleased to work with real, open and caring people. I wish you further professional growth in the company. You are worthy employees!
Thanks to this company, I acquired important professional skills in advertising, they will definitely come in handy in my career.
Each of you has done a lot for me, thank you for the human and professional attitude. It was a pleasure to work with you. Good luck to you!
And one more thing .. Working time goes by, and I'm still sitting without work ..


Funny Goodbye Examples

Now consider cool examples of a farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal:
Dear! Everyone, I'm leaving soon! Finally.. Do you hear? Since August 17 you will not find me. Why? Everything is simple. I decided that I needed another profession where I could fully develop as a writer. Therefore, I no longer want to do marketing and quit. Now I have a great career as a journalist.
They are looking for a new professional to take my place. I believe that the person will be worthy and you will be lucky to spend a lot of bright time with him.
I should say thank you, thanks to you, I realized that marketing is not for me! But I appreciated everything that I was taught during the years of work at InVik. I hope this experience will be useful to me.
I also want to say thank you to my favorite management. You gave me hope to become the first marketer of the year, but every time there was just a little bit before the victory.
Here I found friends, like-minded people and teachers, and we lived under the same roof from 8:00 to 19:30. I was glad to know everyone. Farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal from work

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